The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 1015: Towards the finish line【Middle】【Tw

"Who is this?"

And when Chu Xiaoxiao, who was stunned by the side, saw Ye Wuchen who had suddenly put down the young man with a fruit knife in front of him, they all looked puzzled.

Who is this young man?

It can be said that they are not clear at all!

It can be said that it is completely stunned.

Glancing at each other, the only thing the two can do is to shake their heads.

This young man, they don't know.

Happiness! !

"Boy, great! Would you like to join us, I promise to have meat!"

Seeing it, the black wolf clapped his hands, with a smile on his face, inviting.

This boy, at such an age, already has such strength, very good!

If they can be collected, then their strength will once again be upgraded to a new level.

Maybe, the leader of the underground gangsters around here is his black wolf.

"Join you, sorry! Dirty my hands!"

However, Ye Wuchen didn't pay attention to it at all.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at them at the side.

"Let's go! This place is so dirty!"

"Smelly boy, don't be shameless and shameless! Our boss invited you because our boss liked you. I really thought you were something. I tell you, in my eyes, you are an ant!"

When the young man next to him saw that Ye Wuchen hadn't paid any attention to their boss, he was completely angry, and his face became even colder.

This brat is really awkward.

Don't think that if you have a little ability, you can pretend to be coerced in front of them.



However, Ye Wuchen just said three words in a cold voice for his provocation.

Without paying any attention, it is impossible to provoke him.

"Boss, I must teach him a lesson!"

Seeing Ye Wuchen walking outside, the youth's expression became even more angry.

He was scared by the look in the eyes of this stinky boy just now, it was a shame.

Without any hesitation, he rushed towards Ye Wuchen.

This time, this brat must die!


Ye Wuchen, who was walking, suddenly kicked out from behind when the youth was about to punch him.

A faint cracking voice can be heard, and the youth's face has become distorted, his face full of incredible.

Bang! !

Without waiting for the young man to say anything, his figure drew a parabola in the void, and slammed it on the ground next to him with a fierce bang.

"Damn it! Brothers, copy guys!"

When the black wolf saw it, his eyes were completely split.

This stinky boy treated his subordinates like this in front of him.

This is completely without putting him in the eyes!

If you don't help save face at this time, wouldn't you be laughed at?

"Fucky boy, die for me!"

The young man next to him heard it, took out a handful of fruit knives, and stabbed Ye Wuchen.

It can be said that the sword and the shadow are extremely terrifying.


However, Ye Wuchen didn't care about their attack at all, and his face was even more disdainful, and he rushed out directly.

These people, in his eyes, are simply rubbish.

It is impossible to even want to oppose him.

Bang bang bang

The figures flew upside down, followed by countless wailing sounds.

But Ye Wuchen, who was in the crowd, was not hurt at all. He clapped his hands and his face was disdainful.

"Ah! Quickly let me go!"

A scream came from the side, and Chu Xiaoxiao's figure was caught by the black wolf.

A fruit knife was placed on Chu Xiaoxiao's neck, and it was already bloody.

"Smelly boy, give me a good hand! Otherwise, I will kill her!"

The black wolf's face was cold, and his brows were even more frowned.

The level of this stinky boy is beyond his imagination.

And now, it's a bit tragic.

"elder sister!"

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was next to him, saw that his face was even paler at this time.

This matter originally started because of her.

And now, I didn't expect to hurt my sister.

"Really? In that case, you can try it! Is it you fast or me fast!"

However, Ye Wuchen smiled.

In the right hand, a silver needle appeared, and his face became cold.

"Smelly boy, don't come here!"

Seeing Ye Wuchen walking step by step, Black Wolf's brows were even more frowned.

The sharp fruit knife in his hand has already caused Chu Xiaoxiao's neck to see blood.

"Don't come here! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

However, Ye Wuchen still walked over step by step, unhurriedly.

This caused the black wolf's figure to recede continuously, his expression even more anxious.

The dagger in his hand shook at Ye Wuchen and demonstrated.

"It's now!"

Looking at the nervous black wolf in front of him, Ye Wuchen smiled slightly and shot instantly.

"You forced me! I killed her!"

Seeing it, the black wolf raised the dagger in his hand and slashed it at Chu Xiaoxiao.

The sharp dagger reflected the light of closed eyes.

"do not want!"

Chu Xiaoxiao screamed when he saw it.


The fruit knife zoomed in quickly within Chu Xiaoxiao's field of vision.

When Chu Xiaoxiao thought he was dead, a silver light flashed away.

But the dagger, which was five centimeters away from the neck, was flew out with a ding.


The blood spurted, and the flying dagger was accurately inserted into the chest of the black wolf.

This made him even more shocked, his face full of incredible.

how is this possible!

What happened just now.



The attendants next to him saw that they ran over quickly one by one, carrying the black wolf and slipping away in disgrace.

"Let's go! It's all right!"

Looking at the two sisters Chu Xiaoxiao in front of them, Ye Wuchen said something.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, I didn't expect your two eldest ladies to mix up like this!"

Finally shook his head helplessly.

The Chu family, but a famous family in Jiangling City!

Now, it seems very miserable.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be bullied like this by a few gangsters.

"You are…"

Looking at Ye Wuchen in front of him, Chu Xiaoxiao's face was puzzled.

This boy has given them a feeling of deja vu from just now.

And now listening to the tone, they seem to know each other.

"You don't know me so soon. Fortunately, you had two sisters back then. Otherwise, I might have starved to death."

Ye Wuchen saw it, but instead shook his head and said something.

"You are Ye Wuchen!"

As if thinking of something, Chu Xiaoxiao's face was completely shocked.

How could it be so coincidental!

"Ye Wuchen!"

When Chu Xiaoxiao, who was beside him, heard it, he rushed over and plunged into Ye Wuchen's arms.

"Someone bullied me, you said you wanted to vent my anger!"

Looking at Ye Wuchen in front of him, the pair of beautiful eyes is even more pitiful!

"Good good! Who dares to bully my little lady, I will definitely help you out!"

Ye Wuchen heard it, touched her little long hair, and nodded.

"This is not a place to talk, find a place!"

"Then go to my house! It's okay if you don't dislike it!"

"How come! Lead the way!"