The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 1013: One month later【two more】

"Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to be able to do this." Looking at Ye Chen who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, Lai Mingming's expression was a little surprised, and his brows frowned slightly.

When I first met Ye Chen, Lai Mingming felt that Ye Chen was not a simple person, not an ordinary person. Because Ye Chen at that time was already invisible, as if it were a bottomless pit.

And precisely because of this, at that time, Lai Mingming didn't feel very good about Ye Chen, but he couldn't say that he was disgusted! Now, what Lai Mingming didn't expect was that Ye Chen finally revealed one aspect of his horror.

Just a human, a human with worse physique than their demons and demons, even in terms of recovery ability and anti-strike ability, they are not as good as their humans.

Now, I didn't expect it to be so terrifying. It's just a kick, already rubbing his sister severely under her feet. People have to be shocked by such horror!

"Ye Chen, I don't know what else you have that we don't know, it can surprise us!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, a faint smile appeared on Lai Mingming's face, but his eyes were lost in thought.

Ye Chen, this human being has too many mysterious places, as if the whole body is a secret. It can be said that it is too scary.

And this time, if his sister, Mozu and Ye Chen can all enter the last level, I believe it will be a very exciting time. After all, these people are too enchanting.

However, according to this situation, it is still a question whether his sister can enter the final finals!

But now, Lai Mingming's face had to be doubted. I had never heard of a genius like Ye Chen in Renlai before, but this time it suddenly appeared. Among them, will there be any other secrets?

Suddenly, Lai Mingming seemed to have discovered Huadian. His face suddenly became excited, as if he had found something very interesting.


"Huh! This time, a group of them are waste! Waste! Actually let a human being and Lai Mingming's girl step on their feet. The most confident thing of my demons is power! Power! Now, there is only one person in the assessment. When someone comes, this is simply losing the face of our demons!" And in the demons, the face of a middle-aged man became angry at this time, and he basically roared.

The most powerful and proud of their demons is power! And now, what they didn't expect was that not only did they fail to completely crush Ye Chen, the human being, but also Lai Mingming's stinky girl, they almost overturned the ship in the gutter and was crushed severely by Ye Chen.

And now, he didn't know how angry he was at this time. If it were not for the only seedling that was suppressing Ye Chen, he might spit out blood! It really hurts self-esteem too much.

They, in any case, are also powerful demons! And now, I actually lost in power. This is not a slap in the face, what else can it be? I don't know how helpless it is.

"Great King!" When the people next to them saw the picture in front of them, when they saw their demon kings start to freak, each of them paled, respectfully, and didn't dare to speak out.

Indeed, this is a great shame for their demons. I thought it could be rolled easily. But now, it has become such a situation, can you not be depressed, can you not be angry? No way!

"Starting from today, we will strengthen the training of the army. First of all, we will conduct strength training for all people. Those who are unqualified will be given one month to retest. If they are not qualified, they will be kicked out directly. My army does not need strength. People who are not up to the standard and the state is not up to the standard." Looking at the people in front of him, the devil's face instantly became serious, and his voice was cold and indisputable.

Power, but the foundation of their demons. But now, what she didn't expect was that she was crushed in this regard.

If it hadn't been for a single seedling, their demons would be completely discredited now. How can you not be angry!

"Yes! King!" When the people nearby heard and saw the cold and serious face of the Demon King, they finally nodded and said with a serious expression.

Everyone is very clear about the temper of their great king, and they can't provoke them, the great king!

"This time, no matter what, we must bring back our advantage for me!"


And time, just a little bit, passed by day by day. In the blink of an eye, it has come to the last day, and the faces of all the three races have become tense in an instant, and they don't know how much they look forward to.

Today will be the last day of their finals.

Who will pass the second round of assessment and then enter the next round. Today, it's time to announce.

"Ninety-nine thousand steps! There are one thousand more steps!" Ye Chen, who was in the space of the ladder, looked a little dignified when he looked at the numbers in front of him, and his brows frowned slightly.

Now, after 30 days of hard work, I finally reached the last step. The current gap is only a thousand steps. And a thousand steps is also a difficult period.

If it weren't for the ability to break through the limit of the body once a day, it would be really not easy for oneself to get here. And now, by breaking through the limit of his body once a day, Ye Chen's strength has reached a very terrifying point.

Originally, Ye Chen planned to rush forward in a hurry yesterday. In the end, Ye Chen gave up his plan to rush forward. Because it is possible to capsize in the gutter.

Even if the boat does not capsize in the gutter, it will be very painful according to your own limits. For such a thing, Ye Chen didn't want to.

Therefore, in the final comprehensive consideration, Ye Chen postponed the sprint time and put it on the last day.

With today's breakthrough of the physical limit once again, Ye Chen believes that he can easily reach one hundred thousand steps and reach the end of this level.

"It seems that it is time." Without any hesitation, he looked at the steps in front of him and started to walk up step by step.

The challenge here is not just a challenge, but also a kind of exercise for oneself.

Within a month, my physical fitness has greatly increased. This made Ye Chen had to sigh, if it was just for cultivation, it would really be a good place.

Without saying more, the figure went further and further away.

Ye Chen is a little curious now.

What type of assessment will be next?

I've passed this level by myself!