The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 1035: Raise your hand to destroy the enemy [to

"Qingcheng, you still have gastritis?"

Looking at the piece of paper that Ye Wuchen threw in front of him, Lin Jianye's expression became anxious.

"How can you girl be so careless that you actually contracted this disease. It seems that I usually treat your food tube too loosely. From now on, within a month, you must give me light food. Yes. You can't eat junk food such as fishy, ​​hot and sour, fried, etc. Qingguo, you help me watch it too!"

"Daddy! I know. I'll be optimistic about Sister Qingcheng."

Lin Qingguo, who was next to him, nodded when he heard it, his face serious.

Gastritis, appendicitis, it's okay if it doesn't happen. Once it happens, it really kills people. The pain is uncomfortable!

Now, it's better to be optimistic about your sister!

Could something go wrong again?

"Daddy, sister, I don't have one!"

Lin Qingcheng felt completely helpless when he saw Lin Jianye and Lin Qingguo's serious and serious expression.

"Is it possible that you are willing to trust an outsider, and you are not willing to believe your baby granddaughter and Kawaii's sister."

Even if his father was brainwashed by the kid Ye Wuchen, I didn't expect that my sister was also brainwashed by the smelly kid Ye Wuchen.

Damn it!

"I believe in Xiaochen more than I believe in you!"

When Lin Jianye in front of him heard it, his expression was serious and serious.

"Qinguo, please accompany Qingcheng tonight! It's getting late, it's time to rest!"

"I see, daddy!"

Lin Qingguo nodded when he heard it.

Lin Jianye didn't say much, and passed the prescription to the housekeeper. The two of them left and brought them to the door.

"Sister, you must believe me, I don't!"

Lin Qingcheng looked anxious when he saw Lin Qingguo sitting over.

Light meals for a month!

When I think of this, my brain hurts.

It's terrible!

"It hurts! Sister, what are you doing!"

However, a small hand came to her chest and pressed it.

This caused Lin Qingcheng's brows to furrow slightly, his face a little distorted.

"Sister! Since I'm all your sister, do you think you can deceive your sister?"

When Lin Qingguo saw it, he smiled slightly and shook his head, his expression serious.

"If you have a disease, you have to treat it. Gastritis is not a child's play. Be obedient, don't get angry. Ye Wuchen and his father are also good for you, otherwise, you can feel good. You girl, you don't understand at all!"


Lin Qingcheng still wanted to say something, but Lin Qingguo shook his head, with a faint smile on his face.

This made Lin Qingcheng only pouting his mouth, his face aggrieved, and he was suddenly buried in Lin Qingguo's arms.

"Hey! What are you girl doing!"

The next moment, Lin Qingguo's delicate body fell down instantly.

This made her look helpless.

"Hey! Sister, of course I comforted my sister well."

When Lin Qingcheng saw it, he smiled, and suddenly hugged Lin Qingguo's beautiful body.

"Hey! Wait!"


"These two people really don't stop. Don't you know there is someone next door?"

In the other room, a figure sat on the bed at this moment, looking helpless.

These two sisters are really true.

It's already so late, still so tossing.

One of them has chronic gastritis too!

Don’t you know that rest is very important?

"Forget it. Just ignore it."

Finally, he shook his head helplessly, a force of power acted on his ears, closed his eyes, and started practicing quietly.


Shoo! ! !

On the other hand, on a road in the wild, a black figure was constantly moving at this time, constantly moving, at a very fast speed.

Next to it, is a black Les Rolls, which looks like a limited edition.

It constantly undulates, and there are bursts of strange sounds coming, which sounds like blood rushing.

"Hey! No more!"


"Paper fan Jinzui!"

The black figure beside him was approaching quickly and quickly.

His face even sneered when he heard the voice in Les Rolls.

The second young master of the Huang family, a trash, his favorite is spent all day long, drunk and drunk with paper fans, and have fun.

It can be said that there are countless women who have been taken down by him.

Similarly, because of this incident, his body, which was originally very weak, was even more fragile.

However, in spite of this, it is still the same.

And these news, the person in black is very clear.

He also knew exactly where the second young master of the Huang family would be.

It is also clear how many bodyguards are there.

Puff! ! !

The black figure disappeared in a flash, but a bodyguard in front of him fell along with it.

The technique is very skilled, without a trace of sound.

Puff puff puff! ! !

The figure is like a ghost, and every time it appears, a bodyguard must be taken away.

It seems to be lopsided, like a **** of death, constantly reaping.

"Now, it should be your turn, my second young master of the Huang Family."

Looking at the bodyguards lying on the ground in front of him, and then at the ironic Les Rolls in front of him, the face of the man in black sneered even more.

Today, either this guy died, or he died of poison.

Since he can choose, he certainly does not want to die.

Therefore, it can only be the death of the young man among Les Rolls in front of him.

"You should feel very honored, at least, you have tasted so many delicious things. And this time, there will be no trace of pain. It is just a blink of an eye."

A sharp dagger appeared in the hands of the man in black, spinning continuously.

What followed was a series of sharp air currents, his face sneered, and his eyes sharpened.

Shoo! ! !

Without saying much, looking at Les Rolls in front of him, he waved his right hand.

The black dagger flickered in the void, with an endless aura of sharpness.

Puff puff puff! ! !

The black Rolls Royce in front of him suddenly turned into two halves, with blood flowing from it, looking very terrifying.

Bang! ! !

The glass window was shattered, and a figure of a young man with an incredible expression appeared in front of the man in black.

And in his arms, there was a naked woman lying on her stomach, next to some clothes.

"That's right! Goal confirmed!"

Looking at the young man in front of him, the man in black nodded finally and left.

With a wave of his right hand, a lighter appeared, and finally threw it beside Rolls Royce accurately.

The car is flowing down from the Rolls Royce, and blood is infiltrating it.

Puff puff puff! ! !

Suddenly, the raging fire swallowed everything, like a devil.

Rumble! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, but the figure of the man in black disappeared.