The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 544: boudoir

Gron's palm stopped a few centimeters from the gate of Longbao.

He didn't knock it down ... Although just a second ago, he was ready to kick the door open and rushed in to kill this group of dumb idiots, but when he heard someone clamoring to be a "Dragon Warrior", taste that After the words of "Dragon and Dragon Girl", the anger broke through the extreme point, and Gron calmed down instead.

The Emerald Dragon Ysera is his adoptive mother, and her children, apart from the eldest son Saphilas who once fought side by side with him, whether in the abyss of hell, the eldest daughter who unfortunately died in his hands Maria, the same three-girl old lady that Gron had never met. If the rumors are true, their biological fathers are the first beauty in the mainland, Count Amanda Huwen, and Gorron ’s father is also the brother of Count Hugh, then these dragons are dragons. The female and the little ogre have the same blood connection and are his cousins.

The little ogre took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and then waved to the Hugh family knights who were catching up behind him to stop moving closer.

The fearful knights of the Hughes at this time did not dare to violate Goron's instructions. Their gaze all fell on the broken corpse beside Goron.

These dudes and the stupid Sir James are certainly not unprotected. In fact, the surroundings of the Dragon Castle are truly guarded. Almost every dude was surrounded by no fewer than ten bodyguards, accompanied by slaves and maids.

These guards and servants, who have higher status and strength, are basically within the Dragon Castle, enjoying or resting.

However, there are no fewer than a hundred people outside who are responsible for vigilance and waiting to be dispatched at any time. Golong walked all the way, but in a thunderous situation, he killed all the living creatures outside the Longbao without leaving half of the living mouth.

The Hugh Knights looked pale, and they stared at the dozens of war-horse-like ghost wolves around them, tearing the corpses on the ground. It was these giant wolves who did not know where they suddenly came from. Appeared behind these people, and then tore hundreds of large living people to pieces in a split second.

The air was filled with a strong **** breath, but these **** smells, together with the screams of tears of heart and tears not long ago, were all covered by a lightly shaking blue totem pole on the ground. The breezes blew away, there was no sound and taste spread, and even the murderousness was perfectly blocked outside the dragon castle, and there was no alarm to anyone in the dragon castle.

If Goron ’s strange and unbelievable summoning technique shocked the knights, the little ogre ’s cold-blooded cruelty, treating living humans as dead animals and livestock as a general slaughter means made them tremble from body to soul. .

These noble knights usually rely on their identity strength, and each hand is contaminated with human blood above two digits. There are many warriors and assassins, and even a handful of low-level nobles. Of course, most of them are lowly civilians who do not have long eyes and hit the gun.

The executioner Huwen family is one of the major traditional executioner families in the imperial capital. As long as they are members of the family, men and women, both men and women, will go to the high stage as an adult to carry out the sacred mission entrusted to them by the empire and wield the sword to cut off the first level of sinners.

So every Xiuwen, even the shameless girl with voiceless soft body, is full of blood. Even the first beauty on the mainland has a thick and dark murderous body wrapped around his body. Although this layer of murderousness also turned into a strange temptation in him.

However, on Gron, these Hughes Knights could not see the excitement or pity, fear or madness brought by the slightest killing, nor the mission and helplessness of the executioner Hugh.

Gronn's killing was like a pedestrian treating ants on the road. The chef faced the fish on the chopping board and had no other feeling.

With such a cold mentality, the knights couldn't imagine how much mass murder this little master had to experience before they could accumulate bit by bit. Even the elite warriors who are known for their killing success are far from Goron at this time.

Gron didn't pay attention to the shock in the hearts of these knights. There was a sneer on his face. Suddenly he felt that it would be boring to rush into the Dragon Castle like this, killing this group of garbage would be boring. flooded my mind.

After signaling to the Xiuwen knights to stand by again, Gron's body suddenly became void, like air. The last scene the knights saw was that a shallow figure just walked through the door and entered the dragon castle.

Activate the sixth magical power, open the stealth and penetration mode, and Goron finally entered the Dragon Castle. His gaze swept over the slanting human bodies in the hall, watching the young bodies sneer, and smelling the strong smell of alcohol and human secretions, Gronn sneered. He walked through the gap, went up the stairs, and then walked towards a house on the corner of the second floor.

There was the room prepared for him by the Emerald Dragon Ysera, in other words, the "girl room" of "Miss Golia".

Gron stood at the door, his gaze fell on a forcibly broken copper lock on the ground, his footsteps stopped for a while, and then he walked through the half-covered door and entered the house.

In the bed belonging to Goron, four snow-white young bodies were entangled and had already slept to death. Gron only glanced at them lightly, then looked away.

The room was very clean, and apparently after Gron left, the room was still being cleaned often. Of course it can't be the instinctive beasts on the bed. Gronn's heart twitched involuntarily, and a slight touch moved. Although he has not lived in this dragon for a few days, he still knows a lot of things. For example, there are hardly any slaves here. Most of the housework is done by Mrs. Ysera, and the mother dragon is not very good. The diligent character, her own room almost cluttered.

But even so, Gron's room is still very neat, just like the other rooms belonging to Safiras and Maria, waiting for the owner of the room to return at all times.

Groon sighed softly, his eyes swept across every corner of the room, and finally landed on several people on the bed. Groon snapped his fingers, and a blue totem with the thickness of one arm suddenly appeared in the center of the house, and then emitted Undetectable wind element fluctuations.

This is a breeze totem. It has no attack and defense effects. The only effect after launching is to cover up any sounds and breath within the totem range, and to cover the fluctuations of magic elements.

For ordinary shaman priests who often walk on the battlefield, this breeze totem is almost useless, but it is the dark traveler's favorite companion.

After summoning the breeze totem, Gron looked at the sleeping people on the bed, and then spurted a flame, devouring them completely.

The pain of the flame bite made the young people wake up instantly. They struggled frantically on the bed, their bodies twisted violently, and the pain swallowed their inexhaustible intellect, and let several people tear the bodies of those around them frantically. Under the burning of the flame and the collapse of itself, several fresh young men became corpses in just a few breaths, and then burned to ashes by the flame. In this world, only a layer of black and gray remains.

At this time, Goron ’s ability to control the flames of the fourth supernatural power has reached the perfect level of the fire, plus the shadow of the rule has been touched. It is an incredible thing to burn the living people without burning the sheets. It's not too difficult to say.

After cleaning up the **** in the room, Gron opened the closet. Although it was violently flipped inside, there was nothing missing.

After some sort of selection, Gorron found a suit with no obvious gender distinction. This Goron had not seen it before. It should be Mrs. Ysera's special selection for "Goliya" and put it in the closet. inside.

Gronn launched the "change" magical power of the great ape king of the different world, and once again turned into a soft neutral beauty "Gelia", and then put the Chinese suit on his body.

In the process of dressing, Goron suddenly found that this suit is not new. Although the clothes themselves do not have any wear and outdatedness, there is a special smell faintly on it. Although it smells good, it does not belong to Goron or Ysera's other people's taste.