The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 338: Soul

The battle has ended for a long time, but both the spectators and the participants stand still without saying a word, as if still immersed in the incredible battle of Fang Cai. + ◆,

After all, it can be called a "great war".

Although Ragnaros, the "Doomslayer" who came in response to the call of the orc shaman, is not a real **** in the real sense, he is only one of the servant gods where the shaman ancestor spirit sits. The position of "demigod".

However, the demigod is also a god, even if it is only the plane projection of the demigod, even one-thousandth of the power of the real body can not be exerted, but the elemental lord also has the power to fight the strongest creatures and the strongest braves on the mainland. . The orc shaman is relying on the bottom card of this pressure box to run across the Black Water City, although everyone knows that he ca n’t really control the doomsday adjudicator, although everyone knows that the orc shaman ca n’t play such a large summons in this life. Technique, but no one is willing to actively provoke the bald orc, even if there is a dispute, he will not be forced to a dead end, forcing him to cast the jade stone pit man call. Only an ignorant outsider like Gron would challenge this limited number of superpowers.

But Gron won, although many people could not understand the details of the battle until now, they could not even determine what Gron's real battle position was, and whether the blood of the ancient Titan giant really ran in his body. But these are no longer important. In this black water city respected by strength, in the super laboratory of the magic emperor whose time and space are completely disordered, Gron has clearly proved himself.

After the battle, Gron returned to his normal size. He skillfully took out a coat and put it on his body, then came to the dying bald orc.

Seeing Gron's move. One of the drinkers wanted to stop, but the drinker was quickly stopped by the companion next to him.

"This is a fair duel. The winner has the right to dispose of the loser in any way and to plunder everything. This is the rule of the Blackwater City, and no one can violate it."

"But! Our next exploration can't be without shaman, otherwise we can't even reach the progress six months ago!" The drinker was excited, trying to break away from his companion's block and step forward to stop Goron.

Shaman is a kind of nondescript among priests. It is inferior to holy priests in terms of healing ability. It is inferior to great magician in element control. It is inferior to Dark Walker in investigation and exploration. The summoning ability can't be taken in front of the demon warlock and the beastmaster tamer, and the melee fight is not the opponent of the authentic combatant. However, although the Shaman priest can't reach the peak in any field, it is a famous Wanjin oil battleship, which can be used in almost any scene and in any situation. Especially in occasions where there are strict restrictions on the number of people, the comprehensive role that the shaman can play can not be replaced by any other warlord, clergy, or clergyman.

"Sometimes you are so stupid that you can't stand it! You only know that there are not many shamans in the Blackwater City, but you don't find that there is just the best replacement in front of us? Hum, compared to that For a fool who is fresh and has now become waste. Is n’t a shaman with ancient Titan blood a hundred times more useful. "

"But he but is he really a shaman?"

"Actually, I can't be completely sure, but it doesn't matter. It's still some time before our next exploration. Just look at him again."

"Then he. Will he join us?"

"This is not necessarily the case, but if he is really a suitable candidate, he will be kidnapped at that time. Duress, we have to pull him into our team anyway."


The two men talked in the local dialect of Blackwater City. This is a special language formed by combining Dalu versatile language, orcish language, troll language, and goblin language with a large number of incisions and black words. Although Goron, who has five sharp senses, all listens in his ears. But he couldn't understand a few words. However, he didn't pay attention. After a short silence, almost all the spectators began to whisper. Gorron clearly felt that there were multiple emotions looking at him, most of them were curious and fearful, but there were also a few The stock folder is mixed with greed and hatred. Gronn, who is familiar with the story, certainly knows that these are normal reactions. And it is this effect he wants.

Goron came to the orc shaman, and did not fall off him as readily as everyone guessed, and then came a thorough search. Gron took out his magic gun and fired two shots at the orc on the ground. The light green light burst on the target. This orc could extinguish the fire of life at any time under the warmth of the shaman healing magic. Suddenly a few more points suddenly, at least it seems that it will not be extinguished for a while.

The bald orc looked at Gron without saying a word, and looked at the palm that Gron extended to him, and finally took out a metal card from his body, and threw it into Gron. Gron took the metal card in front of his eyes and looked closely, and found that there was no difference from the one he already had.

"Huh, Lao Tzu is willing to gamble to lose. If he loses or loses, he won't fool you with fakes. This thing is just a magic card that records identity permissions. This piece of Lao Tzu can be transmitted by all floors within 500 floors. The magic circle, as well as nearly 40% of the small hidden teleportation magic circle, can also avoid triggering 80% of the trap enchantment. This tm, but I spent most of my life and exchanged it for life. There is this thing, you also Take it back! "

After taking the axe thrown back by the orc, Gorron threw it back again without changing his face, and said, "That is what you deserve", and then turned to Kenan Marvin and others.

"Hello! Boss, you wouldn't really be a descendant of the Titan giant." Marvin asked carefully, his face full of excitement and fear. Gron waved to him, and then walked straight to Monica, whispering in her ear, "Help me, I can't stand."

After Groon finished speaking, he was half comatose, and his body generally fell forward.

The cold expression on the girl's face was suddenly replaced by a panic. She hugged Gron and hurriedly said, "Are you injured? Where? Show me quickly?"

Kenan on the side hurriedly stopped Monica, who was planning to expose Goron to check the injury, and said with a wry smile: "Relax, he is not a big deal, that is, he consumes too much. In addition, his soul has been slightly injured, after all, it is with God 'After a fight, I paid only a small price. I think this kid has more secrets than Her Majesty and the Queen. "

Gron ’s weakness certainly cannot hide the eyes of the audience, but they are relieved, after all, this is reasonable. No one can jump around alive after fighting with a half-height projection. From this point of view, although the group of outsiders from Gron is powerful and overbearing, they have not yet reached a level that threatens the existing order and rules of the city. In this way, it may not be necessary to unite the people to eliminate it first, so as to eliminate future problems.

Several "outsiders" formally entered the Blackwater City under the leadership of the Dragon Girl Bluetooth, and finally listened to the recommendation of Bluetooth. They found a small hotel in the building complex under the rocky tower in the center of the city.

The location is convenient, surrounded by bars, markets, blacksmith shops, supply shops, and a small auction house. A few steps further, is the core of this black water city, where the magic tower is. Such a place will certainly not be cheap, and ordinary residents cannot live even if they have money. However, after the Dragon Girl and the hotel owner talked excitedly, they rented it to Kainan and others for a nominal fee.

After seeing the battle of Goron with their own eyes, the Dragon Girl turned 180 degrees to them, especially to Goron. Not only did they become more enthusiastic, but they also looked at Goron from time to time. It is the unique gaze of female creatures when they are green, and everyone is shuddering. But after all, this is a good thing. Originally, Bluetooth brought Goron into the tavern, and after receiving the ID card, her work as an investigator and guide was over, but now the Dragon Girl is like sticking to them. The meaning of leaving. But for Goron, it would be better to have a local guide who is familiar with the situation. Of course, there is no reason to refuse the enthusiasm of the Dragon Girl. What's more, Gorron's race is an ogre. Although the basic aesthetic is no different from human elves and other humanoids, it has a relatively strong ability to accept sub-humans. At least when you see the dreaded lizard head of the dragon girl Any adverse reactions.

Although it is in a foreign country, there are no outside worlds that are powerful and unreasonable ancient creatures threatening life at all times, and there are no massive warcraft tigers in the Blackwater Swampland. The most important thing is that there are no unavoidable swamps here. With carrion, there is a large dry and comfortable bed, which is enough. After breaking into this "Magic Emperor's Life Lab", everyone was finally able to rest in peace, especially Goron, although he seemed to be unharmed in the previous battle, winning the Doomsday Adjudicator, it was actually just like As the Northland bravery Kenan said, his dark wounds were very serious. It was not because of the horrible explosion that hurt his bones, but the dark wounds that he suffered under the pressure of Ragnaros's soul for a long time. This kind of injury is very troublesome. Legend has it that only one or two ultimate healing techniques of the holy priest and shaman can effectively repair the severely damaged soul. But even if the entire Church of Holy Light is searched, the high-level priests who can perform this high-level divine magic are probably no more than five fingers. However, as long as this injury is not particularly serious, it is better to deal with than any injury. That is to take a good night's sleep and recuperate the spirit without healing.

Goron lay in bed for two days and two nights. During this period, he was only half asleep and awake. Monica fed some soup liquid in his mouth to support. Goron was actually awakened by hunger. When he woke up, he found that Marvin Kainan and Monica were all missing, not even the **** old bird. Although Groon was a little strange, he couldn't think about it. He had to find a way to stop his rumbling stomach first. (To be continued.)