The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 332: If you can do it again

Gronn was not surprised by this sudden situation. He stared coldly at an area. He already knew that the zombie treeman was just sent to find out. As expected, a mud began to violently under Groon ’s gaze. Tumbling, and then a blue-faced lizard head with scales and tiles was drilled out of the mud, and its body left the swamp mud little by little. Goron thought this was a very common monster here, the swamp poison lizard, and the result came from the neck. At the beginning of the ministry, clothing and accessories began to appear on this guy. As his body completely floated out of the mud, Gron finally recognized it. This is not a Warcraft poison lizard, but a real sub-ethnic, and It is also the most special hybrid of Warcraft among sub-ethnic races. According to legend, the dragon race is a hybrid between humans and dragons. ¥ f,

Although the name of the Dragon Man sounds very tall, after all, this is also contaminated with the word "dragon", such as the Yalong in Warcraft, although the wisdom can not be compared with the real ancient wisdom dragon, but only by their strong body , It is also enough to be based on the higher-order Warcraft population, among which a few kinds of sub-dragons can even match the real wisdom dragon.

However, the "Dragon Man" is an exception. On the Dota Continent, the Dragon Man is not a rare race. There are many places in the jungle swamp. Although the number is not as good as that of the Jackal Mermaid or something, it is definitely not that. The dying race.

However, the status of the Dragon in the Dota is not much better than the two most famous cannon fodder races. The reason is that the Dragon does not inherit the slightest advantage of the "Dragon" except for a few physical features. The dragon is as lazy as an ogre, but without the strong body of the ogre, the dragon is as greedy as Goblin, but without the cunning and treacherous of Goblin, the dragon is brutal and murderous like an orc, but there is no orc. Unity and fearlessness, dragons often give birth like jackals, but the survival rate of dragon cubs is poor, because most of the dragon eggs are eventually eaten by themselves. All in all, the Dragon Man of Dota Continent is a tragedy. It can even be said to be a laughing stock, a shame imprinted on the Dragon race. Gelon once cooked a lot of dragons when he was a chef, but his only impression of this race is that the meat is fishy, ​​smelly and hard, except that the tail is roasted and baked. The rest is that the dragon skin is still useful.

However, the dragon who appeared in front of Goron completely subverted his old concept. It is, no, it should be said that "she", this is undoubtedly a female dragon. Her body has an alternative elegance and beauty, and even has a curve that is called "many". Although it looks like a large lizard standing on two feet, it is like a colorful pet lizard that some human nobles like to breed. In the same way, this female lizard exudes alien beauty all over the body.

Although she was drilled out of the mud, she was muddy and unstained. Even the accessories and the concise exposed armor were clean and clean. At such a close distance, Gron did not smell anything from her. The smell is rotten, which is completely different from the dragon on the mainland of the Dota. However, the biggest difference is that the cold-blooded animal peculiar to the eyes of the female lizard permeates the eyes of people. It even shone with wisdom and reason. These two eyes are the unique characteristics of a standard advanced intelligent creature.

"Aliens! You have invaded the territory of Blackwater City, I hope you can have a reasonable explanation for this, otherwise there will be an extra meal for the black tiger fish nearby tonight." The female dragon's voice is very Special, sharp and sharp but not harsh, it sounds comfortable. But the crossbow that pointed directly at Gron's eyebrows in her hand came with a bitter chill. Gorron looked at the female dragon, and there were inexplicably two figures of the Centaur girl in his mind. One was that he personally raised the little Centaur Mayalta. The Thunder trampled on, and that would make him unable to bear it The super fighting genius of inferiority complex, Durandal. Bloodwind Hoof. They are all the same young. Same sharpness, same danger!

There was so much noise that the other guys were now awake even if they slept again. They stood beside Goron and stared at the dragon girl and zombie tree man in front of them. Ma Wen heard the warning of the Dragon Girl, and was immediately excited and shouted: "Blackwater City? This monster is from the Blackwater City that the dwarf old man said. Is that not our destination? We just need to take this The head monster catches it, can't you go there soon? Don't you get in the way, this little monster girl will leave it to me to deal with it! "

No wonder Marvin would be so excited. In this **** place, the eyes are full of fifth-order sixth-order, even seventh-order eight-order metamorphosis creatures, this dragon girl with only third-order high-level is naturally not placed in recent days. In the eyes of Master Marvin who has reached the fourth order. It's rare to encounter a goal that you can easily bully and crush, and Lord Ma Wen, who has been suppressed for a long time, is of course eager to try.

Of course, he will pay for his mistakes.

The dragon girl's fingers were loosened, and the quirky or even rough arrow suddenly came out of the string, flying straight to Ma Wen's throat, but the arrow flew really soft, trembling, slow and slow. What is the actual lethality? It even makes people wonder whether it can fly to Ma Wen by its strength. With a ridiculous smile on Ma Wen's face, he stretched out **** and waited in front of him, preparing to fly a small fly, but he was as strong as the brave man of the Northern Kingdom, Kainan, and vaguely Golon, who was aware of the anomaly, looked tense and dared not to carelessly, but even they did not notice the anomaly of this arrow. This was simply a watery, waterless, crappy archer who yawned and fired randomly. However, just before this arrow was about to fly to Ma Wen, it suddenly accelerated, not accelerating little by little. For example, it looks like a slowly crawling snail suddenly took off its shell and then resembled a wind dragon As fast as the wind.

"This is time magic! Damn it! This guy is not an archer, she is a space-time magician!"

When Kenan called out the unfamiliar and familiar term "magic time", everyone's face changed, and Gron also instantly figured out what the arrow was all about. This completely distorted the underlying rules of the plane. The attack is clearly to twist and control the exclusive time flow rate of this arrow, slow down at the beginning, and then explode completely at the last moment. In other words, the velocity of time after the arrow was first shot was forced to slow down and slowed down, so in everyone's eyes the feeling of slowness and powerlessness appeared, and this forced compression of the time velocity burst out completely at the last moment , Let this unprecedented sharp arrow fly out of the rush of the top arrow god.

Fortunately, it only improves the rate of fire. Although this arrow is difficult for Gron and Kenan to flash when they do n’t know the details, it is naturally impossible to help Marvin defend, but Marvin himself also hides the life-saving stunt at the bottom of the box. He was originally a fairy circus. The carefully selected trainees experienced cruel and ruthless survival of the fittest, and squeezed their rankings into the top ten of the trainees in one fell swoop. They were able to obtain the inheritance of a core member of the fairy circus. Ma Wen was limited by talents. It has not been officially inherited by a core member like Suarez and Tieshan, but it has also been taught several very powerful and practical skills, such as the "absolute guardian" that can be used at this moment.

This is a kind of combat technique that can achieve "invincible state" in an instant after completely exploding all of your arrogance, and strictly speaking, this is not a secret. Many high-level combatants can use it, just arrogance. The inadequacy is difficult to launch and the severe weakness after the outbreak makes this skill quite limited in practicality, but in many critical moments, such as the situation in front of us, this moment of "invincibility" is enough to determine a person's life and death.

Although the Dragon Girl's "arrow of time" is too fast to evade, but its own power will not exceed the limit out of thin air, at least it cannot break Marvin's "invincible", the arrow smashed in Marvin's throat, and the arrow shattered The magical fluctuations in the time when the debris escaped caused many strange anomalies in the surrounding space, but Marvin finally survived, although he sat down softly on the ground at the next moment, his face full of horror.

"We are the last descendants of the great time and eternal dragon. Since you know the horror of time magic, put down all your supplies and equipment and get out of here immediately!"

With the deterrence created by the "time arrow" before, the threats and warnings of the Dragon Girl do not seem to be a joke. However, instead of seeing fear on the faces of Goron and Kenan, they showed excitement and Kenan stared closely. The dragon girl said ecstatically: "It's really time magic! Damn I should have thought about it. The island's time and space are messy. This powerful enchantment can last for thousands of years, even It ’s too unreasonable to be the test site left by the magic emperor. It turns out that this is the case. The power of time and eternal dragon is used here so that it can be explained clearly. If we can master the mystery of time magic, then my motherland Is it possible? "

Kainan, the brave man of the North Kingdom, didn't finish his words, but everyone else could guess what he didn't say. Not only Kainan, even Gron began to tremble at the moment, and an idea could not be suppressed.

"If I can go back to that night and I can prepare in advance, then willn't all the tragedies after that happen?"

****** (To be continued.)