The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 436: Puzzle solving

There is nothing impossible in the world of magic, this argument has long been confirmed by the magic emperors with their own achievements. Reading other people's memories and even the soul is not an incredible thing, but it also has a limit.

Although the Golem King is one of the top magicians in the "earth" today, he is not only proficient in the subject of magic puppets, but it does not mean that he is omnipotent. If you want to read the memory of the little ogre with the ranks of the warlord-level shaman, the ancient giant bloodline, and the mysterious magical magic body protection of the other world, at least you must be a seventh-level illusion master or eighth-level. Necromancers are only possible, and this requires the little ogre to cooperate quite well.

It can be judged by secret methods that Gron has not lied. He has indeed seen the artificial soul in person, which is already the limit of the Golem King, but this is enough, so that he completely forgets to "abduct" Gron here. Original purpose.

"Tell me! Where did you see the artificial soul, in what form does she exist? Gaseous? Liquid? Solid? Or pure magic? Does she have her own independent thinking? Is she stable? Can she communicate and interact normally? What is the degree of completion ... "

Gronn was not turned around by a series of professional questions bombarded by Golem King, but answered in a structured way: "The artificial soul I have seen does not exist in the several forms you mentioned, she relies on On top of a powerful magic prop, some are similar to the spirit of the spirit or the spirit of the sword, but they are completely different in nature. She can think independently, interact with others, and some abilities are far superior to ordinary people. As for whether there are defects , How complete is it ... because my contact with her is not that long, so I do n’t know. "

Each time Goron answered a question, the magic light rune on his head kept flashing and deforming, but the color remained unchanged, and it seemed to have been proving that Goron was not false.

The Golem King became more and more excited, but soon responded, and Gron did not answer one of his most important questions. Where is the magic soul now? The other questions that Goron answered in more detail only continued to arouse the curiosity of Golem King. Only by seeing the artificial soul with his own eyes can he reversely analyze and study, and then create his own artificial soul, so that his golem manufacturing technology can truly reach the realm of the gods.

When the Golem noticed Goron's cunning look, he knew that the fake beauty who was cursed from male to female was not carelessly neglected, but deliberately did not say that he was waiting to bargain with himself. His magic It is possible to know whether Gron has lied, but he cannot control him to say nothing.

"Say your request, I'm not interested in bargaining with you, just say your bottom line!" Golem Wang took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart. He was not annoyed with Gron. The more Gron looked strange, the more evidence he could prove.

Gron continued to remain silent, but this time it was not a negotiation skill, but he really could not think of the most reasonable request for a while. It was n’t that Gron started extorting Golem without thinking of the good conditions, but he really did n’t think that something he knew by accident would have such a strong temptation to Golem that if he only requested the exchange according to the original plan On the information of the Anubis Corps, on the contrary, it will feel a loss.

Although the Golem King is young in appearance, he is an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years, and he still encountered a bottleneck in the magic academia, turning his attention to the old slippery of politics and power. He saw Goron ’s hesitation at a glance. . If he is patient enough, he can naturally maximize the proceeds of this transaction, but after learning that the artificial soul really exists and is not far away, everything he had before, the magnificent magic tower, the out-of-print magic manuscript , Legendary magic props, charming and concubine ... everything seems to be insignificant as if passing through the clouds.

Looking at Gauron's indecision, Golem Wang snorted and said, "Forget it, I can probably guess what you want. Those stinking kobolds have nothing to do with me, nor do I I have investigated them and even grabbed a few to dissect them. Do you want to know what the result is? Forget it, do n’t waste time with you. Let me tell you the truth. According to my research, those things are humans at all. "

"Human!" Gron exclaimed: "They are not Eudemons, orcs, or humans? How is this possible?"

The face of the Golem suddenly changed: "Are you doubting my research results? Forget it, I have no time to ink with you. According to my research, those kobolds are humans eroded by both dark magic and death. The cursed magical creature. If my judgment is correct, it takes only a moment and a very small amount of magic power to transform a human into that kind of kobold, so I want to create such a huge army of kobolds, only You need a human village and a few intermediate magicians. I have to admit that although there is no artistic sense, that kind of thing is really suitable for killing and destroying. "

"What about the cursed humans, is there any possibility of recovery?" Hearing the curse again, Gron couldn't help but think of herself again, although there was no inconvenience after feminization, but think about her back Such a big curse will make you feel uncomfortable.

"An ordinary farmer, even a woman, an old man, a child, will become that kind of monster with outstanding fighting power as soon as he is cursed. Do you think it will cost you nothing? That is a half-dead creature, cursed. Human beings are already dead, and all their lives are exchanged for power for a limited time. Of course, only a pile of bones will remain after the curse is lifted, and maybe even bones will not be left. I suspect that the behind-the-scenes planner of this matter may not be perfect It is not impossible for this kind of magic to demonize the entire city and even the entire country of humanity. "

Gronn was silent for a while, then suddenly looked up and asked: "Do you think this matter has anything to do with the magic emperor's legacy?"

"Magic Emperor? Yeah! Why didn't I think of it! How could the old fellow Trumps suddenly have that kind of breakthrough. Like me, he encountered a bottleneck in research and could not break through for decades, whether it was the mind to learn him It ’s all under me. How could he do something that I could n’t do? It must be that he accidentally obtained the magic emperor ’s legacy, yes! Only this explanation makes sense ... "

When self-confidence and hope were retrieved at the same time, the face of Lord Golem burst out with youth and vitality. This was not the kind of youthful illusion he created with magic, but the light of real hope. At the same time, Gorron seems to have got the answer to the question he was looking for. The great magister Trumps is one of the seven sage mages. He is famous for dark magic and is also the desert king Xuexi. Shi's professional teacher.

At this moment, a sharp alarm sounded inside the house, and the look of the Golem changed suddenly. He stretched out his hand, and a crystal ball the size of a human head flew into his hand. The Golem looked at the crystal ball and his face The expression became worse and worse.

Although Groen could not see the contents of the crystal ball, he also had his own way. Suddenly the second supernatural power of the different world was launched. Gron's eyes crossed the walls and the enchantment of magic, and he saw the scene outside the magic tower at a glance.

A steel giant with heavy gold armor and blue-black cast iron skin stood on the ground. It held a shield in one hand and a blue thunder clenched in the other. It was constantly bombarding the hemispherical magic enchantment in front of it. .

What is amazing is the size of this steel giant, which is many times taller than the elders of the Cyclops that Gron had seen in the Tower of Babel, almost comparable to the ancestor Gru that Gron had seen in the ancestral fantasy. Yeah. The thunder was not generated out of thin air, but the steel giant reached out and grabbed it directly from the dark clouds.

"Yunxiao Titan Colossus!" Gron exclaimed. For this legendary colossus, even the most powerful super weapon known as the Dota continent, the seven-tower alliance that is hostile to the empire can always stand up to the strongest ace under the threat of the dragon rider Retusus. Those who are in Gorron, a hymn sung for many years in the bard, is already familiar with it. The coercion felt when I saw this steel giant can even be compared with the "curator" in the ark of life, but this is not surprising. Like the curator, Yunxiao Titan is like the creation of the magic emperor in order to A mass-produced final war weapon created against the gods of heaven. This colossus escaped the great cleanup of the gods of the heavens because it was not completed. Ten thousand years later, it was regained in the hands of seven contemporary magical geniuses. Although it cannot reproduce the full power of the ancient wars, it is still the world. The most powerful war weapon, and there is no one.

As early as when he came to this magician kingdom, Gron had thought about whether he would have the opportunity to see the colossus, but he did not expect that this opportunity would come so fast, so suddenly, and even saw It should be the colossus of the patron saint of the Seven Towers Alliance attacking the Golem King, one of the Seven Sacred Magisters.

That's right, the magical enchantment of the constant bombardment of Yunxiao Titan is the guardian magic circle of the magic tower city of Golem King.

"What the **** is going on? Isn't the Titan Colossus only driven by the seven Sacred Magisters?" This time the exclaimed cat cat Fatima, although she didn't have a crystal ball or Gron's The eyes were supernatural, but she knew what was happening outside through a simpler and more direct method, that is, the window, looking out from the window, the huge steel statue covering the sky and the sky was taking a look at it, orderly bombarding the magic tower The magical enchantment formed by the light emitted from the top. (To be continued.)