The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 666: Weird god

"How to communicate with the ancient redstone spirit?"

After spending time with these people of Ai Zhe, Gron gradually became accustomed to their way of speaking without turning corners and going straight to the subject.

"You don't need to go to him, as long as you are on the holy mountain, when you are completely quiet, the red stone ancient spirit will naturally come to you."

This way of communicating with the spirit is not strange, it can even be said to be crude and simple. Gron was also a clergyman. Although he never served his gods and the great shaman ancestors seriously even once, he still knew the basic way of praying.

Gron had previously learned from the people of Aizhe that the Redstone Ancient Spirit neither required them to sacrifice nor believers to pray and serve. He was only talking to them while the people of Ai Zhe were meditating.

That's all ...

Assuming that the ancient redstone spirit also belongs to the category of gods, what is his need for believers? If it does not belong to the god, what kind of existence will he exist? Just a lonely person eager to find someone to chat with?

It ’s useless to think imaginatively. Gorron began to climb the holy mountain under the guidance of the people of Ai Zhe. When his feet touched the rock of the holy mountain, that is, the moments of the translucent red crystals, the little ogre suddenly whined A strange sense of vertigo struck him in an instant, actually giving Gron a kind of little drunk and slightly relaxed feeling. As he ascended step by step, this intoxication became deeper and stronger.

Gron did n’t know if this feeling was only him, but when he turned around and looked back, he suddenly found that half of Ai Zhe ’s people were standing still, standing still, and his body resembled the whole redstone crystal. Mountains merge into one.

The little ogre intuitively feels that he is not in danger for a while. In a trance, he does not care whether the people of Ai Zhe are still following him, but just instinctively climbs to the top of the mountain. His consciousness is drifting more and more as if his soul flew out of the body.

"Do you like this feeling?"

"Like ..." Golron woke up instantly after murmuring a response, and there was a consciousness that broke into his mind without linking to his consciousness.

"Are you the ancient redstone spirit?"

"I do not know……"

"Don't you know?" This answer made the little ogre a little embarrassed, and quickly asked: "Aren't the redstone ancient spirits that the people of Ai Zhe believe in you? Didn't you guide me here?"

"I do n’t know how to answer this question. It ’s really that I opened up the wisdom of those redstone life bodies, but I never asked them anything. As for you, your data has already been logged in the system. When you When I entered the Starship again and broke into the area I was responsible for, I got a warning from the superior system, so I gave you proper guidance. "

"Red Stone Ancient Spirit" seemed to answer Goron's question, but actually caused him more doubts. There were too many questions. The little ogre thought about it for a while, then selected the key points and asked, "What the **** is here?" What is it? No, this world ... what is going on? "

"World? Are you referring to the planetary plane. No, this is not an independent plane, this is just a cabin, to be precise, the starship's dynamic combustion cabin."

It was a bunch of vocabulary that Gron didn't understand at all, but he became more and more familiar with this style of wording. Reminiscent of the exploration of the ancient ruins not long ago and the experience of boarding the Ark of Life earlier, he suddenly suddenly Cheerful.

"This is indeed part of that ancient ruin! And this ancient ruin is very likely to be a super-giant celestial vehicle similar to the moving palace like the Ark of Life traveling through the sky at this time."

Having figured out this link, a lot of doubts were solved in an instant, but more new doubts came to my mind, but this time I didn't wait for the little ogre to ask questions, then the redstone ancient spirit has already continued.

"Here, it is one of the 256 combustion chambers inside the starship, number 150. And I, the master of the control here, since the entire starship went to sleep 35,000 years ago, this combustion chamber It was completely shut down and has remained out of flames until now. "

The expansive continent in front of me is actually just a burning cabin of a starship, and it seems to be one of the less eye-catching ones. Fortunately, Gron had already made a crazy guess about the size of this star ship, and also seen the magical space compression technology of the magical emperor Babel, at this time, he was not surprised.

"What is Ai Zhe Redstone, why is it rare on the outside of the Dota continent, but it is everywhere here?"

"The Aizhe redstone in your mouth is just the residue left after the fuel has not fully burned in this combustion chamber."

"Residue ...... It's just remnant? Then why do the gods in the heavens like it so much?"

"What are the" celestial gods "? There is no matching information in my database, but I can deduce your second question and get the answer ... Because the burning is not complete, the redstone residue does contain A little raw energy, this is also the only usable value of these residues. The "Gods of Gods" in your mouth may require this energy very much. "

"Are you saying that Ai Zhe redstone is like a magic crystal or black oil blackstone used in machinery, and is also an energy crystal?"

"Yes, no, although it is energy, the composition of redstone is a five-dimensional superspiritual substance that is completely beyond your understanding. In other planes, it is also known as the" Sage of Sage "or" the world. " "Stone", "Stone of Origin", etc. Although used as a starship fuel, comparing redstone with magic crystal blackstone is still an intolerable error. "

Like the question just now, the little ogre got the redstone ancient spirit to answer seriously, but it was still a mess. Apart from knowing that the redstone was so messed up, it was still unclear why the gods of the heavens care so much about this ghost thing.

However, Gron had a feeling that if the secret of redstone could be completely solved, then the history of this world, no, it is possible to completely rewrite the origin of this world.

The Emperor of Magic once secretly studied, how exactly do the gods of heaven exist? At present, the most common knowledge is the public information of the churches headed by the Holy Light Church. The gods of heaven are the supreme existence of this world. They sow the seeds of life on a barren land, so that The earth was lush and gave birth to the original primitive life, dragons, giants, demons, angels and humans.

But these primitive lives did not thank and respect their creators. The dragon clan was unruly and indifferent to the gods; the human clan was small and humble, weaker than the other four clan like ants, and was called the most failed creation of the gods; The Giants and Demons are even blatantly betrayed and raised their flags against the Creator. The first ancient war was launched, and as a result everyone knew that the giant clan was annihilated, the demon was exiled to the plane of hell, and the dragon clan was imprisoned on the dragon island.

The only angel family who truly served the gods, stood before the gods in the battle of the gods, and fought valiantly against the giant devil, was rewarded by the gods into the kingdom of heaven as a servant.

As for the second ancient war of gods, the cause is the twelve human magic emperors, and everyone knows the ending. Although the devil emperors were defeated and died, human beings who were originally regarded as failures by the gods suddenly became the masters of the continent.

It is said that it is precisely because the magic emperor secretly studied the gods, and even there is a secret news that they have initially solved the mystery of the gods of the heavens, so it caused the anger of the gods and set off this ancient war more than the past.

Thinking of this, Groun's uneasy premonition was even worse. He suddenly realized that he was walking the old road of the magic emperor, and was gradually reaching the greatest secrets of the gods. Then, will he, like the magic emperor, completely anger the gods and cause endless chasing?

The little ogre was originally on the black list of the gods in the realm. Under the calculation of the demon of King Solomon, he almost looted the power of the shaman ancestor spirit, and also killed the servant of his old man. The good thing about the light of the Holy See. The gods who were killed by the beautiful monkey of the other world, King Monkey, could not get rid of this bad debt. All in all, even if Groon deceived himself, he did n’t think that the gods would let themselves go.

Gronn is not afraid of the punishment of the gods, but the problem is that he has too many worries to worry about, where there is still mental energy to provoke those high existence.

"Okay, I am not interested in the secret of Ai Zhe Redstone anymore. I would like to ask you, how can I leave from here?"

"Unfortunately, you cannot leave."

"What does this mean?" Gorron's face gradually became somber. Since the linking of his consciousness, Redstone Guling has always had a question-and-answer and cooperative cooperation gesture. Although Gorron deliberately led him to the Holy Mountain Attempt to pretend not to know, but it seems that what should come can not escape.

"This is a combustion cabin. Although there are some security holes due to disrepair, outside intruders can enter here through the holes, such as you. But these holes are one-way, and there is only one way to leave from here. Way, that is through the burning vent under your feet. "

"Spout? Do you mean ... this mountain?"

Obtaining a positive answer from Redstone Ancient Spirit, the little ogre has a mess in his head. The "Holy Mountain" under his feet is also a few thousand meters high, and it is thickly wrapped in translucent Aizhe redstone. Why? I don't think it's a way to let people pass. ,

But he suddenly thought of something, and asked Gu Ling: "No, right? If it's really like what you said, if you can only get in and out of this place, then why did Crystal Lake and the people of the Golden Sun Dynasty look like this I know quite well, and before, they used the maze to leave the scroll. "

"This problem is also easy to reason. I just said that this combustion chamber is just one of the many combustion chambers on the starship. According to the report of the superior brain system, the starship has four combustion chambers completely damaged due to failure. Abandoned, and later invaded by external life bodies. I think they collected the information from the damaged cabins. After all, the combustion cabins are similar. As for those who tried to leave before ... "