The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 94: Ability awakening

This is a very complicated and crazy plan ...

The core content of the plan is the death of big boss Cassandra.

"Why do I have to die in your plan?" Cassandra asked with great interest, while taking the dagger from the angry dark elf girl's hand away from Goron's neck.

This was what happened when the big boss asked Goron for advice before they went to the reception.

"Before answering your question, I want to know how you view your current enemy, future enemy, and those who may become your enemy in the future?"

Goron ’s question was more circumvent. Cassandra responded for a while, and was not very sure to answer: "Of course, I will attack my enemies without hesitation, and completely eliminate them, and For my future enemies, I will guard them carefully now, and try not to give them the opportunity. As for those who may become my enemies ... I ... I do n’t know ... After all, they may not become my enemy ... "

"Then! You hope that after you are really hurt, after you value the real hurt of the people, you have to go to them ... revenge is it? At that time, would you regret it, if If they didn't give them a chance, wouldn't everything happen today? "

Gron asked this question with his head down, because the person he really asked was not the big boss in front of him, but himself.

If, at first, no one was given a chance ...

The big boss frowned, from the words of the big kid in front of him. She seemed to see an endless sea of ​​blood, endless murder. But what made her even more palpitated was. Gron's words clearly revealed a strong and **** taste, but his expression did not seem to destroy the enemy at all. There was only a touch of sadness and remorse on his pretty, slightly childish face.

At this moment, the big boss had understood that something must have happened to this child that made him regret it. In fact, Cassandra herself was a victim of cruel fate. So the big boss made a decision instantly: "Tell me about your plan, including where I want to die."

"Cassandra ~~~! Are you crazy?"

The elf girl Black Lake looked at Cassandra in shock, then turned her angry eyes to the ogre boy who tempted the big boss to become crazy. But now no one cares about her. Black Lake wants to draw a knife to kill the teenager in front of him, but finds that the muzzle gun's muzzle is facing him. Obviously, if she had any action, Gron would shoot without hesitation.

"Black Lake, don't come here. He is our" King of Backstreets. "For any reason, you can't show hostility or disrespect to him."

Gronn smiled with satisfaction. He brewed a little in his mind before continuing: "I heard a story a long time ago that a rich man got a very precious treasure. At the same time, he knew there were many The man planned to kill him and take away his treasure, but the rich man did n’t know who wanted to hurt himself, because everyone around him. Even his loved ones were suspected, so he came up with a way to After an elaborate arrangement, he 'dead' in front of everyone, and after his death. All the people who misconducted the rich man's treasure suddenly jumped out to fight for his treasure. At this time, the rich man who should have died suddenly 'resurrected' , And launched a deadly trap that has been laid out long ago, and wiped out all the people who had conspiracy. "

"Sure enough, your" story "is somewhat similar to my current situation ..." The big boss smiled slightly and said: "So, I must die in the presence of everyone, in front of everyone. Then, all my current enemies, future enemies, and those who might become my enemies will jump out, right? Then the question is coming, I ca n’t think of any way to hide it except actually dying. So many people ’s eyes. There is another question, how do we get rid of all the enemies? I think you should know that Lao Cai does n’t have such a powerful force, after drawing all my enemies, I am afraid that they will be completely destroyed. It will only be our 'Old Street'. "

Gron did n’t directly answer the big boss ’question. He suddenly picked up the fruit knife on the table and pierced the elf girl ’s neck without hesitation. At this time, the dark elf already knew that what Gron called“ death ”was just“ fake death ”. "Only, and he did not exude any hostility, nor did he have any reason to hurt. When she was distracted thinking about the big boss ’s problem, she did n’t expect Gron to attack her suddenly. The knife went forward and came out. The woman present The scream came out, even the big boss Cassandra glared at Goron. He pulled out his musket and pointed at Goron. He was murderous. There was only one way to kill women in the old street. This is the old street. Of iron.

But this time, the people who stopped everyone from going to Goron were elven girls who should have been fatally injured ...

Black Lake waved the crowd to put down their weapons, and then weirdly said, "... I'm fine ... as if ..."

A girl with a knife in her neck said she was okay. This scene was indeed strangely extreme, but everyone immediately thought that Bellamy, who had only one head in a vase and was still alive, was relieved. Obviously, this older child has some means of harming others but not lethal.

"Although I just pierced her neck with this knife, I avoided bones, nerves, trachea, blood vessels, and important muscles and soft tissues. It was like piercing through the gap between the pages of a book. Actually She did n’t cause any fatal harm to her. But like your reaction just now, no one should believe that she has nothing to do. ”

After seeing the knife drawn from the elf girl ’s neck, only a few drops of blood came out of the girl ’s neck, and it was fine to just bandage it. The big boss already understood Goron ’s plan: “This party will be The best place for me to 'death', then, you will go with me when the time comes. Then will you kill me in public? "

"No, I have other things to do." Gron said with a blade. "I think. At the reception there will be a killer who is really going to kill you, so I must find out before he starts." He. Just kill him first. Otherwise, then you may not be pretending to die ... "

"But if it weren't for your hands, who could create fatal wounds like you just did but could not kill people?"

Gorron suddenly looked at Heihu, who was still gently touching the neck wound, and said: "Of course this knife should be stabbed by the person you trust most. I will make a mark on your neck in advance. , And then make a detailed explanation, including the angle of the attack, strength, and even speed, these elements must not have the slightest error. I think the skill of the Black Lake should be able to do it. Of course, if an accident occurs, you are really killed by her If you are dead, you can only say that you have a problem here. Do n’t blame me. As for how to destroy your enemies? Although I do n’t know the specific situation of Lao Cai, how many enemies will appear and how much combat power do you have, but I just happen to be There is a small suggestion ... "


Gronn's suggestion was a fire. He burned the old street coveted by countless people with its enemies to ashes, so he asked the big boss Cassandra, in her eyes, whether the real old street was this street or the residents who lived here.

However, until the real flame rose before his eyes. Gron felt the shock and ... cruelty.

"Water and fire are merciless."

This is a vocabulary often spoken by the beauty snake snake of the different continent, in the mana system of the different continent. The fairy magic with water and fire as the main element occupies a large proportion, but it is very different from the magic of the thunder fire system and the ice water system of the Dota mainland. In the mouth of the snake essence, the flame of that world can burn even water and air. And the big water summoned by the fairy law is not only the function of scouring and washing, it is the water that can drown and destroy everything.

But for Goron, the deepest impression that Flame left him was the fire that declared the destruction of the Black Hand tribe ...

Looking at the flames in front of me, listening to the miserable and desperate call from his ears, watching the men burning with flames, and rushing to the streets to seek help ... Gron's breath gradually became heavy, His eyes were straight, in his eyes, not the old street that burned life in flames, but the black hand tribe that night, the street fell desperately, and the human who became a small piece of coke also became A large, torn body on the beach ...

Although it has been on the black road of Low tide port for a long time, neither the big boss nor the elf girl are screaming with eyes closed when they see the dead, but compared with the fire cave **** that has swallowed thousands of people in front of them. The gang fights of any size are just children's play.

Cassandra could not help looking at the "blue girl" around him again, wanting to see what expression this child who directed the massacre tonight would see his own masterpiece.

In the eyes of the big boss, Gron's eyes shone with golden light in the flames, as if two flames were burning in his eyes. Suddenly, Cassandra felt something unusual around her. It seemed that the flames were getting closer and closer to them compared to just now ...

The position of the three of them is actually still a certain distance away from the fire, otherwise the smoke and heat radiation alone can kill them, but I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. Cassandra feels that the sky-fire pillar seems to have deviated Folded and twisted, they are overwhelming to where they are, but there is no wind tonight, and the black plume straight to the sky is the best proof. Only the flame itself is pressed against them.

Moreover, the huge pillar of fire was very close to them, but they didn't feel any hotness. Compared with the previous one, the hot feeling in the fire scene also fell. Cassandra found that the entire old street was burning The flames seemed to be drawing closer to Goron. With the heavy breathing of the dull-eyed boy, the whole fire column was trembling slightly, and from time to time there was a ray of flame that went from thick to thin and drilled into Goron's nose and mouth. (To be continued ...)