The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 685: The freedom given to her was over ...

As we all know, every **** has a supreme authority. This is not only their duty, glory and majesty, but also the root of the reason why the gods are called "gods".

For example, the more recognized Lord of the Holy Light, has the power to control the world's light. Legend has it that it can turn daylight into eternal night in one sentence, or it can concentrate the light that was originally scattered all over the world in a single moment, and become the light of God's punishment judgment.

Another example is the "God of War" that can draw endless power from war and killing, the "God of Death" who can define and control death, or the "God of Wisdom" known as the ancestor of magic, which can completely control the growth and spread of plants. "Goddess of the Forest" and so on, in the exclusive domain controlled by each of these gods, they have the ultimate management authority of this world.

In fact, in the eyes of the "blasphemous", these so-called "magic powers" can be completely explained by "domain laws". These gods are in their exclusive domain, but they have the highest definition and modification management of the underlying laws of the relevant planes. Permissions only. There is no essential difference from the ordinary Sacred Powerhouse.

If the succubus queen Senarulu is all about facts, then the twelve magic emperors apparently have torn off the last aura of the gods, and they created the ultimate war witch, not just a person with complete personality In the true sense, the gods have a higher level of administrative authority to control the other gods by overwhelming the rule level at the bottom of the plane.

If in the end the Witch of War is really created perfectly, then the ancient war of gods will not be able to fight at all, and all the gods of the heavens will be able to kill it. Unfortunately, there is no "if" and "hypothesis" in history. In the end, the War Witch only completed a bunch of parts, and the assembly steps were only completed in Gron's hands.

As for the matching exclusive weapons and armor completed by the five masters, there are also artificial souls created by the three slaves, even without a shadow.

"Does the shaman ancestors have anything to do with the final war witch?" The little ogre is not stupid. He asked about the shaman ancestors, but the succubus queen and he pulled a lot of ultimate **** exterminators. In fact, he has vaguely felt that the connection between the two will never be simple.

"Yes, you guessed it right. Shaman ancestors were created by the three Demon Emperor servants. They should have been equipped with artificial simulated spirits on top of the final war witch."

The Succubus continued with a wry smile: "It's just that the Devil Emperors successfully created her, but they also endowed her with too much personality and ego. The attitudes and feelings of the Devil Emperors towards her are very complicated, in short, not just for creation To produce a tool or weapon of war, but to create a perfect existence that is equal to them, capable of dialogue and self-thinking. This may be due to the obsessive-compulsive disorder within the perfectionists, the three major slavers ... Ha ha ha Who would have thought that although they were able to enslave demons, drive dragons, and even create entirely new races of creatures, they did not want to enslave an existence that was perfect in their eyes, and the result ... it was they who gave the virtual spirit Freedom is so overwhelming that the first thing that thing does after it has a complete self is to betray her creator, just because she feels that there is a real "freedom", there should not be any possibility of overwhelming her. Something, even if that thing is its own creator. "

Looking at the slashed teeth of Queen Succubus, Goron felt a little weird in his heart. After all, as the legendary demon slaver, the dependent demon of the Demon Emperor Solomon, Sennarulu himself was a enslaved demon, so the little ogre could not Understand why the succubus' resentment towards the traitor shaman ancestor is so deep.

"Because of you and the" Son Son ", our six dependent demons have successfully escaped from the seals of the gods of the heavens, and the first thing we have to do is to find the shaman ancestors." Ignoring Goron's eccentric expression, he continued, and the little ogres finally determined that these demons carried their own sneaky things, which was indeed related to the shaman ancestor spirit.

"Now this situation, you have succeeded ..." Gronn's mood at this time is really a bit complicated. Although he couldn't control these dependent demons and could not trust each other, Gron knew that they wouldn't really do anything to hurt themselves. The shaman ancestor, however, took the initiative to contact him when he needed the most power, and regarded him as a "brother of gods", a bear child who had no faith or even prayed very much.

For what purpose the shaman ancestor special cares for the little ogre for the time being, I don't know, but she is very grateful for Goron's help to the little ogre. If Gron knew at the outset that these dependent demons wanted trouble with Shaman ancestors, then he would try every means to prevent or destroy it.

However, Gron is not a person who likes to be more horny. Anyway, it is not him who secretly calculates the shaman ancestor spirit. Since the matter has reached this point, he will not go to the dependent demons for the magical emperor's creation whose real purpose and idea are completely unknown. Turning his face, at least now the family demons will occasionally help themselves, be regarded as one of his trump cards.

"How is the shaman ancestor now? Have you counted her for so long, and wiped her out?"

Speaking of the end of the shaman ancestor spirit, the queen of succubus suddenly raised her interest, and a sullen tone in the words said to Gron: "Do you know, no matter in which world, those who have forgotten their ancestors by the slogan of" pursuing freedom " No foolish guy will have a good ending. The ridiculous self-righteous idiot thinks that he has betrayed the magic emperor. After surrendering to the gods of the heavens, he will have a good day waiting for it. It is ridiculous, and he is not even aware of being used by others. . "

"After the war, although she was barely admitted to being a member of the Celestial God Clan, those gods did n’t even treat her as their own equivalent, and even did not allow her to set foot in the true Kingdom of God. The border of the secondary element plane gave her a small area. It also imposed many restrictions and seals on her, and even the core area of ​​the underlying rules of the plane did not allow her to contact. It also implied that the dominant human and The senior sub-ethnic exclusion denigrates her and refuses to be a believer in the shamanic ancestors, forcing her to retreat to the second place, choosing those rude and stupid low-level humanoid creatures as believers to provide themselves with the power of faith. Oh, little brother , I ’m not talking about you. In short, we were able to calculate her so smoothly this time as the "right god" adult, really thanks to the fact that she has very few heroic warriors defending her own safety. . And her several man-made element elf kings are still given by the original four elemental lawmakers of the Devil Emperor. "

Hearing this, Goron finally realized why the believers of Shaman ancestors could only be ogres like him, or orc troll, minotaur, or something.

It is not that, as written in Shamanism, these low-human first-class races that are rejected by "human" are sympathized and favored by the shaman ancestors, but that the **** god has no choice at all. Although there is no shortage of talents such as ogres in these sub-ethnic races, in terms of heart, if the skill of prayer and sacrifice is taken, the entire ogre group together may not be as good as a human medium-sized town.

The shaman ancestors can be said to be the greatest heroes of the ancient gods and the gods of heaven, but the result is this kind of ending, but now even Gron is too lazy to sympathize with her.

At this time, the Queen of Succubus somehow took out a baby-sized crystal ball. Inside the crystal ball was a burning cyan five-petal flame, and in the flame, a girl who looked only eleven or twelve years old. The painful wailing, the girl's face was almost exactly the same as the metal figure Goron had assembled.

The soul fell into the hands of the demon can be said to be the most miserable result. Seeing that the shaman ancestor spirit is suffering from the fire of the soul fire, and this pain may become eternal, Goron finally frowned and moved. thought.

But his thoughts still failed to conceal the Queen of Succubus: "Little brother, I advise you not to fight this thing, or accidentally we are dependent on the devil and you. You also have to torture her not only In order to retaliate, our future plans are inseparable from this thing, hum hum ... even if she wants to fly away, she must first complete her original mission ... "

A thought suddenly appeared in Goron's heart, his face changed suddenly, but when he just wanted to pursue it, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out under the gate of hell, and several **** demons near the core position of white light flew in an instant The annihilation, and the demon in the distance, even the queen of succubus beside Goron could not help but utter a painful moan, but was slightly injured.

"what happened?"

When Gron looked at the flash, he saw an old man in the robe of the Holy Monk standing in the center of the light. He raised his hands and slowly faded the cloak on his head. The old skin on the face also quickly decomposed in the light. Finally, a flawless face is revealed, which is a young man who looks like an angel on the church mural.

In terms of appearance only, he can even be comparable to the first beauty of the mainland, the Earl of Amanda, and unlike Amanda ’s irresistible temptation, an unparalleled sacred and solemn exudes from this mysterious person, just like the **** Ordinary.

"San Andres! He is His Majesty Saint Andres, the Holy Pope of the Holy Light!" Sixth-order sanctuary Ibrahim exclaimed loudly. Among all the people present, he was the only one who had the pleasure of seeing People who have had a true Pope's tolerance.

Everyone present, even the crazy **** demon, temporarily stopped the offensive, and everyone's eyes fell on the handsome young man.