The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 381: Dark King

The sun struggled to get out of the horizon. Several golden and red rays penetrated the dark clouds and fell on the ancient and vicissitudes of the wall in the black mountain of the imperial capital. ● ⌒ ,.

Its daybreak.

The old airship docked at the Montenegro airport, swaying in the sky and wind, just like this twilight empire.

A ten-meter suspension ladder connects the airship to the airport terminal. Passengers, holding the handrails, walked out of the cabin carefully and crossed the suspension bridge.

Looking down from the suspension bridge, the two are bottomless abyss overhangs. Thick clouds flow under the feet like a sea, as if they will be drawn into the abyss **** for a long time. Some wealthy businessmen who have a bowel movement can't walk across the suspension bridge because they can't walk through the bridge. But these people are only a few. Many of the gods in the second realm have very loose requirements for their believers, even to the point of being astonishing. Basically, no matter who it is, as long as a certain amount of sacrifices are offered to it, especially the Aizhe Redstone, which is known as a universal sacrifice, it can be exchanged for first-level or second-level priesthood, equivalent to half a priesthood. . Many of the merchants of the Dota Continent have dismantled the seals of the first to second ranks of the gods by offering sacrifices to these influential gods, and strengthened their physical or mental strength, which is regarded as an alternative luxury maintenance. Although they are no different from ordinary civilians in the presence of real warrior mercenary killers, they have no self-protection power, but it is not a problem to walk across this suspension bridge under the "divine protection" of the gods.

In the eyes of all, the graceful and gorgeous woman walked across the suspension bridge, relying on her own strength. The group of jackal-like prosecutors were full of greed and obscenity, and only one or two people with their brains still half-clear noticed that the seals of the gods in this woman were not disengaged at all, and the body did not go through the slightest trace. Strengthening, she actually conquered the abyss under her feet only with her guts and temperament, as if there was nothing in the whole world that could scare her. However, the moment of fear in these people's hearts was crushed by more intense greed and impulsiveness. After all, in these eyes, apart from those noble lords who could not provoke, in Montenegro, almost no one could stop them. What I want to do in the next moment.

"Hey! You, you, that woman, come here. We are in the name of the Imperial Customs. We suspect that you have arms hidden in your body. If you want to conduct a further personal search on you, if you don't want to take off your clothes in public, just follow us to the house. Go inside. "

Hearing this sentence, the people on the airport pier suddenly sighed and sighed, handing each other's eyes in their eyes, either full of sympathy or jealousy, and some people showed excitement, looking forward to seeing The playful look. Such dramas are staged several times a day at the airport terminal, and the almost completely fixed lines are the opening words most often used by these officials. The empire's war was burning everywhere, and private arms brought into the imperial capital. This crime was placed on those businessmen, which was enough to scare them to death. They wisely offered gold coins or even accompanying women. Naturally, there is nothing wrong. Or the hapless ghost with too little oil and water on his body, and the abhorrence of aroused the disgust of the official, was sent directly to the prison by the soldiers, and all his property was confiscated and confiscated. Individuals have to go through it again. Bystanders have long lost their novelty, and usually just ignore them. But today, the woman who appeared on the airport pier is really eye-catching. Her dazzling eyes are like the rising sun behind her. At first glance, her beauty will give people the feeling of protecting her at all costs of life, as if this woman will hurt her heart when she is hurt a little, but if you pay attention to her for a while, you will have some thoughts. To destroy her, conquer her, tear her apart, take possession of her, let her belong only to herself, the irresistible impulse to surrender under her.

Simply put, this is a woman with magical beauty.

The woman called was a little stunned, especially when she heard the phrase "smuggling arms", a strange look suddenly appeared on her face, but it was this flashing color that fell in the eyes of the group of jackals It ’s like seeing a fat lamb walking into a group of wolves surrounded by itself. If it ’s not the last bit of self-control that constrains this group of jackals, they will even pounce directly at the woman, even eating her into the belly with a leash .

At this time, a few people walked off the airship. They were tall and short, fat and thin. Most of them were not human races, goblins, dark elves, orcs, and even two of them made their legs soft. Ogre thugs. These people surrounded the woman by the airship, and the dark elf girl in the black robe had a dark face, which was even more irony. She pressed her hand against her waist and held it in front of the woman. The killing intention almost froze the entire airport. The two ogres were even more giggling, and walked behind several prosecutors. They bare-handed, but no one would think that ogres without weapons would not be threatened. It is worth mentioning that although these two ogres are brutally dressed and are not much different from the common ogres and slaves, in the depths of their eyes, they hide a touch of irrelevance to the ogres. Things, that clearly is reason, and wisdom.

At this time, several prosecutors also found something wrong, but they did not intend to back down. The merchants almost always hired mercenaries or dark guilds to serve themselves. The guys who were oppressed and bullied by them in the past are not without bodyguard protection. But no one dared to stand up against them, because this is Montenegro, because they represent the official, represent the imperial machine, rebel against them, and even kill them, but it is not difficult to face the entire empire anger. A momentary impulse means total destruction. The dignity and pride of the empire cannot be blasphemed at all.

The lady gently pushed away the dark elf in front of her, looked at several prosecutors to salute slightly, and smiled calmly, said: "This sir, I am Kasang from the low tide port of Haishiwan, Black City Chamber Della, the goods I carry are the "private items" that the Prince Dior "personally" customized to the Black City Chamber of Commerce. Are you sure you want to open the box for inspection? As for the body search for me, this is nothing. The problem is just to ask you to hurry up. Prince Dior and I have agreed on a time before. I believe that the adult does not like to wait. "

Just when I heard "Haishiwan" and "Low tide port", the leader's prosecutor had already moved slightly, and it seemed that it was associated with something bad. When I heard "Black City Chamber of Commerce", "Cassander When pulling these two words, the searcher was like being poured from the head by a pot of ice water with ice magic applied. The whole person was cold from the head to the feet. He looked pale and sweating, and he was already excited. The endless lower body was directly indented, and even the "Prince Dior" behind him and the few keywords that the woman emphasized did not hear in his ears.

The Black City Chamber of Commerce, a mysterious organization that rose during the war. Each cornerstone of this huge organization is made of blood and corpses. Butcher knives, gold coins, and women are weapons in the Black City that are indestructible and unfavorable.

Originally in the Black Mountain of the imperial capital, the underground world is dominated by five ancient organizations that have been inherited for more than a thousand years. All smuggling, prostitutes, arms, drug ban, intelligence, assassination, illegal magic items, and black market population transactions are all controlled by these ancient organizations. These ancient organizations not only have deep backgrounds, but also have strong internal powers, and they are all backed by imperial military and political leaders. When a group called "Black City" emerged from an unnamed border harbour and began to infiltrate the Imperial Capital, when trying to establish a foothold in the Imperial Capital, no one was optimistic about them, and even few people were waiting to see the Black City fall. However, with several major events that caused a sensation in the imperial capital, the name Black City gradually became known to everyone and formed an indelible impression.

First hit by the Black City was the oldest industry in the empire, the prostitute industry. The women from the Black City almost conquered half the men of the imperial capital almost silently, and the pubs and nightclubs not operated by the Black City were not interested. The women marked with the Black City even entered the castle mansion of the imperial palace. . Based on this, the influence of the Black City spread at a terrible speed in the Imperial City. Casinos, auction houses, arenas, and slave markets all appeared in the Imperial City with buildings marked with the Black City. Brought unimaginable convenience, novelty and excitement. Coupled with the massive gold coin offensive that the ancient giants were tempted by, from providing intelligence to intimate services such as wiping out political enemies, the bigwigs who control the lifeline of the empire quickly fell in love with this emerging The dark organization, even slowly, is inseparable from it.

Those dark organizations abandoned by the imperial gangsters did not launch a counterattack. Although the investigation of the mysterious leader of the black city, the mysterious master of the black city, has never yielded any results, but the three famous giants of the black city All of these dark forces are listed on the list of slays.

After that, there was a very **** and simple and direct dark confrontation. The final result was that the core leader of the Black City Guild was protected by a group of mysterious but powerful and terrible strongmen without any casualties. The assassination squad attached to the Black City, under the leadership of a dark elf killer at the peak of the warlord level, washed the entire imperial capital in the dark. Although the emperors during the day hardly saw any abnormalities, they transported corpses out of the city every day. The funeral car was suddenly increased hundreds of times. Even those alliances of dark forces on the frontal battlefield have no advantage. After all, no rogue beater can defeat a group of well-equipped and outrageous ogre mobs who understand discipline, obey orders.

It is worth mentioning that no noble noble imperial nobles were involved in this storm. Even when the dark forces were desperate to go crazy, the Black City also secretly stationed guards in the nobles' living areas. This is also an important reason why those imperial politicians finally decided to watch. In a seemingly harmonious atmosphere, the dark forces of the imperial capital completed a handover between old and new.

The supreme king of Montenegro, the imperial capital, is undoubtedly the tyrant of the emperor, Durodar, but the king in the dark is the master of the black city, whose real name and appearance are rarely known, but the lord of the black city has never been in In any public or private appearance, so many people doubt whether he really exists. Therefore, the actual leader of the Black City has become the head of the Big Three of the Black City, a legendary woman known as the "big boss".

This woman's name seems to be called "Cassandra". And her most distinguishing feature is that she has a black hair that can naturally fall to the ground and can be seen by others.

Looking at the smiling woman in front of her, looking at her charming black hair, these prosecutors suddenly felt a sultry heat coming from their crotch, they were scared to pee.

Yes, the dignity and pride of the empire can protect them from being harmed by the eyes of the broad daylight. However, for the kings of the dark world of the imperial capital, it is necessary to let these little prosecutors live better than death, and the entire family There are so many ways that there is nowhere to go. (To be continued.)