The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 1016: Rush to the finish line【Next】【One

"Xiaochen, you are back. Are you okay!"

In a villa, when Ye Wuchen's figure came in from the outside of the living room, Li Hua, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, saw that, his face was anxious, and he walked out quickly.

"Ye Wuchen, what's wrong with you?"

When Chu Xiaoxiao came out of the kitchen and saw the pale Ye Wuchen, his face was also anxious.

Quickly ran over and helped him up.

"It's okay, it's just too tired and consumes a lot of money."

Ye Wuchen waved his hand when he heard it, with a wry smile on his face.

Treating more than a dozen people at once is really a great expense.

It seems that I have to control it in the future.

Otherwise, if you encounter an enemy, it may be so.

"Little girl, get a pen quickly, I will prescribe some medicine for my uncle, and then take care of my body. In a few days, it should be fine."

Finally, a pair of eyes looked at Xiao Xiao next to him and said.

"Yeah. I see, Brother Wuchen!"

When Chu Xiaoxiao heard it, he nodded, didn't say much, turned and walked towards the room.

"Xiaochen, you are really fine. Would you like to take a break?"

Chu Tian came out of the room and saw Ye Wuchen's pale face, his face also became serious.

It can be said that after listening to the stories told by his wives and daughters, Chu Tian completely admired Ye Wuchen.

Such a powerful medical skill must be very expensive.

Today's Ye Wuchen is more than just treating him!

Seeing a doctor for a dozen other people.

This intensity may really consume too much.

"It's okay, just sit down and it's fine. Don't worry."

Ye Wuchen didn't say much when he took the pen and paper that Chu Xiaoxiao handed over. He quickly wrote a portion of Chinese medicine on it.

"Smile, go pick the medicine! Just pick the medicine according to the ratio I wrote. Drink it once a day, morning, afternoon and evening, three times in total. After a week of recuperation, you should be able to recover."

Finally, he passed the prescription in his hand to Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Yeah! I see, mother, in the kitchen, take a look."

After Chu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Sister, let me be with you too!"

Chu Xiaoxiao saw it, didn't say much, and ran over immediately, his face grinning.

"I'm going to cook in the kitchen, Xiaochen! You have to eat at least one meal before leaving. I haven't seen each other for more than three years."

After Li Hua finished speaking, he walked towards the kitchen.

In the living room, the only ones left were Ye Wuchen and Chu Tian.

"Xiaochen! This time, thanks to you. Daen doesn't say thank you. If there is anything that needs my Chutian's help in the future, just ask!"

Looking at Ye Wuchen in front of him, Chu Tian's expression became serious.

"Uncle, you are polite. This is what I should do! Three years ago, if it weren't for your uncles, there wouldn't be my current Ye Wuchen. I should have said this sentence."

Ye Wuchen shook his head when he heard it, his expression serious.

The grace of dripping water, the spring is repaying!

"Okay! In that case, then I will accept your kindness unceremoniously."

When Chu Tian heard it and saw Ye Wuchen's serious face, he finally nodded.

"I don't know Xiaochen, what do you think of Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao these two girls?"

"They are both very good! Uncle!"

Ye Wuchen's face was puzzled when he heard it.

"I don't know why Uncle said this?"

For no reason, Chu Xiaoxiao was actually involved with them.

I don't understand it!

"Yeah! Let's get to the point! Ye Wuchen, it's time for you to get married and start a business. I laughed at them and they didn't intentionally alienate you, unlike other boys. So. I think..."

"Uncle, needless to say, I don't have any thoughts on this matter yet."

Ye Wuchen shook his head when he heard it, his expression serious.

"I believe that Sister Xiaoxiao and the little girl will definitely find the wishful man who loves them. I don't even know my life experience now, and I don't want to discuss children's personal relationships."

Ye Wuchen could feel that his life experience was definitely a big problem.

Otherwise, the bad old man would not arrange such three tasks and get himself stuck in this place.

Just like the task of Lin Jianye now, it is basically impossible to complete.

Millennium Fire Ganoderma, even if you have money, it is impossible to buy it on the market!

Every time, with precious medicinal materials coming out, there will be a **** storm in the realm of comprehension.

It can be said that Ye Wuchen is a little skeptical, the old man must know his life experience.

It's just that I also know the dangers, so I don't want him to approach.

What the old man didn't know was that Ye Wuchen wanted to get close.

If a person lives in the world, if he doesn't even know where he came from, he can be said to be the most failing.

Therefore, no matter how long it takes for Lin Jianye, Ye Wuchen will fight it all!

"That's it! The man's ambition is everywhere, it seems that my stupid daughter has no chance."

When Chu Tian heard it, he sighed softly.

"Indeed, your life experience is more important now."

Chu Tian also knew something about Ye Wuchen's experience.

His life experience is unknown and he was taken in by a bad old man.

This is all the information of Ye Wuchen's life experience.

"I'm sorry! Uncle!"

Ye Wuchen looked a little sorry when he heard it.

People who are connected with oneself, if they really have the ability to know their own life experience, then they must be very dangerous.

And I don't want to involve them in such a vortex, I can only do so.

"It's okay, it's okay! Can you tell your uncle, how did you get such superb medical skills in the past three years?"

It can be said that Ye Wuchen's medical skills are astonishing in Chu Tian's eyes.

And in three years, it is impossible to have such a great ability!

"Actually, when I was eight years old, I had already started to read medical books. Three years ago, my medical skills were already very good. It's just that for some reason, I didn't say anything. Otherwise, I was so badly injured, why? May be alive and kicking in a month."

Ye Wuchen smiled helplessly when he heard it.

"so it is!"

When Chu Tian heard it, he nodded.

Indeed, in three years, it is impossible to promote a person to such a powerful level.


And an hour later, a red Ferrari stopped at the door.

What followed was the figure of two young girls coming down from Ferrari.

And behind, there was a Rolls-Royce also stopped, and the figure of a young man came down from the Rolls-Royce.

"Parents, Xiaochen (Brother Wuchen), I'm back."

"It's fine to come back, just wait for the two of you to eat."

When Chu Tian heard it, he nodded, with a bright smile on his face.

"Uncle and Auntie, I came to see you. Here are some supplements I brought."

At this moment, a figure of a young man came in from outside.

The guy next to him was holding the same tonic, with a bright smile on his face.

"Smelly boy, why are you!"

When Wang Shan saw Ye Wuchen sitting next to Chu Tian, ​​his face suddenly fell.