The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 492: Start of action

Adventurers with fewer than 20 or 30 survivors are cleaning the battlefield at this time. After repeatedly confirming that no valuable things have been found in the remains of the Mushroom God, they will also take the ruins of the camp destroyed by the Mushroom God Collect the stored food.

The farms for edible fungi and the pastures for edible insects were completely destroyed by the Green Giant. In this world, food is not something that is easy to get. Before, Gorron, an ogre with an omnivorous iron stomach, was almost starved to death, let alone others.

If it weren't for the horned lord to teach farming and breeding techniques, few adventurers would survive to this day.

After everyone has a lot of important work to do, find a way to leave here. What's more, neither edible fungi nor insects are easy to obtain and can be quickly bred, and now adventurers have no time to re-establish farms and pastures. It can be said that all hopes have been smashed in this disengagement operation, and if the final defeats and achievements can only be starved to death here.


"You don't ask me, why did you treat you just now?"

When no one was around, Lord Jiao suddenly came to Goron and asked.

Gronn put down his hand and waved away the sweat on his forehead. A delicate face was full of doubts: "Ask you? Have you done anything to me?"

Hearing Goron ’s rhetorical question, His Excellency suddenly froze, and said in a hurry: “Do n’t you want to ask me, why would I just sit idly by when you are embarrassed by others?”

The doubt on Goron's face was even worse: "Why should you help me when I am blamed by someone else? I don't think there is anything wrong with what you just did, not to mention that I didn't suffer any losses."

Mr. Jiao prepared a long-term speech in advance and could not continue. She looked at the scourge in front of him that could make any man or woman crazy, and felt that she had signs of going crazy, but not because of her appearance, but It's because of her lifeless way of talking.

The most abominable part of Gron is not because he has a poisonous tongue, nor because he likes to attack others with words. The most unacceptable part of Gron's words is that he always speaks the truth honestly.

Just because he knew that none of Gron's words were contrary to his heart, he didn't get angry because of his arms folded, which was the reason why His Excellency was out of anger.

"Why isn't she angry? Obviously I was just standing by when she needed help the most. No, if it wasn't for my acquiescence, the waste cowards would not have the courage to embarrass her, or I just need to repeat this guy The importance of it is that it is almost impossible for us to leave here without her, and they will not be so unscrupulous. The culprit is obviously me, but she does n’t hate me at all. Is it because she did n’t take me seriously at all? Go? Do n’t even care about me at all? This **** little bitch, the old lady has gone to bed with you ... "

Gron didn't understand why the gaze of the little Loli staring at him with his fierce eyes became more and more fierce. The way he gritted his teeth was as if he wanted to eat himself. He could n’t understand it, and he even had a little guilty conscience. After all, he concealed the story of the stone monkey from the horn, and the things that the horn said to herself before, what she wanted to find, eight achievements in this Big monkey.

"Okay! Don't talk about these things, I will ask you one thing now, do you want to help me, no, to help you get out of here!"

"Of course I did! I'm waiting for you to give further instructions."

Hearing Goron ’s quick and affirmative answer, His **** gaze finally softened a bit, and only listened to this young girl ’s appearance in the world, he said bitterly: "Then I ask you, you have already exterminated the snake people ’s territory. Been there, have you found a way to deal with them? "

The extermination of snake people is just a stubborn stone blocking their escape. Their camps are flooded with violent elemental energy, combined with their powerful combat power, they are almost invincible, far more powerful than the blood-tide snake rot and rot fungus serpents that Goron has contacted.

The purpose of Gron's previous actions was to find their weaknesses and find a way to break through. As a result, he didn't expect him to see any extinct snakemen at all, only to find a big monkey turned into a stone.

However, facing the question of Lord Horn, Groon was not unprepared. When he left the stone monkey, he did not forget to ask about the extinction of the snake man and the chaotic field. Although the stone monkey can't move, after all, it has been there for nearly ten thousand years. With its supernatural powers, it will naturally not know nothing about the surroundings.

"Indeed, I have found a way to deal with the extinction of snake people."

"What is it?" His Excellency was suddenly excited, although she had already guessed that the little ogre had concealed herself, and it was most likely that she had been in contact with the existence she had been looking for. But what does it matter, no matter whether Gron is frank or not, as long as she continues to follow her own script, then the final result will surely develop like the prediction made by Master Zun long ago.

This is destiny. Apart from the existence of certain superworlds that can control time and space, no one can resist the rotation of the gear of destiny.

Goron also read a lot of things in the eyes of His Excellency Jiao, but now is not the time to delve into these things, not to mention that he does not currently have a particularly bad hunch.

"Actually, the way to deal with the extermination of snake people is very simple. Although the turbulence of the magical elements in that field is terrible, the extinction of snake people has obviously adapted to the harsh environment there. The secret of being able to survive there, I believe is on their skin. "

"... Well, you can say that I understand, but what exactly do we do?"

After thinking about it, Goronlo continued: "Your Excellency, you may not know much about the craftsmanship of the props on our knife tower continent. Although we are not very good at making **** destroyers or super equipment of the fairy treasure level of your world, but It is not difficult to make simple leather armor from some Warcraft armor. In other words, as long as we can lure a few extinct snakemen out of the elemental storm, and then capture it, then they can use their skin to make Some body armor, so that you can operate normally in the field of Elemental Storm. "

This method did not come to mind, but it was not because she was stupid. After so many years, she could not come up with such a simple method, mainly because of her hometown, the polarization of the different world is extremely serious, and ordinary weapons and equipment are only the most general. The blacksmith can cast it, and the quality is just that. It is not even comparable to the equipment of the lower soldiers of the Dota continent. There is no enchantment to strengthen these concepts.

However, in the high-end field, especially the top-level equipment, that is, the magic weapon of the different world, it will be completely different. The top-level secret treasure of the knife tower continent is undoubtedly the magic extinction created by the magic emperor, even the gods. The artifacts produced are far inferior, and the total number is only twelve.

But in a different world, although this level of magic weapon does not rot the streets, the number is definitely much more than twelve. There are just a few of them brought to the Dota mainland by the big monkey who likes pranks. , And these things can not be called the top secret in that different world.

Inspired by Goron, a new action plan was quickly worked out. Amenes, who has become a leader of third-party forces in the team, did not make any hindsight this time. She even completely ignored those thoughts. To stifle her, to follow the good-loving follower adventurer, hung on Goron all day, just like a particularly sticky little sister or even a lover. Seeing her appearance, who can connect her with the vicious young lady who had forced Gron to undress not long ago to show her innocence. It is also to prevent those adventurers who have just turned their faces with Gron and Sword Saint Alexis from coming to Taiwan. After all, not everyone can turn their faces like Armenis. These guys are not human inside or outside.

Afterwards, the plan went very smoothly. Two adventurers with thick skin and fast legs were used as bait. They wandered back and forth at the edge of the magical element field outside the camp of the extinct snakeman, and successfully succeeded in attracting a small group of extinct snakemen At the next moment, more than a dozen barb spears linked to the tough mycelium ropes flew out, although in the end only the spears thrown by Gron and Alex successfully penetrated the extinct snake man. The tough armor skins dragged them into the adventurer's ambush circle.

Gronn finally finally saw these horrible monsters that made him unable to see the depths of Goron himself for many years.

These extinct snakemen are indeed very different from the blood tide snakemen and the rot fungus snakemen. First of all, this is the appearance. Both the female and male extinct snakemen have a dark green scale armor, the shape is half man and half fish, and the male snake man. Not only is it ugly, but also has strong muscles and endless strength, and some have four or even six arms. The combat effectiveness is at least three times that of the Bloodsnake Serpent.

The female extinct snake has a slender figure, part of the human body is exquisite, and its face is gorgeous. If it is not the back of the brain and the unsightly fins growing on the shoulders, the quality is absolutely comparable to the elves. The fighting method is also different from the melee claws and bites of the male extinct snake man, but like the magician summons some strange flying insects and releases the corrosive green venom to attack the opponent.

The captured Snakeman has one female and one male. What is astonishing is that the sword saint Alex captured only a female, and the male was dragged back by a delicate Goron.

You must know that the lower body of the snake man is directly connected to the ground. The snake body of the male snake man is seven or eight times larger than the waist circumference of Goron, and its strength is comparable to that of the dragon. It is also in Goron's slender white arm. Struggling desperately under the pull but useless, he was dragged into the encircling circle tragically, and before the rescued extinct snake man arrived, the sword was cut off by the sword.