The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 623: Cruel truth

"Are we going out like this?" Michelle asked the nephew after watching the old marquis frowning.

Although the magic of death originated from the dead country Allmond, the Lord Margaret Bradley, after all, was violently killed by the little ogre. The huge blood hole in his body was incomprehensible for anyone to see. No one would think that the old marquis at this time could still be alive and kicking.

Gronlo had an idea after thinking about it. He cast a shaman healing wave on the corpse. Although this did not bring people back to life, he finally successfully repaired the huge blood hole in the chest of the old marquis. Then cover it with a wide cloak, the old guy looks a lot better.

As long as no one forcibly went to check the clothes of the old marquis, it should not be easily seen by others.

"Let's go out." As Goron's voice fell, three people, no, "two people and one corpse" pushed open the door of the room and went out. On the face, we saw two guards with a slightly nervous look on them .

The two are dressed in plain clothes, and they look the same as ordinary jailers, but only the real strong can feel a force of force from them. That is the coercion that only the warlord-level powerful can have.

Even in the imperial capital of Heishan, where the hidden dragons and lying tigers have deep roots, the warlord-level strongmen will not be flooded. Being able to have two warlords willing to act as servants in front of them as personal guards, the strength of the Brahadley family has already shown the tip of the iceberg.

This ancient family can stand forever in the imperial capital, even in the complex and dangerous prison system, and it is able to survive. This is very illustrative.

Previously, because the relationship between the two sides was fairly friendly, Michelle didn't feel much about it, and didn't pay much attention to observing the strength of the other side. But now that his own party has killed the opponent's patriarch, this hatred has no room for reconciliation. Soon and later the Hughes and Brahadleys will be in full swing, and they will be in full battle.

Seeing the strength of the opponent's family, how could Michelle's acting patriarch be at ease.

A warlord of the other party sensitively captured Michelle's strange appearance. His eyes revealed a fine awn, his nose twitched twice, and it seemed to smell a faint **** smell in the air. What came from the head of the family made him alert.

"Adult Patriarch, are you feeling sick? Or, did you just get some injuries in it?"

Although the words were addressed to the old marquis, the eyes of the warlord's guard were staring at the two of Goron, and even lowered his body in a fighting stance. Although his companion was slightly less alert, he also found something strange at this time, but he was a step forward, blocking the old Marquis and Hugh, to avoid being taken hostage.

Seeing that the situation is about to move in the worst direction, Michelle is already nervous and will be the first to start. Goron flashed all the deeds of the Montenegrin aristocracy and some remaining memories of Sister Rena, and had no time to think about it. The fingers hidden under the cloak secretly scratched a little skin on his belly and dripped. A few drops of blood came to the ground, and at the same time, the old marquis was manipulated and said, "What are you nervous about? I just discussed some things with the young Master Gelia of the Hugh family. At that time, I was excited and too close. He hurt him, and he stained himself with blood. "

Seemingly to confirm the words of the old marquis, the famous young man named "Galia Hugh" could only lift the cloak "very reluctantly", revealing a trace of blood on his stomach, and then quickly with a little "shame" Cover up.

This scene saw the Zhan Wang duo stunned, but they seemed to suddenly think of something, and their expression suddenly became a little clear, a little awkward, and a little nervous and panic.

Although Gron did not know why these two people had such a strange and complicated reaction, at least the hostility emanating from them had diminished sharply and disappeared completely.

"Let's go ... You two lead the way ahead, let's go to see Count Amanda." Under Goron's control, Marquis Brahadley said to the two guards.

This time the duo were a little hesitant, and they looked like they kept talking, as if there was some insult, but it was not easy to speak out on this occasion.

Although he could fully control the old marquis' every move, Gron had not read his memory, and naturally he could not guess what the two men had. But he instinctively noticed that things seemed to have changed, and the Brahadley family was more complex and powerful than he had guessed before.

Now that things have developed to this point, simply do nothing, and change the plan that you just left just to meet Count Amanda.

"Hou ... Lord Marquis, I think, today may not be suitable for visiting the prison, should we invite these two guests back first."

"Huh, my two guests and I, no, are the best friends to see their loved ones. Isn't there any problem? Don't you know that maybe this is their last chance to meet?"

The master who found himself serving was even angry, and the two were even a little scared. In the face of a king-level strong man, facing an old man who could be killed by Goron, he was scared and panicked. He quickly apologized and immediately turned around to lead the way. He no longer dared to question or stop anything.

Just looking at the look on their faces, it clearly says "anyway, we have already done what we should have done, and nothing will happen to us in a moment's time".

This time, not only the little ogres, but even Michelle, whose heart kept mentioning his throat, began to notice that something was wrong.

According to her initial contact with the old marquis, the other party should have acquiesced that she could visit Count Amanda.

But looking at what the two guards look like now, they obviously don't want them to go. And this certainly cannot be their own meaning ... it can only show that something must have changed, causing the old marquis to suddenly change his mind, and the two of them, as personal guards, must have known something for a long time, so now Only then hesitated about the old marquis' sudden change of decision.

According to Michelle's original plan, they were very likely to be sent off by the old marquis in a whisper, and finally returned without success.

Under the guidance of the two, several people traveled all the way through the labyrinth of the prison building. Most of the prisoners in the cells passing by along the way were sleeping soundly. The entire prison was quiet, but when they opened a door that was obviously blessed by the magic enchantment, what burst into their ears was a burst of blushing gasps.

On both sides of the corridor is a special cell, each of which is brightly lit and very noisy inside. It is more like holding a midnight carnival than listening to the prison cell.

The two guards led the way without expression, and the controlled zombie marquis would only wander with a smile on their faces. Michelle couldn't suppress her curiosity, and finally walked lightly to one of the doors of the room, peeping in from the narrow gap between the railings, it didn't matter, her expression became very strange at the next moment. , Surprise, anger, disappointment and doubts huddled together on the woman's face.

In this cell, a young girl with a beautiful face but a thin skinny face, was lying on a wooden table and was torn down and devastated by dozens of tyrannical brave men. The girl was already dying, her eyes were dug, her organs were incomplete, her limbs were twisted into a very strange shape, and the bones in her body probably did not exceed two centimeters in length. Obviously only the last half of the breath was left.

Michelle looked at the other cell immediately, and the result was exactly the same, except that the girl lying on the wooden table was slightly more beautiful and rich, and she didn't have the kind of thin bones unique to the civilians at the bottom. On the other hand, the men in this house are not so rude. They seem to have a slightly noble identity. It is estimated that they are not the lower class nobles, but those senior servants who serve the nobles and have a little identity. It's just that the girl's situation is miserable, compared with the previous one.

"What the **** is going on? Why is this filthy and cruel thing happening in the prison?" Michelle roared with excitement for a moment. But her voice is still too low compared to the sounds made in these special "cells", and only a few people in the corridor heard it.

Gron sighed secretly and could only explain to the aunt who had been deceived by the illusion through the mouth of Marquis Brahadley: "You know, prison is a boring place that can easily drive people crazy. The prisoners here have to endure poor food, cold and cold cells, and the loss of freedom, but the most unbearable torture is abstinence. The only thing they can contact with is the same kind of stench, There is also his own hands. In this environment, people naturally become irritable and irritable, full of violent impulses, and they are always calculating how to escape. The prisons holding such prisoners are naturally difficult to manage. "

At this point, Michelle, who is not stupid, has probably guessed what is going on, but he still can't believe it, even the Marquis Brahadley, who is famous for his kindness. Although he is now dead, the person who controls his mouth is Gron, but looking at the expressions of the two warlord guards who are plain and improper, they know that Gron's words are not maliciously planted, let alone Nonsense.

"The treatment of prisoners is stipulated in the ancient laws of the Empire. I have no right to change. Besides, I do n’t have the spare money to improve their treatment, so the most perfect way is to find some cheap 'tools from the humble civilians. ', For the prisoners to vent excess fire and violence in their hearts, they can also divert their attention, let them honestly feel at ease in jail, do not cause trouble to me. Of course, noble prisoners and civilian prisoners still have to be treated differently, Fortunately, those civilian "tools" can also be divided into three, six, nine, etc. "8)