The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 374: Eternal Dragon

"Well, time magic finally appeared a decent guy" Grugers dean smiled coldly, he stretched out his thin fingers, the gray death was condensed again, and hundreds of fist-sized skull ghosts Suddenly flew out, biting at the dragon girl who could perform time magic. These skeleton ghosts are very weird, and physical attacks are completely ineffective. The Dragon Warriors who walked out of the space are basically melee occupations, and the eternal dragon female sacrifice can only be regarded as an auxiliary caster. However, this eternal dragon girl is not afraid, and the sneer on her face is more intense. I saw that she waved behind her, and suddenly several female eternal dragon races rushed out of the door of the space, two of them waved toward the flying skull The ghosts danced, and the pure white holy lights shone from nothingness, purifying more than half of the skeleton ghosts.

This time, the eternal dragon race from the door of the space is more complete, not only has the elemental mage, even the sacred pastor and shaman priest, and the unity is female. The battle is further escalated, and every moment an eternal dragon or god-eye warrior dies. Gron watched silently on the side. He was completely sure that these eternal dragons were not from the tribe to which the Bluetooth of the Blackwater City belonged. This can easily be distinguished from the battle pattern that symbolizes the identity of the dragon clan, but Gron's intuition thinks that there must be a connection between the two.

In fact, it was quite disappointing to see these Eternal Dragons appear in Gron. When the young mage shouted the word "Guardian" loudly, Groon was still full of hope that the giant demon warrior would appear. He now knows his mother, Rafana Blackhand is not a native native of the Blackhand tribe. Rafana ’s mother, his wife Gaia, would suddenly appear on the Haishiwan Peninsula as a complete mystery. Due to barriers in verbal communication, although it is now determined that Gaia intends to hide from him, in short, Gron is completely ignorant of his wife. The only clues in his hands are Gaia ’s costumes and weapons and guarding the island. The mysterious guardians engaged by the ghost ship Rainbow Bird are exactly the same, and they will believe only if there is no connection between them. Goron speculates that Gaia may be the guardian who escaped from the magic emperor's proving ground, so there is a trace of the identity of the mysterious man who finally appeared and robbed him from Goron.

Of course, these are only Goron ’s wishful thinking, and there is no basis at all. Moreover, Goron now has more important things to do. Through a large-scale melee, Goron ’s shy old man ’s attention is caught by the eternal dragon girl. At that time, he took the opportunity to shorten the distance between the altar and the magic circle, and waited for the opportunity to insert a large number of miniature totems. After finishing the preparation work, Gron looked at the back of the skinny old man coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent. Gronn didn't know what the Eye of the Deity wanted to do, but these were no longer important. Originally, he had no deep hatred with the eyes of the gods. Strictly speaking, he first destroyed the other party's important actions and robbed the key of the Chiliano Stonehenge. Although there are compelling elements, it is indeed a dispute provoked by Goron. However, Gron will not care about these. Ogres are the ultimate predators standing on top of the food chain, and are never reasonable creatures.

The battle was further intensified, and the dean Grugers had seriously shot, and the smoke was rising, and he saw a fully armed living corpse coming out of the smoke. This is not an ordinary undead call, and Gruges Every living corpse summoned was a famous ancient hero during his lifetime. Even if they are transformed into undead creatures after death, most of their strengths are preserved. With the undead characteristics of undead creatures, the fighting power is probably stronger than when they are alive.

The living corps approached step by step, and quickly made up for the collapse caused by the appearance of the female eternal dragon mages. These living corpses are completely harmless all over the body, except for the sacred spells that can cause effective damage, and basically ignore other attacks. Although the eternal dragon girl can use time magic to affect their actions, they cannot kill them quickly. The dragon warriors died in large-scale battles, but the god's eye was a morale boost. For the first time, a strange expression appeared on the face of the eternal dragon girl, like anger, but like relief. Suddenly she let out a scream, and a large group of magical powers condensed in her hand, and turned and threw it into the space crack behind her.

There was a sudden silence in the entire cave. After a while, a strong wind hit the ground, and the ground flew sand and rocks. The door of the space was suddenly stretched to the limit. A burst of pressure like a world collapsed from the cracks in the space, and then watch When a behemoth struggled to drill out of the fissure, it was like an ocean warship with scale armor. The two huge black holes at the forefront were like bottomless abysses. Below the black hole, there is a horizontal fierce fissure, revealing endless terror.

However, this is not all of the giants. The giants trying to get out of the cracks in space are just the front kisses of a certain giant. (~ ^ ~)