The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 642: Iron Woman City

This space has completely transformed into another world. The sound of wind is as melodious as the performance of instrumental music. The air exudes a mixture of metal and floral fragrance. A small river that seems to "through" the whole world does not know where it came from, nor does it know Where will it go? .

Not far away is the castle built by the metal knights. Gron thought it would be an extremely iron-cold style, as if their bodies were cold. But after he looked carefully, he discovered that it was a beautiful and artistic masterpiece like an elven city. Everywhere you can see beautiful sculptures and flowers and green grass planted everywhere.

But from the bunkers, arrow towers, and many Gorons that can't be named, but the glorious war machinery can be seen at a glance, this is not just a city of art and beauty At the same time, it is also a stronghold of killing and blood.

Around the castle, there are several other smaller annexes, some of which have been completed and some are still under construction. From the distinctive shapes of those small buildings, it is not difficult to guess their respective functions.

The house with huge chimneys, surrounded by metal square ingots and massive fuel wood, from time to time heard ding ding bang sound, undoubtedly an arsenal in full operation. The large-scale building, which is simple and boxy, looks very solid at first glance, and 80% is a material warehouse. In addition, there are taverns, markets, barracks, training grounds and so on.

These buildings, this city, are clearly fortress cities built with the ultimate goal of war. But here clearly belongs to the plane space of Gron. Gron is very clear what is there, nothing.

There may be mineral deposits, resources, and water here, but there are no decent, threatening high-level lives alone.

So what do they want to do? Who do you want to fight with?

"Is it to deal with me? Do you really want to take this secondary plane from me?"

Although this guess seems to be the most reasonable, but Gron immediately overthrew the idea. Not because the other party had just saved himself, but from the beginning, although Gorron inexplicably hated these metal women who suddenly appeared in front of him and then occupied his plane, especially the golden queen, he did n’t even want to see him. To her cold, stiff face. But I don't know why, but he didn't treat these women as enemies.

It seems that in the subconsciousness of the little ogre, they have never felt that these metal women will really hurt themselves.

Putting aside the unthinkable for the time being, this is a habit that Goron has developed for a long time. The metal women did not welcome him, and he did not want to stay here, so Gron had no intention of exploring the secrets of this world, and walked directly to the portal next to the castle.

This city is certainly not uninhabited. In fact, the people here are very busy.

Gronn has long become the focal point of sight for all residents here. I do n’t know what kind of ecology it is based on. People here all emit metallic color on their skin, with a metallic texture, they look like metal sculptures, and they are all young and beautiful women in appearance, but they are tall and low. Some are slender and some are tall and strong.

In addition, these women on the street are either cast iron black, bronze gray, or red copper. Occasionally, I can also see a few silver skins and other strange colors. According to different body materials, their respective tasks seem to be different.

Gorron was walking on the road, and the metal women saw him, all of them were standing where they were walking, and all of them stopped their work at work, their eyes deflected with Gron ’s footsteps, but no one came up. get in a word. Although these metal women had no expression on their faces, Gron did n’t know if it was his own illusion. He seemed to be able to feel an emotion from these women, but he could n’t tell whether it was hostile.

The portal is heavily guarded in the center of the town, but Gron is unhindered all the way, and soon stands in front of the fully activated magic gate.

Ultra-long-distance "teleport" is a very high-level magic. After all, things related to "space" and "time" involve the deepest underlying rules of the plane, and "teleport magic" should be cured into a semi-permanent The difficulty of space teleportation is not so simple.

Even on the continent of the Dota, long-distance teleportation arrays are rare and extremely rare. And most of them are products from ancient times, and even the most powerful empire is difficult to build smoothly.

And the super magic teleportation array that can directly transfer creatures in large quantities across the plane, Gron was only heard in the ancient wars depicted in the bard population. In front of him, this portal, made entirely of metal, with a colorful and magical glimmer in the door, is really able to send him back to the Dota Continent safely, and where is the exit. It is not clear at all.

Originally these things were to be asked clearly by the metal queen, but I don't know why. Gron instinctively didn't want to see her, so he accepted his fate with confidence and walked in with great anger.


In the minaret conference room at the highest level of the metal fortress, the final war witch covered with golden light, the war chess queen Wanda has been watching the figure of Gron from a monitoring mirror, when the thin back completely disappeared at the door of the space. , The corner of her lips twitched inadvertently, her fist clenched out, as if she wanted to keep her back away.

Although this strange behavior was soon covered up by her, she failed to escape the eyes of the others here.

In this spire meeting room, there is not only the queen. The city soldiers covered with heavy armor and holding tower shields and heavy hammers are slim and elegant like sharp-edged bishops, half-man, half-horse, long-lance knight, and half kneeling on the ground. Solemn warrior king female warrior.

Unlike the Supreme Queen, who is covered with golden light, all the leaders of these war chess demon soldiers are made of Mithril.

"Queen, why don't you keep him, rare master ..."

Witch Wanda waved her hand and signaled the bishops around her not to go on. She closed her eyes and remained silent for a while, saying: "The time is not yet ripe. Too much contact is not a good thing for us or the host. "

Several supreme commanders looked at each other, and there was a hint of laughter hidden under the pretended puzzled expression. This scene was seen by Witch Wanda. She suddenly made her humiliated. She slapped the table around her and raised her voice and said, "Okay! Once the crisis encountered by the owner was finally lifted, but we sacrificed a commander, and many of the work afterwards need to be rearranged. Now, they have to complete their own affairs! "

When the Queen mentioned the sacrificed city soldier sister Aurifen, all the jokes on the faces of these Mithril Commanders disappeared. They stood up straight, bowed to Queen Wanda one by one, and then exited the room. A bishop. She wore a robe-style ornate armor. If you look closely, you will find that this Mithril metal robe is actually composed of countless sharp and unmatched blades.

"Is there anything else? Isley."

"... Wanda, the quality of newborns has been declining recently ..." The female bishop known as Isli took two steps forward, and a magic mirror appeared in her hand. The picture shown above was of a diameter of more than 15 meters. A huge furnace with boiling metal melt.

Standing on the edge of the furnace were dozens of tall and strong silver Luxs. They were naked, holding huge black sticks and constantly stirring the molten metal in the furnace. From time to time, another basket of ore was thrown into the furnace, and then a long spoon was used to remove the impurities and pour it out.

These boiling molten juices are not a type, among them gold, silver, black, cyan ... dozens of liquid metals of different colors and different types are divided into dozens of distinct and distinct pieces in the furnace, each with hot bubbles But it does not merge with each other.

Then I saw one silver maid came, each of them carefully holding a fist-sized light cluster, and inside the light cluster was a translucent newborn baby.

The babies were ruthlessly thrown into the furnace and drowned in hot liquid metal.

There was no screaming, no struggle. After a while, those silver female luxuries took out a long-handled fishing net and began to salvage repeatedly in the molten metal juice. It did n’t take long to see metal babies of various colors caught by their fishing net Salvaged out.

The vast majority of these babies are cyan, red, or black, and occasionally there will be one or two bright silver. Every baby is the same size as a human baby, and they are all beautiful baby girls.

At the end of the salvage process, with a burst of cheers from the silver maid and the female luxuries, a pure gold baby girl was salvaged. This child is obviously much larger than other babies, and more agile, with eyes open, and is looking at the world curiously. It's just that the gold color on the gold baby girl's body is different from the gold color on the Queen Wanda. It's just the ordinary gold texture, and there is no such unfathomable magic color.

The Bishop Isli retracted her magic mirror and said solemnly to the queen: "Wanda, 80% of the newborns are now black iron and bronze, and the silver level accounts for less than 5%. The gold level you saw just now is the only one born in recent days. As for the Mithril level and other rare species, it has n’t appeared in a long time. "

Queen Wanda sighed and said, "Have you checked the reason? Is it because of the quality of the original ore? Or is there a problem with the baby spirit ..."

A bit of complexity flashed in the eyes of the female bishop. She looked at the queen who couldn't hide her tired look, hesitated for a moment, and replied: "I have checked it, and the quality of the original ore is very good ..."

Wanda smiled bitterly and said, "Then, the problem really lies with Ying Ling, it's me ..."