The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 486: "Into the body"

Gron was like the most flexible poisonous insect, scrabbling back and forth on the giant body of the Bacteria God.

The "skin" of Bacteria is essentially the same as the dense grove of bacteria that Gron has just shuttled. There is also "surface" and "vegetation".

Various special fungi such as turrets or Warcraft are all over it, and Goron has to be hindered by every step forward.

It's just that the original towering strains could not be hindered in front of Goron, who was transformed into the super cannibal King Kong at this time. The battle strains that launched acid poisons, or magical robes were stepped on by the cannibal King Kong one by one, just like a tramp Flowers and plants on the ground.

And those monsters that can move freely, Gron simply ignores it. Even if they are caught and bitten by accident, they can't break the body defense of Ogre King Kong at this time.

This is power, unstoppable power, but Gron did not feel ecstatic, because he has weighed in his heart, and now he is still not the dragon rider Retusus he has seen. , And the opponent of the six-winged archangel who almost burst a secondary plane with only one arm. And this also made Gron realize again that such a "gap" is not something that can be bridged casually.

Gronn is chasing on the bacterium, but he is not running around aimlessly. He is looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that can cause enough damage to this super big guy.

Under some kind of guidance in the nether world, Gron quickly found it, the burnt sore that he had burned on the surface of the bacteria **** body with the three poisonous fires made by the beam of light.

From a distance, this black mark is not so terrible on the surface of Fungus God, just like the knife edge drawn with a knife on an ordinary person.

However, when approaching this black mark, you will find that it is almost like a bottomless abyss, as if it can lead to the earth's center, no, it is to the depths inside the body of the fungus.

There was a sudden shaking of the foot, the light suddenly dimmed, and a terrible sense of oppression followed. Goron looked up and found that a giant palm of the Mug of God Mulu was photographing towards his position, then it felt like It was as if an island or a mountain had smashed itself from the air.

Gorron dared not make any further delays and jumped out of the fissure. However, this fissure was still not spacious enough for the cannibal King, who was nearly 100 meters tall, and he had to gradually shrink his body. It's just that although the body is shrinking, the temporary giant power bonus brought by Jindan's residual medicinal power has not decreased at all, but has become more concentrated as the body continues to shrink.

The indestructible force described Goron at this time. At this point, he had fallen to the deepest point of the scorch mark, which can be said to be the dead corner of the attack of the fungus, because even his fingers could not be inserted here ...

The hands of Bacchus Mulu are flapping on the body like a fleas and lice on the body. Countless strains of parasites on its body have fallen into mold, either crushed or crushed, or shaken into the air and left completely Mulu's body.

But these didn't hurt Goron hiding in the deepest part of the scorched ravine, and the fungus-like fungi that could move freely seemed to be afraid of anything, all around the edge of the ravine, but they didn't dare to jump at all. Come down and continue to hunt down the little ogre.

Although it is safe for the time being, Goron knows that he must do something before the power of the mysterious Jindan is completely dissipated. Even if he ca n’t kill the bacterium in one fell swoop, he must cause enough damage to it and paralyze him Or you can chase it away, or wait for the medicine to pass, and these people really can't help but this big and outrageous super ground snake.

Standing at the bottom of the gully, Gron's face hidden under the voodoo mask was full of doubts.

He originally thought that the surface of the Bacchus Mulu was covered with a thick blanket, as long as he broke through this blanket, he could see his true body hidden under the blanket. For example, a giant ...

But Gorron is a bit skeptical of his initial judgment now, because even if he has reached this depth, it is roughly calculated, at least one-third of the thickness of the bacteria god, but he still ca n’t see any flesh. The bones, or other things like biological tissues, all over the front, back, left, and right of Goron are still tightly packed. Goron speculates that even if he digs through Mulu's body, it is very likely that he will get nothing in the end.

So Gron decided to follow his own feelings. He changed his direction, no longer deliberately digging deeper, but moved in the direction of stronger life fluctuations.

With the blessing of the third supernatural power, the Gordon ’s hands became comparable to the magic weapon blade. The tough rug was like soft mud and fine sand under his hand. Gorron dug at an alarming speed, completely around It was dark.

The feelings are the same from top to bottom, left and right. Gorron does n’t know how long he has digged in the body of Fungus God. What ’s worse, he started to feel the power in his body that made him feel like he could do everything The loss gradually dissipated. It has become more and more difficult to dig the fungus blanket. What used to be soft mud under the finger is now hard like steel, but Gron is not surprised, because the hardness of the fungus blanket has been increased not only because of his own strength. Since the recession started, the nearby carpet is obviously ten times harder than other places, and this is only one possibility, that is, Goron has begun to approach the core area inside the Muslin, And this hard germ blanket barrier is its ultimate defense system.

With a loud bang, the resistance that Goron's fingertips had felt suddenly disappeared. Goron's hands ripped wildly, and finally opened a cave in front of him.

When Gron stood up with his feet on his feet again, he found himself in a room that was not too spacious, about an empty area of ​​about a few hundred square meters, with almost nothing.

Although there is no light source, Gorron has no problem with turning on the second supernatural power's binocular vision. Fortunately, it made him discover something quickly.

Goron originally thought that he would see something like a huge heart or a fire of soul here in Bacheng, or it would be a strange flower or seed, at least as depicted in the biography of knight heroes and adventure stories he had heard. Similar scenes, you see almost all of these things.

But Gronn already knew that he had guessed wrong, should it be another **** routine? Anyway, what Gron saw, there was only a small child, a child with green skin and pink makeup, just like a baby like a pure-blood orc.

But Gron knew that he had not found the wrong person, because this child was unusual, first of all his size, this child was as big as Gron's fist ...