The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 554: The Return of the King (1)

When she got off the carriage, there was a woman with a tight black dress and a mask on her face, which was the current owner of the Hugh family, Michelle Hugh, who changed into a battle dress.

The aunt Goron is worthy of being the most outstanding figure in the current family. At a young age, she is already a fifth-level war-king killer.

This strength was even a surprise for Goron. Only a killing in the underground chamber of Fort Mandala, if the aunt tried her best to block it, with the cooperation of other strong Hugh family, although the result will not change , But I am afraid that the little ogre will have to win a few cards at a time to win. Gronn finally knew why he performed such an important task, but Michelle did not call on other helpers, because she was the only heavy hitter of the Hugh family.

"Going forward, starting from the jungle in front, is the sphere of influence of the Mafia."

Hearing Michelle's voice lowered, Gron opened his second supernatural power and looked into the jungle. However, he frowned the next moment and listened to supernatural powers in the past. Covered by mist, the things in the jungle, although not completely inaudible, could not be seen. But as if looking at the flowers in the fog, what I saw was vague and could not be identified at all, and the sound I heard was like being in a busy city. I could not distinguish between the words of human beings and the hissing of birds and beasts.

"What's the matter?" Gronn's first reaction was that someone set up an ambush in the jungle and was waiting for himself to throw himself in. But Gron's instincts didn't make an overly fierce warning, which made it a little unreasonable.

Is it ...

Different world supernatural powers use the underlying rules that have not been involved in the previous power system of the Dota continent, so almost all of the existing battleship, clergy, and legal systems in the Dota continent can effectively deal with the different world supernatural powers, especially It is a means of detection skills such as "listening to the sky".

In the past, when Gorron's eyes opened, it was almost unfavorable. The other party did not say that Gorron's investigation was blocked, and he could not even detect that he was being peeped and eavesdropped. This is due to the fact that the other world is not known to others.

But now ...

The great monkey of the great ape, the mysterious horn lord ... Gron has seen the "hometown" of the two beautiful snakes in just a year or two, so where is it not in Gron? There are other visitors from other worlds, and the indigenous people of the Dota mainland who have contacted them will realize that there are some areas of law that they have overlooked, and have found a response?

These thoughts flashed through Goron's mind, and even the little ogre himself felt a little funny, only because of an abnormality in supernatural powers, he could think of so many things at once.

However, when Gron thought deeply, he even began to feel that his fleeting idea could not be completely rejected ...

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Our time is running out!"

Hearing the aunt's urging, Gron suddenly calmed down and walked to the aunt.

The two had had some exchanges on the carriage before this. They already knew that both sides had stealth and hidden skills, but this had to be confirmed by their own eyes.

Gorron didn't say much, just stood quietly, but his body became more and more transparent, and the light seemed to be able to "penetrate" his body without obstruction. After a while, Gorron silently Disappeared in place.

Gronn still had reservations, he slowed down the speed of the sixth supernatural power. But even so, his aunt was dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, you are obviously a shaman, how can you have the stealth ability similar to the dark walker, and I can't feel any fluctuation of magic power or divine power, nor is it the shadow fighting spirit, how did you do it?"

It's no wonder that Michelle was so surprised. She knew that the blood of ogren was flowing in Goron, so she could also think that this nephew could be recognized and favored by the shaman ancestors like other chaotic sub-humans. , Becoming a shaman priest of the sub-clan priests that ordinary humans cannot become.

But even so, in any shamanic priest known, there is no such thing as Goron in front of him, which is so near perfect that it should be invisible only by high-level darkwalkers.

Before that, Michelle did not doubt Goron, but only thought that he had to pass a scroll or a magic guide to complete this infiltration mission.

It seems to be that she would not let Goron look down upon her. Michelle also took out her true skills seriously. I saw her hands flew over, forming a series of complicated and mysterious handprints. In the next moment, hundreds of flying out of her body Only black and blue matte, only the size of a bat. When Gorron's attention was withdrawn from the bats that disappeared in the jungle, he realized that his aunt had disappeared without a trace.

Just as Michelle couldn't detect Goron whose body was hidden by the sixth supernatural power, the little ogre also didn't know where his aunt was now.

The Wuying Slayer also belongs to the Dark Walker branch, but according to Michelle, this profession is more focused on summoning, and can summon a variety of Wuying creatures from the dark plane to fight for themselves, but did not expect the stealth ability to be equally good If the two parties are in a hostile relationship, they can only enter a deadlock now. The first to find out that the other party ’s track will occupy an overwhelming advantage, or even achieve a complete victory by defeating the strong.

Although he couldn't see each other, Michelle had waited so long and was naturally prepared. Before the action, she took apart a pair of delicate gemstone earrings and put them on the earlobe of herself and Gron respectively.

This is a common and expensive magic prop, which allows two people wearing single earrings to talk directly through consciousness, but the quality of the call will gradually weaken as the distance increases. However, with the quality of Michelle's earrings, communication in this jungle should be no problem.

"There is a dying red pine over there, do you see it? Just go in that direction."

Because neither of them could see the other, Michelle could only guide Gron through this method. By this time, Gron had almost confirmed that the spy who had obtained confidential information from the aunt's mouth was referring to herself. Only the dark walker of her level can get such important information from the Dragon Cavalry Regiment.

After all, the little ogre is not a full-time dark walker. In this sneaking operation, neither the experience nor the consciousness is far inferior to this aunt.

Following Michelle, Gronn couldn't help but think of another top dark walker he knew, that is, the "shadow" and "blade" beside the old street boss Cassandra, the darkest of the Black City Chamber of Commerce. Walker, Black Lake.

When Gronn established the Blackhand Corps, his biggest help was the one-eyed ogre Qoba and the dark elf Black Lake.

If Goron is the mind and soul of the Corps, then the two bright and dark are the eyes and fists of the Black Hand Corps, and its importance is almost not under Goron.

Will you see them yourself? Thinking of this, even Goron began to feel a little uneasy, but suddenly a roar heard suddenly surprised and delighted him.

It was a high-pitched roar, which belonged to the ogres, and Gron was able to confirm that it was the ogres brothers who grew up with him that had returned to their ancestors to awaken the ancient blood of the one eye Ogre, Choba Blackhand.


"Weird, the guy who made this sound seems very angry? And it is also mixed with the sound of fighting? Is it that the Mafia is fighting?"

Hearing Michelle's suspense in his ears, Gron was suddenly anxious, and he couldn't care about communicating with Michelle anymore. His body moved, and he flew towards the direction of the sound.

Although she couldn't see Gron, but by virtue of her feelings, Michelle could also notice that Gorron's distance was rapidly increasing, and she could roughly guess the reason of Gron's anxiety, so she could only tell Gron to be careful The traps around me quickly followed.

The Black Hand Legion is mainly composed of various sub-human slaves and prisoners of war. Among them, the high elves and trolls, and several orcs are experts in trapping. However, Goron ’s sixth supernatural power can penetrate the body directly. All kinds of matter, even light, so it is natural to deal with these traps, and the mysterious existence that Gron had been secretly guarding against that interfered with his second supernatural power, but it seems that there is no dark hand in this regard.

Just a few minutes later, Gron saw a large military barracks not far ahead.

At this time, the fence of the military camp serving as a temporary fence has been damaged in many places, and the sentry towers built by several logs are also being swallowed by flames. The air was filled with the smell of steel and blood, and the cries of killing were one after another. There is no doubt that the camp is in the middle of war, but it is not known to what extent the battle has been carried out.

"Howl ~!" Another anger screamed out the direction for Goron. The little ogre flew into the barracks along a gap in the wall, and passed through a large tent with mars, he soon came to a spacious Square, it is here that Jingwei's two teams are facing each other.

The troops surrounded in the middle are very chaotic. In addition to the common troll elf dwarven orcs, there are no less than a dozen kinds of orcs and some rare sub-humans, and they are centrally located, obviously as leaders Or the leader is dozens of brightly dressed humans.

Although they are surrounded, there is not much fear and confusion in their expressions, especially those humans, their faces are even more like a chest, with a fearless expression.

And surrounded by this multi-ethnic coalition of nearly tens of thousands, they were talking about hundreds of tall figures. Most of these figures were extremely blue-skinned giants. Yes, they were ogres. These hundreds of extremely strong and amazing ogres are mixed with a few tall and **** women. The height of these female figures is generally more than four meters, but their faces are covered by a thick veil, but they can't see the slightest appearance.

Nonetheless, whether it is Goron, or those surrounded by multi-ethnic coalition forces, the eyes will always be unknowingly swept onto the female figures.

Seeing these ogres, Gorron ’s heart jumped suddenly, and the next two lines of tears came out of control ...