The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 90: The art of screaming

Gronn's "torture" approach opened the eyes of the girls.

He first came to a few large pots, then used a floor-to-ceiling glass vase brought from the corner, poured out the flowers and water inside, and finally placed the empty bottle beside Bellamy.

"Excuse me, do you need any other tools? Would you like a dagger or a needle, boiling water, boiling oil or something ..." Seeing Goron didn't come up with any tools like torture, a little The knowledgeable woman asked. Gron waved his hand, indicating that he wasn't, but he focused on Bellamy, looking for the dotted line of death on him.

Questions arose in the women's hearts at the same time. Was Gron going to kill Bellamy with a flower pot?

Although Bellamy is very brave, but like other low tide gangsters and rogues, he has not disengaged from the seals of the gods and has a battle position. For such a guy, Gron quickly achieved his goal.

"You ... what do you want to do? Big, big deal kills Lao / Zi, can Lao / Zi be afraid that you are a little girly face?" An extremely ominous hunch came to mind, but it was too late Goron shot like a wind and had torn off a strand of muscle on Bellamy's thigh.

Goron did not use any tools, Bellamy did not have a lot of bleeding, and even the pain was within the range, but this was only the beginning. Gorron's movements seem to be not fast, but they are smooth and coherent, and there is no gap in the middle. Just with a few blinks of eyes, Bellamy's thighs only have a smooth thigh bone and a few main blood vessels .

Then calves, feet ...

Then the upper arm, forearm, wrist, finger ...

Almost everyone has eaten roast chicken, and also tried to tear the chicken by hand. Although it looks like the same movement, the same effect, but Gronson tears a big living person. In just a few minutes, the large basins prepared before were already filled with pink muscles and white fat lumps, while Bellamy ’s limbs had only bones.

Bellamy didn't know what fear was anymore. He looked blankly, as if watching his body was gradually being dismantled by Gron's clever hands. Disintegrated, but when Gron began to tear his belly like tearing paper, and began to take his internal organs out one by one. Bellamy finally collapsed completely. He shouted with hoarseness, and no one knew what it was, but his voice undoubtedly bored Gron. So the little ogre picked up Bellamy's kidney and stuffed it into the mouth of the screaming man ...


A very strange human prisoner was once imprisoned in the cave of the black-handed ogre. He used to seem to be a secret torture officer in a Principality. Because he offended too many people, or it should be said that he knew too many secrets, he was accidentally framed shamelessly before falling into the black hand cannibalism In the hands of the devil. This guy didn't even think about leaving alive. His physical condition was not far from death. Before he died, he didn't know the purpose. Or maybe it's just full of infinite malice and wants to retaliate against all living creatures. He taught Golon many ways to torture people, and later found that Golon was not interested in these, and then used a lot of interesting knowledge related to the human body to stir the curiosity of the little ogre, such as hitting a nervous person. The body will move by itself. How to extract the biological organs will not cause the death of the organism, or destroy the brain somewhere, the person will completely lose all desires // hopes and worries, and become a happy fool who only knows how to laugh.

The conspiracy of this madman has undoubtedly succeeded. Gorron tried various knowledge that the madman taught himself on many ingredients, and there is still a tendency to become blue.

In Bellamy's body, Gorron tried some psychological torture of torture, but this is not his field of expertise. Instead, he cooperated with the recently learned "Bing Ding Jie Niu" technique. Gron completely regarded Bellamy as a head. The lamb to be slaughtered dismantled his body, tore his spirit into pieces, and burned his will into ashes without causing much pain to him.

After carefully removing Bellamy's last few ribs and collarbone, Goron packed only the complete head, heart, and a small lung lobe into a transparent glass vase. The head is stuck at the mouth of the bottle. The still beating heart and the regularly contracting lung lobes are clearly visible through the glass vase ... This is one of the few creative ideas that the pervert torturer has not completed until his death. It was only in the hands of Goron who had a sudden whims that it was completed. Bellamy in this state can live about two days in an ideal state. If healing magic is applied, this time will be greatly extended. Anyway, he wants to get his childhood crush from his mouth. Any girl is enough.

Satisfied with his work, Gron turned around and wanted to hear the opinions of the girls, only to find that there was only a pale old boss standing behind him, and then he found a few lying on the ground, Most of the girls have passed out, and a few are still vomiting. The most funny thing is that behind the big boss, a piece of filth appeared out of thin air and landed on the ground. That is the elf girl who launched the shadow fight to hide her body. Black lake.

"You guys? What's the matter?" Gron asked suspiciously. There was no pretense in his expression. He just couldn't understand why the girls reacted. This actually makes the scene before us even more weird.

"The knot ... is it over?" The big boss asked with a narrow smile on his face.

"Well." Gron nodded proudly and said with a bright smile: "Now ask him what he will say. When I tried this trick before, I didn't ask anything, but those guys couldn't wait. Tell me everything. "

Looking at the eldest child in front of her, the big boss suddenly shuddered from the depths of her soul. She began to wonder whether the decision to choose Gron as the "king of the backstreet" was right or wrong. And devoted himself to the devil of **** ...

If it were n’t for Cassandra that she could n’t find anything related to tyranny and madness from Goron ’s face, she would definitely think that Goron was an extremely distorted metamorphosis. But Gron in front of her is just one who has just finished his homework. The elder child eager to get the affirmation of others is like the younger brother who once hunted the first hare on the aristocratic hunting ground and got a happy show off in front of himself ...

With a slight sigh, after deeply burying the fragments of memory that were lingering in my mind, the big boss finally recovered his current identity, the current state of mind ... She is no longer The once radiant aristocrat was rich, now she. It's just a humble prostitute, a poor group of poor women who finally depend on it.


Sure enough, Bellamy knew all the questions she posed as Gorron had promised before. Talking endlessly, I wish to tell all the things to the woman in front of him, and his request is only one ... only to die quickly.

Cassandra already knew what Bellamy had known. After all, "Lao Cai" was most proud of her intelligence collection system. But the truth is still worse than the worst that the woman had expected. President of the Chamber of Commerce. The mayor ... The guys who extorted huge amounts of wealth from her like a vampire finally sold her and Lao Cai, which is nothing. The really bad thing is Piero? Bailey even extended his black hand to Sir Bello, Cassandra's true backer.

Because of the blood of the nobility in his body, Sir Bello has always taken care of himself. It is impossible to bribe an old noble who wants to impress a stubborn and proud general, but Cassandra is well aware of Piero Nobelli How terrible is his means, he succeeded the Nobel family in less than ten years. He turned a third-rate rogue family into a top gangster in the low tide. During this period, only the miraculous rise of "Old Street" could be comparable.

After Cassandra knew that Piero had traveled to the north ring of the low tide port, he could only prepare for the worst ...

At this point, I can't get anything from Bellamy's mouth anymore. A woman who is brave enough to stand here picked up the pistol and was ready to end Bellamy's pain, but the big boss who has returned to normal Cassandra stopped her.

"Go hire some rogues on the street and return Mr. Bellamy to Piero intact. Don't let the vases and these pots fall. I want him to know that it may be worse to provoke a angry woman than to provoke a devil. "

"Does this mean that you will completely anger the Nobel family and start a full-scale war?" The woman asked a little nervously.

Cassandra smiled bitterly and said quietly, "War ... has already begun."

At this time, a maid picked up an envelope from the ground. It was the invitation that Bellamy had dropped on the ground, which was jointly issued by the Mayor of Low Tide Port and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

"Big boss, what should I do with this invitation?" The maid asked, frowning. Now everyone knows that this is a **** wine banquet targeting old streets and big bosses. If you go to the banquet, you will definitely encounter it. To a sinister trap, but if you refuse, you will fall into the mouth of the Nobelli family, and you have lost three points in momentum before the battle.

This kind of thing can't even make a decision for the big boss for a moment. She suddenly saw Goron, who was doing nothing. Cassandra moved in his heart, walked to Goron, and saluted respectfully in front of him, saying: "Go Mr. Long, you are the 'king of the backstreet'. What do you think about this matter? "

"What do you think? Oh, are you talking about going to war with this gangster called the Nobelli family?"

Although the big boss actually only wanted to ask Goron about the reception, but when he saw Goron's expression, he didn't know what to think, and suddenly said: "Yes, if you give this war to you to command , What would you do? "

Gron lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and smiled, said: "Isn't this very simple ..."

****** (To be continued ...)