The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 664: Faith collapse

I do not know when to start, the broken limbs of the people of Aizhe scattered on the battlefield suddenly disappeared completely.

In addition to the people of Ai Zhe, the three warring parties, Crystal Lake Mage and Desert Corps all sent special personnel to collect this huge amount of wealth. As a omnipotent sacrifice, Ai Zhe Redstone, which allows any **** to be "unlimited in joy", is not only the hardest and strongest value-preserving currency on the Dota Continent, but also a strategic resource that all forces strive for.

As long as there are enough sacrifices, you can get power directly from the gods and create a large number of powerful people in a very short time.

Admittedly, if the sacrificer has no talents and sufficient combat experience, most of the strong men manufactured in batches are just ostentatious, and opponents of the same level with rich combat experience will often lose.

But these problems can be compensated by the quantity, one-to-one can not be done, then one of three or five.

An ordinary civilian wants to be promoted to war king level. The difficulty is as high as the sky. In the fifth stage of promotion, if there is no local tyrant funding, a large number of sacrifices, the road afterwards is bumpy, so the sacrifice is also a knife tower. The foundation of the world.

Once a scholar mage was curious, he began to study the secret of why Ai Zhe Hongshi is so happy for the audience. The scholar mage stubbornly believed that the ultimate secret of the gods of the heavens was hidden in the red stone of Ai Zhe.

His point of view proved to be correct in the end, because almost all the gods lowered the oracle at the same time, and sent a servant to kill the scholar mage, and since then, whether it is private or public, as long as someone tries to study in depth The essence of Ai Zhe Hongshi will become the enemy of the gods without exception, and the final result will be miserable. Even if the fear is that the world is not **, there is nothing to dare to do, the Crystal Lake Master is also easy to stop in this matter.

But although human behavior is bound, curiosity can never be wiped out, especially for magicians who are essentially questioning all gods. The magician does not worship the gods, and gains power by studying the rules of the plane. The sacrifice is only a very high-value currency for them, but the most elite wizard army of Crystal Lake will appear in this redstone world. To flee for money, the fool would not believe it.

"What's going on, where did all the Aizhe redstones on the battlefield go?" The leader of the mage called a low-level mage and asked, "Just before we killed a lot of redstones, you didn't collect their corpses. Are you there? "

"Adult, they ... these corpses are all melted, and then ... then sucked and absorbed by the earth ..."

"Melted? Absorbed?" The head murmured to herself, her eyes searched repeatedly on the battlefield, and finally saw the scene described by the lower-level mage.

At this time, the people of Ai Zhe had contracted the formation under the command of Goron and jointly defended with the Desert Corps. The casualties fell linearly, and only an unlucky ghost on the periphery was hit by a magic bullet steel nail in the front and was torn apart. The leader of the Mage regiment carried out an eagle-eye magic to examine it carefully. Under her gaze, the broken fragments of Aizhe's redstone were like thin ice under the hot sun, which quickly melted into a red liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then merged into the earth. .

This weird scene definitely started after Gron appeared. If it was only the loss of Ai Zhe Redstone, the leader of the Crystal Lake Magician would not care about it. However, as the red liquid melted into the earth, her uneasy feeling was escalating rapidly.

"What the **** does this guy want to do?"

She soon knew the answer, and in the worst way.

Just when the magician army was pouring the magic rain on the opponent with pleasure, a wave of shaking suddenly came from their feet, and a giant column of red crystals pulled up from the ground, interspersed between the mage's positions. .

"what the **** is it?"

"It's a trap ..." The witch next to him murmured: "The place where we stand now is the place where the little **** has been. He is a shaman, and he has a special divine art, which he summoned. Totem pole ... "

"Totem pole ..." The totems possessed by the shaman priest flashed one by one in the head of the mage regiment, and then a name appeared in her mind. Although it is known that no shaman priest can summon a large number of such totems at the same time, it is not the sword tower continent m, and common sense and common sense cannot be applied to the dead devil.

"Damn! Everyone launches defensive magic! Prepare for defensive shock!"

"Did you find it? It's a pity that it's a little late ..." Gronn expressionlessly snapped his fingers ...

"Blow me up, flame nova!"

That's right, this is Goron's temporary tactics. He uses his ability to bury a large number of feet under his feet and has the most instantaneous destructive flame Nova totem. Then he lures his opponent into the trap.

However, there were several variables in Gron ’s tactics. The people ’s absolute trust in him and the despicable actions of the Desert Corps caused the people of Azero to suffer heavy casualties, but since Gron appeared, their bodies were no longer as good Retained like ordinary stones, but melted and merged into the earth.

Gron didn't know the reason, and of course he didn't have time to ask, but when he used the totem to summon magic, and tried to create totem poles out of nothing, the corpses of the people of Azhe, who were integrated into the earth, were the first time. Send a response and become the necessary material material to constitute the totem pole.

Totem pole composed of Aizhe redstone? This extravagant move does not say that Gron had never thought about it. If any Shaman in the mainland knew that, he would scold the prodigal Gron. With such a large amount of redstone sacrifices, a bunch of fifth-order war king sacrifices can be smashed, but Goron actually used to cast a one-time consumption totem spell. What a prodigal behavior.

The totem pole exploded under Goron ’s control. Although the Crystal Lake Masters opened all the instantaneous defensive magic, it was too much to chase down the water dog. They have become a crushing situation. No one in the world exerts to maintain it, relying on instant magic alone, and how can it perfectly resist the flame Nova totem burst powerful enough to match the high-level Pyroblast.

"It seems that there will be a lot of casualties this time." The leader of the Masters lamented, but that's all. Although the Fire Nova Totem has a wide attack range and good power, it is at best comparable to the Fire Department.

The magician is best at dealing with magic, and the protective barriers on his body are layer by layer. In addition, the crystal lake is comparable to the Holy Light Holy See, and it is far above some medium-sized countries. As its elite combat power, the Super Devil Battle Group is equipped with protective equipment that is the limit that mass production equipment can reach. There are even a lot of epic equipment for leaders and leaders. Baptized by so many Flame Nova totems, although they will be disgraced, it is inevitable that a few people will die, but it is impossible to hurt their bones.

But at the next moment, looking at the magicians of the team, the enchantment enchantment was torn into pieces under the cloud of black and red mushrooms, and the body was burned to ashes. Unforgivable.

This explosive power is actually scared even the little ogre himself ...

He has used the Fire Nova Totem as a bomb more than once. The secret base of the previous Skull and Bones Club was also destroyed by this method, but compared with the previous one, the power of this explosion is far from earth. No difference.

It's not just how exaggerated the explosive power is, but something more essential has been completely changed.

As we all know, the magic resistance of the magician is the highest among all combat professions. However, the fire and heat released by the Ai Zhe redstone explosion, like completely ignoring those protective enchantments, easily tear the fragile bodies of the wizards, Tear them to pieces like pieces of paper and then burn to ashes in an instant.

However, it is not only this in Goron ’s eyes, not only him, anyone who can perceive the underlying rules of the plane can feel that the bombed mages disappear not only the body, but even their Souls, no, it is their existence that is erased at the root.

Ordinary people may have a very superficial understanding of the "death" matter. They only know that if they die, they die. But for high-level magicians, death does not mean the end. Strong spiritual power can still allow their souls to stay in the world and do many things. The famous undead lich is the result of the magician's unwillingness to decay and decay in aging, thus transforming himself directly into undead creatures.

So for the elite mage of Crystal Lake, the most feared thing is that their own existence is completely erased, as if they have never appeared from the beginning.

Magicians do not believe in the gods, but they have a deeper spiritual belief, which is "truth." It is a glory to sacrifice on the path of exploring truth, because one's own "trace" will always be imprinted on the "tree of truth".

Eternal existence ...



But if the self-existence itself is erased, it means that all sacrifices are worthless. This is the collapse of faith, which is more terrible than the soul being tortured by the necromancer.

The explosions of Gron's Flame Nova Totem did not overwhelm the Super Demon Corps, but the strange and inexplicable method of destroying existence instantly destroyed their dignity and reason. I saw that the surviving magicians were almost crazy. Screaming, the deputy head of the leader took an old sheepskin scroll from his arms, and then directly torn and torn, a blue light immediately enveloped the mages, and then there were countless spells and rotating magic patterns in the air. At the next moment, all the mage's body turned into a streamer and disappeared directly in place.

The highest-level group maze is free from the scroll, which is the relic of the magic emperor during the ancient war of gods. Its production process has long been lost, and the number of reels remaining to this day is rare, and its value is incalculable. There is no doubt that this is the last life-saving means of the Crystal Lake Super Magic Road Corps.

The crooked fight is turning over completely in a blink of an eye. Although Gorron's heart is turbulent, his heart rises and falls like a roller coaster, but after all, the little ogre has seen many people in the "big world". Times. His face was always calm. The strange thing is that the people behind Ai Zhe seem to be not surprised by this result, as if everything is taken for granted, not even the least cheering for victory.

There was silence on the battlefield ...