The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 600: Taboo power

Goron's blood sea totem array, combined with the ultra-long blood strips of the black-handed ogre family's strong and resistant grooves, and the thick skin and thick knots, this is almost an immortal monster army.

As long as it is not a fatal lore attack, the other damage falls on this group of strange monsters with green skin Goblin on the outside but blue fat on the inside, and may not have waited for the second attack to fall, the first attack caused Has been healed.

The most miserable is the children of talents who mainly focus on continuous damage skills. Their spells of curse, scorching, corrosion, poison curse, etc., under the scouring of countless waves of blood, even give blue Fat people can't do it.

If it were not for the experienced General Zuo De who issued the order in time and shifted the focus of the attack to those totem poles, it was not impossible for this battle to be overturned by the little ogre group.

Although the Goblin Legions are brave and brave, their comprehensive strength is still a long distance from those talented children, especially when Zuo De entered the battlefield again, and rooted the totem poles that exuded a **** wave. After the destruction, Gron had to face the emperor's **** again.

The little ogre incarnate into King Kong, his time for initiating blood rage has already exceeded the warning line. At this time, his reason has completely sunk to the bottom of the sea of ​​heart. The last trace of clarity that is left is to The target of his attack is preferentially selected on the emperor ** God who is approaching step by step.

"Howl ~!"

Ogre King Kong held a huge totem with a diameter of more than four meters and a length of nearly twenty meters long to the left. He managed to lose all wisdom, but the power of the shaman ancestor spirit was still sheltering the little ogre, this huge totem The force of violent and disordered elements lingering on the column, especially the water element, is like compressing a storm and tsunami in this blow.

Faced with an offensive that was enough to blow off half of the small fortress in one blow, the general snorted, and a golden God of War ghost with only the upper body appeared on him. The ghost was almost bigger than the pirate King Kong, just a left The fist broke the totem pole, and then a right fist fell deeply into the chest of the ogre. The invincible body of King Kong, the third supernatural power of the other world, seems to be paper-faced in front of this punch.

"It's so hard! What is this? Is it" Ultimate Petrified Skin "? Or is it a super-sixth-level shaman divine" Bimeng's Power "? Damn, how many cards does this dead kid hide?"

The great victory on the surface, the general Zuo De who defeated the cannibal King Kong in one fell swoop, did not seem to be as easy as it seemed on the surface. This was from the collapse of the God of War, which immediately fell back and back behind him. It can be seen from the palm of dripping blood.

Then Goron's "counterattack" came ...

The giant with a deep hollow in his chest sipped his thick black blood, and squirted his head towards Zuo De. The general did not care much at the beginning. Those dirty things that he thought were a mixture of blood and internal organ fragments would naturally bounce off when he struck his body. However, when his grudge touched these black blood moments The general's face suddenly changed suddenly. His original calm figure jumped away like a frightened wild cat, and he instantly retreated back out of the battle circle.

Everyone discovered the strange behavior of the general. Joshua was the first to get rid of the sword saint Alex who was entangled with himself, and withdrew from the battle to return to the general. The worried eyes fell on the general. Among those talented children, it seems that only this leader has normal human thinking and emotions.

"I'm fine." The general waved his hand, the expression on his face had returned to normal, but there was still a strange green in the center of his eyebrows.

"End the battle immediately, and I will allow you to pick a few talented children to unlock the seal and use the power of taboo to wipe out everyone here. Together with Prince Dior."

"What! Isn't it necessary to confront all the imperial nobles including the royal family? Isn't that kind of power only available when the" that ship "is unsealed? Use it now, not let it Has our long-cherished long-cherished wish come to nothing? "

"If we don't solve them now, then we have no future!" Zuo De lowered his voice, but stopped Joshua's dissuasion with extremely severe tone, and then sent the voice directly to Joshua's voice with grudge. In my ear: "I was careless just now, and I was hit by the little monster's" Poison of the God of Killing ". Now I can only suppress the outbreak of toxins. I stand very reluctantly.

Joshua was completely dumbfounded by the words of the General. He looked at the little ogre that had been beaten back to its original shape, and his life and death unknown, and he murmured in disbelief: "How is this possible?" 'Poison of God'? A humble abandoned son, a dirty, **** hybrid, how could there be the venom of the legendary seventh-order Warcraft Hydera? "

"Is it just the poisonousness of Tier 7 Warcraft? If that is the case, maybe I'm lucky ..." A bitterness and bitterness appeared on Zuo De's face, but he didn't say everything in his heart. How powerful is it, only he knows it best.

But now is not the time to study this. He turned to Joshua and said: "The matter of that ship has caused Prince Dior's suspicion. If we let him bring this information back to the royal family, the skeleton will be completely That ’s it. This is the last limit of the lunatic emperor in Durotar. If you let him know that we are hitting the ship, he will desperately fight with the skeleton, even if the empire will be destroyed. He won't care. "

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Joshua's face also became severe. He looked at Zuo De and asked with a complex expression: "So, how many people need to exert the power of taboos? Will it affect the ultimate task afterwards? You know, it can only be used once. No matter what the result is, those talented children will die. "

"... ten, it should be enough."

After being authorized by Zuo De, Joshua looked at the battlefield with a complex face, and then selected a few of the children he usually looked at. Even so, he was very heartbroken, not out of conscience and friendship. You know that although he does not have to suffer the pain of cleaning and reshaping the soul for some reasons, he is essentially no different from those gifted children, only a "key".

In the following mission, if the steps to open the seal are all going well, these talented children are enough, then he does not need to sacrifice, but on the contrary, if those talented children die and the seal cannot be unlocked, then no matter what he has This kind of identity, in the end, is also inevitable. After all, compared with that ship, even General Zuode himself is only a tool to complete the task.

In other words, the more these gifted children die here, the closer Joshua himself is to death.

Suicide is among those selected by Joshua, including Suya Lace.

In a short period of time, the Cannibal Vajrayana was transformed twice, and was repeatedly hit hard, and Gron is now suffering from a terrible injury. I remember the last time he suffered such a serious injury, still in the illusion of space and time. At that time, if it was not the mysterious giant demon warrior Gaia, he successfully hunted the giant sea **** in the postpartum weakness, and nourished Goron ’s body and body with her magic crystal Soul, the little ogre has long been dead.

This time the injury was more than that, but Gorron ’s situation was not as bad as expected. The fist-sized body of the little whale appeared again, swimming around her “mother”. , A whale singing like weeping in the mouth. Her body was enveloped by a blue halo, and her body was translucent. With her cry of sorrow, Groon's body also rose in a blue halo, followed by a majestic vitality, the body of the little ogre began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, never had He had been able to open his eyes for a long time. Although still very weak, he was able to stand up again with the help of Aunt Michelle.

Gronn ’s sobriety and Zuo De ’s retreat are undoubtedly a potent stimulant for himself. From Michelle ’s eyes, the light of hope has begun to show, but at this time, a black hand ogre The young man in the battle suddenly gave a painful hissing in her mouth, and her body also swelled with a balloon at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, but it was different from the transformation of Goron ’s cannibal King Kong. As she swelled, the young man ’s body was also twisted and deformed. On the chest, each side grew a twisted face, plus eight octopus-like tentacles growing from behind her, making a common Ordinary human beings, in a blink of an eye, become horrible monsters that only appear in nightmares.

Goblin, caught in the tentacles of the octopus, was sent to the two giant mouths of the monster's chest at the next moment, and after only a few clicks, it was bitten into pieces and divided into pieces. Before Goron's reaction came, several talented children's bodies changed, and several blackhand ogre warriors were slaughtered in succession.

These monsters are like the result of dividing the ugliest parts of several kinds of Warcraft and combining them with the human body. Moreover, their attacks no longer make any difference. Those nobles who hid in the sidelines were also involved in this attack and were massacred. There is also a fish head wolf body, a monster with four legs under him rushes towards Prince Dior.

The royal strongman who fought against the half-man Madurandal suddenly became anxious and wanted to withdraw from the rescue. Originally, he didn't have much hope. Their opponents were too weird and powerful. Obviously, the strength of the opponents were his own. However, for some reason, he fights with his hands, and even the sanctuary level of strength is played to half. Not coming out.