The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 606: Really no regrets?

Looking at the slowly closed eyes, Gron slowly stood up slowly. There was no sympathy or sympathy in his face, nor was there any sadness or pain.

There is only something far deeper and darker than hatred, anger, and sadness.

Just like the quiet earth, if you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe that in the deepest part of this peaceful earth, in the core of the earth, there is the most violent and terrible destructive power in the world.

"You! Emerald Dragon Ysera ... my second mother. Do you really have no longer any attachment to this world, no longer any wish? You really have no words to say, meet people ?"

Gron's voice was very calm, he just asked gently in the ear of the dragon, with no emotion or any sense of inducement. He just ... finally confirmed his mother, her true intentions.


With two simple words, the Emerald Dragon Ysera originally thought she could say it very easily and naturally. Then he slowly walked towards peace and relief.

However, she was wrong. Before Gorona's calm face, Her Royal Highness Princess Princess felt that she could only speak out the true words from her heart and soul.

But does she really have any attachment?

There is really no unfinished wish ...

Are there any regrets?

"No ~~~!"

Finally, the dying dragon made a last heartbreaking hiss, and she abandoned the false cover-up, the helpless forgiveness, and those unbreakable wishes.

"I ... I don't want to die! I like the human world, I like the human life! Although humans don't like me, but not all, I have a human lover, and I have a human son! I want to use My hands hug you tightly! Kiss you, my Goliath! I want to say sorry to Retusus seriously! It is my fault, my waywardness, my innocence, my Whimsical! It will make you so painful! Just to play with me and bury your youth and love! I also ... I still want to protect my two stupid children, if they go on like this, they will go to destruction like this of!"

The dragon raised her head back to the light, she closed her eyes tightly, but the big tears rolled out of the corners of her eyes, sliding down the ground along the scales on her body.

"Okay ... Your true heart, I received it, and your life, I carried it!"

At the next moment, Gron did something that no one could have expected. He grabbed the blade of grudge in the hands of Alex, and inserted it directly into the Emerald Dragon before it dissipated. Sera's counterscale.

Under the reverse scale, it is the place where the dragon essence's magic essence gathers, and it is also their most deadly key point, only a unique scale is protected. Before that piece of anti-scale has been cruelly removed by the dragon Sapphiras, the blood and flesh below was also messed up by the blade, which is miserable, but their purpose is to squeeze the anti-scale holy blood of the Emerald Dragon, Did not die.

And now, the deadly point was completely pierced by Gron, and Ysera's crumbling last line of life was finally completely cut off.

Once the most beautiful dragon princess of the entire dragon family, at this time, she kept the sorrowful attitude of the sky and stopped breathing forever.


I wonder how long this strange silence lasted, and finally it was General Zuo De who made a noise to end it.

"You have also seen the situation, Ysera was not killed by me, the murderer, is her pair of evil sons. If you want to take revenge, go chase the two young dragons. Then now, you can leave here "Zuo De said this, and Joshua next to him suddenly showed an incredible expression, apparently wondering why Zuo De would let these **** **** go at this time.

He certainly knew that Zuo De still had unclear severity of the poisonous wounds, but the Emerald Dragon Ysera was dead, and the last few drops of the anti-scale holy blood also sprinkled on Goron. Their mission was thorough Failed, if you do n’t take down the perpetrators in front of you, how do you account to the old immortal guys afterwards?

Although he wanted to stop Zuo De, Joshua suffered so much damage today, first Gron and then Safiras, so that even his confidence was severely hit, even the courage to speak loudly .

Zuo De ignored Joshua with a strange face on his side, but quietly looked at Goron and Prince Dior, and sneered: "Why, you do n’t want to help this dragon collect corpses? Okay, if you are I will not be able to take this Roshan away from here, but I also want to warn you that this dragon, the blood, meat, skin, bones, and dragon crystals on her body are all pre-ordered Even if you can really take this meat mountain away from Snow Lion Castle, you will also face various interceptions and obstructions, including me. "

When he said this, Zuo De's heart was also helpless. Gorron's poison was still eroding his body, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Although it is possible to keep all these people in front of him now, but he lost the last chance to heal, the price he paid is probably his life.

Although the mission of the Skeleton Society failed, as the deepest secret association in the Empire, the Skeleton Society did not really find an alternative solution, but it was no longer perfect. The most important thing now is to leave this dragon's body. The dragon family is full of treasure, even if the most precious anti-scale holy blood has been lost, but the other parts are still invaluable. What's more, it is he who really needs the anti-scale holy blood, and what the skeleton will have to prepare for that ultimate mission is the dragon blood of a large number of high-level dragons.

Ysera ’s dragon form is said to weigh thousands of tons, and Zuo De does not believe that the group of injured and tired guys in front of him can easily transport it away without super-large transportation vehicles. As long as they left here, they immediately mobilized heavy soldiers to turn Snow Lion Castle into a military fortress. That is if they want to come in, it is tantamount to declaring war directly on the empire.

As for Prince Dior, Zuo De believes that he has established a good understanding with him. As long as he doesn't touch his bottom line, he won't interfere.

However, when Zuo De thought twice about the response and rescue measures, he had always turned his back on him, and the silent Goron suddenly made a new move.

I saw the little ogre swiftly raise his arms, and then a pure gold, incomparably thick and solemn, full of city gate-sized books appeared and suspended above his head.

The ancient book slowly opened, and every page turned, it seemed that a different dragon chant sounded deep in the soul of everyone. The whole ancient book seems to be written by the soul of countless ancient dragons.

When the ancient book finally stopped turning, a ray of light spilled from the pages of the book, directly over the dragon body of the emerald dragon Ysera. Under the ray of light, Ysera's entire body seemed to become transparent .

Then I saw that Gron took out the green rod that was changed by the life-saving giant ape king and inserted it on the ground, and the dragon's continuously blurred body suddenly turned into countless colorful light particles, flying to the green rod and integrated into it .

"No! You can't do this!"

Although I didn't know what Gron was doing, I was a little stunned by the giant book that appeared out of thin air before, but when Zuo De discovered that the dragon's body was disappearing quickly, he finally stopped by conditioned reflex.

However, although he wanted to move, he suddenly found that his body couldn't even move a finger.

It was only at this time that Zuo De discovered that he didn't know when he was in a certain field, and it was still at a high level of rule authority. He couldn't even fight the field he wanted.

Whose field is this? Is it Dior? Or Alex? Or is that **** hybrid?

No, neither! In which field was this book released?

What a joke? How can there be objects that can own their own domain ...

No, it seems to be true. The Skull and Bones will be exhausting all resources and pursuing the thing they are striving for at any cost. Isn't the legend also having their own sacred realm?

Is this book the same as that thing, also ...

Looking at the huge ancient books like golden gates floating in mid-air, an unbelievable, yet familiar one, I never knew how many epic books I heard the names appear in my mind.

"God extinguishes ..." The Dragon Slayer's Secret "!"

One of the three people at the top of the magic emperor, the king of the northern slavery, the dragon enslaver, he exhausted his life. In order to fight against the gods of the heavens, he created one of the ultimate **** extermination equipment, "The Dragon's Secret". A lot of dragon extermination magic, enslave Wanlong to fight for his super magic book. How could this **** destroyer be on Goron?

Zuo De suddenly thought of the three major events that caused a stir in the entire continent some time ago. In addition to his reward for the son of the dragon, Safiras, there is also the wake-up activity of the Saloman snake after many years, and a certain god. The news of the possibility of extinction in the Golden Sun Desert.

One of the other two items was planned by the host, and the other was confirmed. As for the third item, Zuo De had the information that might appear in the world. Zuo De really did not treat it as one thing. After all, things like this It happens every two years. But where is the real God Destroyer so simple that it can appear in the world, this piece of God Destroyer that the Skeleton Society is contemplating, it took hundreds of years to make preparations for planning, which used countless resources, and also There is no absolute certainty to get started.

However, when he saw the appearance of "The Dragon's Secret", Zuo De knew that he might have missed an opportunity, and this opportunity was taken away by the **** **** hybrid in front of him.

That ’s right, what Gron showed at this time is the real, original God Slayer ’s Dragon Slayer Outline. Although he does n’t quite know how this thing appeared on himself, now he only knows, At this time, only the legendary magic guide as mysterious as his "Abyssal Contract" can help him.