The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 58: Crystal Lake

Even as one of the official members of the fairy circus, being able to stand alone in front of such a large number of dark professionals without fear, and raising hands to kill, is enough to show that the "Axe King" is by no means an ordinary character. At least it is one of the main combatants of fairy tales, like the tidal giant and the aunt of the volcano.

Gron suddenly remembered at this time that she had seen her performance before. At that time, the mixed orc girl was more sexual than she is now. /// I'm shocked /// Lu, the show she performed is also a throwing roundabout dart.

At that time, the scene of dozens of large boomerangs with a length of more than half a meter was still remembered now. The whole space of the tent is full of boomerang boomers, especially to At the end of the show, the woman on a whim was throwing the audience's hat, coat, fan, and even chair as a boomerang on the field without any mistakes, hitting any audience's head, especially Those scenes that flew back and forth thrilled the audience's scalp and finally flew back to the scene of the female man. Gron wanted to forget.

"She is the" Axe King "of fairy tales. The **** thing would be the" Warlord "level strongman. Why didn't the group of old **** tell us in advance ... Let's go together, otherwise no one will be able to take advantage of solo fighting ~ ~~! "

The war king-level strongman, a synonym for a thousand soldiers swept across a thousand armies on the battlefield, can't be underestimated anywhere. Although the dark walkers in front of them are numerous, the highest strength is only a fourth-order high-ranking night raider, and fighting the war king alone is indeed looking for death. So at the next moment, hundreds of dark walkers rose into the sky at the same time, rushing to the Axe King and Goron, the poison darts fell like rain drops, and the poisonous powder potion thundered as if it was not money, but Goron was a "blind man" "But it's clearer than what people with clear eyes can see. This is a blow that can crush him to pieces in no time."

Fortunately, at this time, Karaman chewed his bones and stood in front of him. I saw the smile of the woman with a weapon frame and a crazy bloodthirsty smile on her face. Her hands were generally dancing, and dozens of axes around her body were almost at the same time. Fly out, each battle axe spins with amazing speed, hit the target with unmatched precision, and then fly back to the axe king's hand, then she is thrown to the next target ... by the flying axe It may be an individual, a weapon, or nothing, but it has sealed the last space for someone to escape.

In Goron's "blind" eyes, I saw the cold light of countless flying iron axes in the sky, like butterflies flying in the sky, and every minute there are several pieces of meat torn by the flying axe Blocks and fragments of weapons spilled on the ground, and the sounds of ding-dong and babbling were endless. This is a song of blood and iron, a cruel picture drawn with life and steel at the same time.

Despite the large number of Darkwalkers, the helpless levels of strength and strength are uneven, and the coordination is also very loose. In a flash, they were mostly killed by the axe king Karaman ’s flying axe. The rest can only wave their weapons desperately. Shooting down the deadly flying axe with a tricky angle.

But with the increase in the number of dead people, the pressure on the living people is getting greater and greater. It was desperate that the last fourth-order peak night raider tried hard to shake all the seventeen flying axes away. Seeing dozens of rapidly rotating flying axes falling towards him at the same time, no holes in all directions from front to back, up and down, left and right, he had closed his eyes in despair, and the last thought flashed in his heart was full. Wondering why such a powerful axe king would join a humble circus as a clown for pleasure, and why such a fairy tale with such strength would endure and swallow in so many days, letting the Guild Guild of the Guizhou Port insult Sexual temptation and secret investigation.

Of course, he will never know the answer. When dozens of flying axe finally hit together with his body as the meeting point, the night stalker who had countless dead souls under his prestige became like this. A slap of meat fleshed out directly.

Karaman's bone-crushing flying axe all struck together, and then spread out like split petals, each drawing a beautiful arcane arc trajectory, converging to the axe king like a swift returning home.

Seeing that everything will end, but at this moment the change suddenly occurred, and a huge and transparent spider web suddenly appeared in the void, directly blocking the front of Karaman not far away, all the flying axes about to return were smashed in On the cobweb, the flying axe that had torn innumerable bodies and weapons and armor had no miracles this time. They were all stuck together by the cobweb and rolled into a big iron ball and fell on the ground.

Karaman did not panic or accident, nor was he anxious to recover his axe, but the calmness and bloodthirsty joy on the face were all put away. She looked seriously at the darkness in front of her, and said in a cold voice after a long time: "Since even the Crystal Lake has sent people, why do you have to hide to hide, come out, 'Nephra' Anlas, don't Give you the names of the three major magister guilds in mainland China. "

"Humbling ..."

A series of weird smiles suddenly sounded in the darkness, and then a figure wearing a black robe and a black mask on his face slowly emerged from the darkness.

"Dear Ms. Karaman, do n’t get me wrong. I ’m not here on behalf of Crystal Lake. I ’m just passing by. I heard that it ’s been very lively recently. The fairy circus has caught something very interesting, so I just came here to look at it and plan to open my eyes. "

"So now, are you going to leave?" Karaman said coldly, but she was also full of fear for this "spider", only when the axe king bombarded more than 100 dark walkers. After so much nonsense.

"No, no, no ..." "The Nerubian" Anlas stretched out an index finger and gently shook: "It was originally based on my qualifications as a fairy tale that did not disturb the famous, but now it has been let I know that there is only one "Warlord" level strongman staying behind, then why don't I take this opportunity to take a good look at the "fairy tale" circus under the cloud, and I haven't seen you capture yet That interesting thing. "

Now that there is no need to say anything, Karaman, the axe king, draws the last double-edged battle axe from behind. She has a low bow and her body is full of fighting spirit, and she is ready to fight.

The "Nerubian" Anlas suddenly pulled hard with his left hand, and a purple chain completely condensed by curse force emerged out of thin air, and the end of the chain directly penetrated into the void, as Anras vigorously twitched. , A huge figure was dragged out of another space by him.

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