The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 6: Ogre and seven-color soup

Although he didn't say it, Gron actually has his own criteria for judging. As long as someone can tell him a story for more than a hundred days in a row, he is willing to give that person freedom. Of course, the premise is that he feels that the person he runs off will not threaten the safety of the Mafia. The old snake woman walked tremblingly, and was neither a warrior nor a magician. The most important thing was that he did not have the kind of bitter hatred of ogres and Gron, although Gron himself I still can't understand the feeling of "hate", but people who know this kind of emotion in their eyes are very dangerous.

Hearing that Gron was about to release herself, the old snake woman did not show ecstasy and excitement like other prisoners. Her expression was calm and calm, as if she had already expected these things. Of course, she might also be right. I don't care about my own life or death.

"Tonight ... it's time for the full moon ... count the time ... it's really just right ..." The old snake woman was talking to herself, bending down to pick up a wooden bowl on the table , Carefully scooped a spoonful of lavender clear soup from the ogre cauldron in front of him, and handed it directly to Goron: "This is the seventh and final bowl. Drink it, boy, The taste should be pretty good. "

This bowl of clear soup exudes a weird clear fragrance, the soup is transparent like purple crystal, just smelling it from a distance will make people salivate, the appetite is greatly stimulated, and Goron, who is the chef himself, can feel this bowl more The preciousness and charm of the clear soup, I really don't know how the old snake girl who was kept in the deepest part of the cave without any ingredients in her hand made such a delicious soup.

Gorron didn't say much, he picked up the wooden bowl and drank it ... He wasn't worried that the old snake girl would hurt him, not because he believed that the old snake girl wouldn't harm him, but right. The anti-poison physique of the ogres is full of confidence. You can eat almost anything that can be digested by ogres. Although it is still a headache for the very powerful poison arrows and darts, but for the food that is directly eaten into the stomach, even if it is the poison of Hydra King Xudra Juice can also taste its taste with relish, so the ogres never worry about being poisoned by others.

And it ’s not the first time that the old snake girl invited Gron to drink soup. He has been asked to drink it intermittently five or six times in a year or so, and the color of the soup is different every time, sometimes red Sometimes, it is yellow again, and Gron never feels uncomfortable, but still feels comfortable and full of spirit.

Watching with a smile, Gorron finished his soup, and the old snake girl nodded: "When the moon rises to the highest point tonight, you will take me out, and then I will tell you my The ending of the story ... "

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Leaving the cave, Gorron has been a little absent-minded. The story of the "Dongsheng Shenzhou" described by the old snake woman always reverberates in his mind. There are some regrets. He is in a mess. He is not in a good mood to cook anymore. He took out a dozen or so prosciutto hams and fan mushrooms from the warehouse. He took out some siren wings and wore them with a spear. Grilled on the fire, today's dinner will be handled with ham and mushroom soup and roasted siren wings.

As usual, Goron spent most of his day in a daze, just like now, he was mechanically brushing the roasted wings that were roasted into gold and red in the fire with butter and spreading the barbecue ingredients. Looking at the sea, watching the clear blue tide washing the coastline, several obese and tall ogres wandered along the coastline boredom, and now it is not time to hunt, they are just to see if they can pick up a few unlucky blue shells Turtles, the creamy turtle soup made three days ago by Goron almost made the **** clash of the black-handed ogre tribe that was originally a blessing, even the king of Mogar was beaten to the head, and all this was just for the fight. There is no way for that pot of soup with a limited amount. Who is Gorona? The secret recipe from the ancestor of a certain dwarf prisoner is so delicious, but since then the turtles on Haishi Bay have poured a lot of mold. A large group of blue fat men robbed and sold well, and squatted on the beach all day to catch the old turtles who came to lay eggs. I am afraid that it will continue like this. The specialty of Haishi Bay, the blue shell turtle is not too far away from the day of extinction .

"Gron! Brother Gron! You ... come here ~~~!"

Along with a series of shouts, an ogre boy with a height of three and a half meters and a body weight comparable to an adult blue rhino ran towards Gron. This is the only son of the Black Hand tribal military leader, King Mogar, " Qiaoba Blackhand of Blood Eye.

Like his father, Choba is a one-eyed ogre born with only one eye. His pale skin color is also clearly different from other blue black-handed ogre. Good bloodline brings the "blood-eyed" Qiao Ba's proud body and bloodthirsty madness, which is unmatched in the younger generation of black-handed ogres, if not a freak like Haku If there is no doubt, Choba will become the next military leader of the Black Hand tribe, but the simple and simple brain of the ogre does not even have the two feelings of jealousy and competitive consciousness, and the profession only represents his own responsibility and work. It does not represent privileges, so the relationship between Choba ’s father and son and Goron ’s brothers and sisters is quite good, especially with Goron, the greedy Qiaoba almost all day long before and after running beside Goron, just to compare Others mixed up a bite of the delicious food.

"Brother Gron, that, that little green-skin mouse, he came again, and brought a lot of things, a lot of cars ... Brother Gron went to check it out, and later, he might be killed by him. Eat them with them ~~~! "

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