The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 1014: Towards the end [one more]

In an alley in Jiangling City, there was a figure of a young girl walking cautiously at this time. A pair of beautiful eyes looked around from time to time, his face was sneaky and unspeakable.

"Did you bring what we want!" At the end of the alley, turning again, came to an old street, and finally the girl walked into a house in the old street.

And in the house, there are three middle-aged men, one of them is quibble, tall and big, and even holding a sharp fruit knife in his hand. When she saw the young girl coming in from the outside, wearing a white dress with an alluring face, her expression became a little frantic.

"Bring it! I want to see my sister!" Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the few people in front of him, his expression serious, "Otherwise, if I was broken, I won't give it to you."

Holding a jade bracelet in his hand, he said in a cold voice, "This jade bracelet is made of glass imperial green, and its value is at least ten million."

Bang bang bang

"Bring that girl out for me!" Among the three, a young man in the lead saw it, nodded, clapped his hands, looked at the young man next to him, and said.

"Yes! Big Brother!" The young man next to him heard it, and could only nod his head and walked into the next room.

"Hmm!" The figure of a girl who was **** all over was brought out from inside, her long black hair was even more messy, with a touch of blood at the corner of her mouth, struggling constantly, her eyes were blindfolded.

"One-handed, one-handed! Otherwise, I would rather fall." Looking at his sister, Chu Xiaoxiao's face became serious.

This bracelet can be said to be his last wealth. However, his sister is more important than a bracelet.

"Give it to her!" The young man next to him nodded and pushed with his right hand. The blindfolded girl in front of him was pushed in front of Chu Xiaoxiao.


The next moment, Chu Xiaoxiao's delicate body was bent, and the bracelet in her hand was instantly taken away by the youth.

"You..." Looking at the young man in front of him, Chu Xiaoxiao's face was even paler.

"Sister!" The black cloth was untied, and the girl in front of her looked anxious when she saw her sister's painful look, "What did you do to my sister?"


Just finished speaking, he slapped him over. This made Chu Xiaoxiao's delicate face even more slap-print, red, with blood leaking out of the corners of his mouth.

Jiao Chu was even staggered, lying on the ground.

"Boss, we have squeezed the last oil and water of their Chu family. Next, what shall we do?" The young man handed the jade bracelet he had taken to the headed young man, his expression puzzled.

"What else can we do? Of course, we had a good time and sold it again! I think, with the figure of Ms. Chu and Ms. Chu Er, it must be a good price!" The young man heard, even more so. Sneer.

""The blood of the two of them, my black wolf will decide tonight. Grab it, three days later, take it to other provinces! "The youth heard it and ordered.

"Don't come, don't come! Otherwise, I'll call someone!" Chu Xiaoxiao saw it, his face pale.

Seeing the two people walking in front of them and holding sharp fruit knives, their bodies trembled even more.

"Hmph! You scream! Just scream! Even if you call your throat broken, no one will come over! Here, we have the final say!" When the two heard them, each of them sneered even more.

Regarding their affairs, even if some old immortals nearby saw them, they wouldn't say anything, at most they would just shake their heads and leave. There are no people around here!

"You..." Chu Xiaoxiao saw that, his face was anxious, and he pulled Chu Xiaoxiao next to him and ran outside. As long as they run to the street, they will be saved.


However, what made her desperate was that outside the gate, two figures of young people also walked in and closed the door, each with a fruit knife.

"I said, where do you want to go!" Seeing Chu Xiao smiled at them, the two of them sneered even more.

Now that it has reached their hands, how can it escape! Absolutely impossible!

"Ah! Hurry up! Put it..." Before Chu Xiaoxiao said anything, a sharp fruit knife was already against her neck. This made her see that her face was even more desperate.

"I advise you, it's better to be obedient and not to move. Listen to us, at least you won't die!" The young man saw it, smiled slightly, his smile was like a devil, very crippling.

"I advise you, it's better to let him go. Listen to me, at least, he won't die!" When the young man was sore, the door in front of him was kicked open again, wearing black clothes with both hands. The young man in his pocket walked in step by step, his face also sneered, his eyes thick with disdain.

"Boy, which family are you from?" Looking at the young man who came in from the outside, the headed youth's face became gloomy, his voice was even colder, and his eyes were gloomy.

It's good, it's impossible to be inserted by someone for no reason and say happy.

Moreover, he is still such a brat, arrogant enough!

"My family!" Ye Wuchen, who was in front of him, heard it, shook his head, and looked at the headed young man, "They two, I'll take it away! It's okay!"

"Smelly boy, who do you think you are! No comment!" Hearing the youth who put a fruit knife on Chu Xiaoxiao's neck, his expression turned gloomy, and he walked towards Ye Wuchen step by step.

A stinky brat wants to learn from heroes and save beauty. This is too much nonsense!

"Boy, I advise you to hurry up at the end! Before our boss is angry!" The young man came to Ye Wuchen, his right index finger poked Ye Wuchen's chest, his face sneered.

"Ah!" However, his face was distorted the next moment.

He poked Ye Wuchen's right hand. He hadn't retracted it yet, but he was suddenly grabbed by Ye Wuchen's right hand, and then he pulled and twisted hard.


From the entire arm, there was a creepy crackling sound, like a twist. It seemed that people couldn't help shaking.

"Smelly boy, die for me!" The left hand suddenly pulled out the fruit knife from his waist, and stab Ye Wuchen's heart.

"Ah ah ah!" In the next Chu smiled and they see that his face is pale, and screamed.

However, the picture of blood spurting in the imagination did not appear, the fruit knife had no chance to approach Ye Wuchen at all, and Ye Wuchen once again rewarded him with a twist in his left hand.


Before the young man wailed, he kicked it out and hit the wall fiercely, motionless.

"Now, I can take them away! Really! Why have to fight and kill!" He clapped his hands, looked at the headed youth, and said.