The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 60: Earthling

Gron didn't know how the fighting behind him was going, and he didn't care. Whether it was the wizard of Crystal Lake or the axe king of fairy tales, it didn't matter who died or lived. And what Gron does now is to take advantage of this rare opportunity to find the family he is looking for.

Fortunately, the apprentices in the fairy tale training camp must have shrunk in the tents before they dared to come out, and only one axe came out after the battle, so it is basically certain that no other formal members should be present in the camp.

Is there a better chance than this?

It's just worse. Gron is now in a "blind eye" state. The effect of the flash potion is exceptionally good. Gron is now completely burned in the first half of his face, and the upper and lower eyelids are completely stuck together. Although the power of perspective can restore Goron's vision in a short period of time, the mental power consumed by activating this power is also very small. Now, even if he is gritting his teeth, he can only see something intermittently.

that's enough.

First roughly judge the position, and then crawl to the front of the camp of the official members, and lie on the tent wall cloth to activate the perspective ability to look in. Even now, it is not difficult to complete the above steps. Just to see through the inside of the tent, Gron had to put his face on the wall of the tent and then stare attentively for two or three seconds.

It's just that his mental strength is running out, no, it's completely overdrawn, so his perspective ability is also discounted. Although he can see the things in the tent, he can only vaguely see a shape. However, both the giant demon Rafana and the two-headed ogre Hakulili are big guys with a height of several meters, and they should be very conspicuous in such a single tent with limited area.

In this way, one tent after another was found, and the result was nothing, until Goron saw a camp in front of him, which was dozens of meters away from him, but Goron did not dare to come closer, because From this tent, there are some familiar smells of Goron. It is the smell of beasts. Growing up in the rain forest, I need to cook a lot of beasts every day. I am familiar with these tastes. Moreover, not long ago he had just dealt with these guys.

The King of Dogs is free. In addition to this monster like a ghost dog, Gron also smells of bears, wolves, eagles, and wild boars. It is not necessary to guess that these guys are the beast kings raised by Sophia. Gorron can only smile bitterly at the level of domesticated beasts. These guys are monsters that can compete with the fourth-order Warcraft. With their own present, let alone solve them, they ca n’t even get close, just stay in the distance, Goron's tailwind ears could hear the sound of the dog king coming off alert and seemed to have ambushed at the entrance of the tent, waiting to launch a deadly attack on the stupid sneaking in.

But anyway, Gron knew at least that this tent was different. The only thing that puzzled him was that if there was a giant demon hidden here, a two-headed ogre, and a large group of large beasts, The tent was too crowded, or it just couldn't fit.

It is for this reason that Gorron temporarily dismissed the impulse to break into everything, reluctantly turning on the perspective ability, and looking around, Goron found that there was a relatively large tent in the far corner of the camp, and The bronze medal hung on it indicates that this is also the residence of a full member of the circus.

With last hope, Gron approached the tent. As soon as he touched the side of the tent, Gron smelled a pungent **** smell. He quickly turned on his vision and had no time to look inside the tent. He first noticed At the door of the tent, there are several dead bodies.

"Oops ~~~ There are intruders here!" Gauron was shocked and delighted. The joy was that since there were intruders, this tent was really different, otherwise why other tents were not invaded, but this one There are a lot of dead bodies at the door. It was natural to be surprised that a group of experienced nightwalkers all died at the door. How could the little ogre, who was blind and injured, could enter.

Just when Gron was hesitating at the door, there was a voice inside the tent: "Please be assured, the trap has been triggered, and no one will die anymore ..."

The voice was melodious and sweet, and there was a touch of sadness and helplessness in the calm tone. Somehow, Gron only heard the voice, and instinctively wanted to believe what it said. This is not a spiritual charm. Although ogres are greedy and stupid, they are inherently resistant to charm magic.

Inhaling two deep air, Gron concentrated all the last mental force squeezed out of his body on his eyes, and he instantly recovered the light before his eyes. After fully opening his defensive talent, he walked into the tent.

In an instant, Goron seemed to have come to another world. This is a dense forest. It is completely different from the humid and humid tropical rainforest of Haishiwan. Here is dry and cool, the breeze is a practice, and a clear stream flows from the foot. However, not far away, a large tree converged into a pool, and the bright sunlight sprinkled through the treetops, directly hitting a figure sitting by the pool, that was just a back view ...

Even Goron, who has heard countless stories, can't describe this back with words at all. Only knowing that all the world's noble, pure, flawless and beautiful words will be boring and empty on this person, and even full of blasphemy. If you have to find a word to describe this back and the forest in front of Golomb, there can only be one ...

Garden of Eden.

"If you are already my new owner, you can take me out of here, rest assured, I will not resist, so please don't hurt me ..."

The girl said quietly that her voice seemed to penetrate the soul like a clear and transparent body. Gorron's body was shocked, the dream world in front of her disappeared instantly, the green grass turned into a hard yellow soil, and the standing trees also changed It became a pillar of a straight camp, a quiet pool of water, and a large pile of dry grass ... The only thing that hasn't changed is the back that hasn't turned around.

"Master? Resistance?" Gron, who had not fully awakened from the illusion of Fang Cai, repeated with some regret: "Me, why should I hurt you?"

"Why? Didn't you come here to catch me?" Said the girl, turning around.

Suddenly, Goron's vision and world were all flooded with everything the girl ...

She can't see her age. The girl is wearing a simple white dress, and the blonde hair dangling like a waterfall shines with a gorgeous and charming light. Her white and tender skin has inhuman fineness and whiteness. In addition to a white dress, the girl There was nothing on her body, no shoes, no jewelry, not even a hair band that tied her hair, but on the girl ’s face, white bandages filled with dense runes, but tightly closed her eyes and forehead above the tip of her nose Wrapped around, where it should be the position of the eyes, there was also a spot of blood.

Although she couldn't see her eyes, but only by the exposed part, Gron knew that there was a mother who was no less beautiful than her own, the worldly elf of the giant demon Rafana.

In fact, if it was n’t for Groon to accompany the giant demon every day, then he opened the perspective ability, and accidentally looked at the moment of the girl ’s soul essence, I am afraid that she will always be in her soul world, unable to extricate herself .

"No, I ... I went wrong ..." Faced with the girl's question, Gron replied dumbly: "I, I'm just an apprentice."

"So, are you also a fairy tale person?" The girl's voice was joyless and sad, just a faint statement.

Gronn gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, since yesterday."

"So ... are you free to chat with me for a while?" The girl's voice was suddenly excited, full of a hint of expectation: "I haven't spoken to anyone for a long time."

"I ... I actually have other ... things ..."

"... Oh ..." The girl's indifferent face dropped, her head bowed and said weakly: "Okay, then you busy yours ..."

Gorron had a sudden headache, which was caused by a variety of reasons, including severe overdraft in mental power, physical and mental exhaustion, and a reason Gorron might not even be aware of.

So when he could see the last thing in his eyes, he stepped forward and sat down heavily on the mat next to the girl. At this time, Goron had completely returned to normal, and the ogre could do it without predation. The racial instinct to live in harmony with any other race made him not consider the girl as an awe or avoiding existence. Gorron liked the smell of forests, streams and sunlight from the girl. This feeling made him feel After leaving his home, for the first time he had a state of mind where he could relax.

Goron, who was full of measure, ended up lying on her knees directly in the slightly amazed voice of the girl, and said with a little laziness: "Ah ... I have forgotten, my eyes are now I ca n’t see anything anymore, hehe, just like you, so I ca n’t go now, I just want to talk, but in fact, I also like to chat with people. "

The girl ’s exclamation passed quickly, with a warm smile on her face, gently stroking the short hair on Gauron ’s head, and said softly: "You are not the same as ... other people, if, if I can Meet you......"

"Before? Meeting me? What will happen?" Groon's head buzzed, which is a side effect of severe overdraft of mental power. The poison on the face has penetrated into the skin and is eating with the people in Groon's body. The blood of the demon fights for a desperate battle, which will naturally bring great pain to Goron, but for Goron, who suffers from the endless torture of seven little snakes every night, such pain is completely within the range of endurance, he even * * No need.

"If I can meet you before, maybe, I won't be hurt so much ..."

"... Can you tell me about it?"

"... Forget it, it's rare that I will be happy for a while today, why should I mention those unpleasant things. Hmm ... will you tell a story?"

"It's too good." This is Gron's most proud specialty, still above his cooking skills.

"What kind of story do you want to hear?"

"Well ... there is that, is there a kind of story that tells the family? I ... I have no family since I was a child ... I want to know that with family, it would be What kind of feeling ... "

Groon's heart trembles, he strongly suppresses the thoughts of his family that are surging in his heart, and after calming down his mind, he gently tells ...

"In the past, there was a happy child ..."

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