The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 47: Weak meat and strong food (recommended t

The large number of fairy circus apprentices is very unreasonable. The general circus will only retain as many apprentices as senior members as the backbone of the circus in the future, but the fairy tale apprentices have a huge number of nearly 50 people. The scale, and the number of people are not fixed, often new blood like Gron is added, and some people die suddenly. The management of training camps is also more like training an army.

Each fairy tale apprentice has its own number, counting from "one", as many people as there are numbers. The number is not fixed. Apprentices with a low number can challenge apprentices with a high number. After the challenge is successful, both parties exchange numbers. Or if the apprentice in the top row is dead, everyone behind that row can go up one level.

It is worth mentioning that high-numbered apprentices can suppress or even order low-numbered apprentices. The greater the number gap between the two, the greater the power and authority. The "first" can even directly order the "tail" to commit suicide.

From all perspectives, this is too abnormal.

As the last newcomer to join, Gron was honored to get his own number, "No. 47", or ... "Tail Number".

Although it is said to be an apprentice of the circus, everyone basically spent a heavy work this morning. As mentioned before, the fairy circus at this time is falling into a shortage of manpower, especially the serious shortage of the bottom labor force. For a big circus, the main tent like a castle and dozens of small and large tents need someone to disassemble the stand, fold it away.

Even more beasts than humans need to be fed and cared for, and various large-scale acrobatic performance equipment must be sorted out. The original responsible for these tasks were nearly a hundred servants and temporary handymen, but they all ran and died. Death, but now can only be completed by these apprentices. Gronn even suspected that the dark forces at Low Tide Harbor intended to delay the progress of the fairy evacuation in this way.

As for the official members of the fairy tale, except for the performance time, they usually do not know where they are hiding.

Gron was assigned the task of disposing of corpses, that is, the large pile in front of them in the morning. He needed to thoroughly examine the items on each person, sort out the remains of the dead, pick out useful things, and record the cause of each person ’s death. Then burn all the bodies.

Except for the Necromancer, I am afraid that no one is willing to deal with a pile of corpses, not to mention that many corpses are miserable and gruesome. Many people believe that staying with the corpse for a long time will be cursed by the wraith and will change after death Become an undead creature, and this has indeed been confirmed by the research of some magisters. The high concentration of death energy is the main reason for the formation of natural undead. So tidying up the body has always been a job nobody wants to take over, no matter where it is.

As a thin newcomer, Gronn was not accidentally hit by this drudgery. Watching other apprentices leave with a sympathetic or gloating expression, Gron himself didn't care at all. After discovering that there was no one around, he skillfully tore off a corner of his clothes, wrapped it in a nearby watering place and wrapped it in In his face, he ruled the black-handed ogre kitchen, and the corpses in front of him couldn't even compare to the fraction of the workload he had to deal with every day.

Gorron ’s work is very meticulous and careful. He carefully surveyed each deceased, stripped them of their entire body /// light, and recorded their gender, race, physical characteristics, cause of death, and location of fatal wounds with straw paper, and then The equipment of the deceased was centralized and recorded in detail. Finally, a shallow pit was dug, firewood was piled up, and all the corpses and their previous clothes were burned out.

In the magic world, death does not mean the end. An experienced high-level necromancer can even easily obtain more and more accurate information from a corpse than when the person is alive. Therefore, the disposal of corpses is very necessary, and when there is no priest, flame is often a good choice.

In any case, these tasks are too simple for Goron. He completed the work that originally required three people to do a whole day, and it is not even in the afternoon. It ’s just the pig noodle instructor. Strictly enforce the rules set by him. Because he was late in the morning, he had no meals for a whole day.

Although he is wearing a human skin, he is still an ogre in his bones. For an ogre, although the stomach is very hungry, it is not difficult to find something. After all, the recipe for ogre Extremely wide.

But Gron did n’t do it. He silently endured intolerable hunger. After his work, Gron did n’t hang around, but stayed in a daze. He did n’t want to find clues from his family, but Gor Long knew that during the first period of time, it was very likely that he had eyes, and was secretly staring at himself while hiding in the dark. During this daze, he actually has a lot of things to do, for example, to study these little things that he thought would be useless.

One day soon passed like this. It was almost dusk. When an apprentice ran over to inform Goron to gather, the little ogre, who was already hungry with Venus in his eyes, stood up hard and followed him to the gathering place .

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"Today ’s task is not satisfactory. The scheduled plan has only reached 70%. So I am happy to tell you that everyone ’s dinner share will be halved tonight, and then wait for me to check my personal task After completing the situation, all the unqualified guys will get a few whips as a reward. "

The clown girl gently rubbed the curled whip in her hand, her scarlet tongue licking her lips, and in her mouth spoke words that made all the children feel shocked: "You gangsters, really think you learn to turn your head and throw away Can the sword stay in the fairy tale? If that's what I think, then I guarantee you will not live to the end ... By the way, the new guy. "

The clown girl looked at Gron with her head down, and suddenly giggled: "You may not know that our fairy tale apprenticeship camp may be different from other circuses. Everyone here is picked up by us. Orphans, or slaves bought, everyone here is the dross that is dead and nobody cares about, of course, this also includes you. I can tell you responsibly, no, I tell you here All of you, the guys who can finally survive and become official members of the fairy tale, at most only 10% of the total number of people standing here, and maybe even only one or two people. As for those who are unqualified, I will Not much to say, anyway, everyone understands. So, you have to know, remember that everyone around you is your potential competitor, an enemy that may **** your survival rights. And what you will do later, It is to suppress everyone around you, to defeat them, to beat them up, and / or torment them, the means are unlimited, and the only premise is to follow the rules of the game. Because only the last can stand Only people can live proudly. Hum hum ... The following sentences are really just my personal suggestions, you can choose to listen or not, I will not be punished for this matter You, but as the predecessors of your last term, I can stand here alive and think that my opinion is still very valuable. "

Prior to this, even from countless stories, Gron had never heard such an explicit encouragement of apprentices to kill each other and suppress the opponent's training. This is like training a new circus acrobat. In the most brutal and **** way, trying to train a unique metamorphosis murderer.


Is n’t that what Gron wanted?


The purest power!

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ps: there should be later.