The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 347: I can only sustain my life by being a bo

"You are..." Ye Chen's face was puzzled looking at the brightly dressed young man in front of him. It can be said that this person seems to have such a slight impression. However, for a while, I can't remember it.

For this, I don't know how helpless. I have been so busy with my nine sisters recently. Where is there time to manage other things. Tragedy!

If it's a very important friend, I can't remember. Isn't it embarrassing, very rude, OK?

"Ye Chen, you are really a nobleman who forgets things! I am Zou Cai! When I was in junior high school, I was next to you." The young man in front of him saw Ye Chen's puzzled expression, his expression a little gloomy.

When I was in junior high school, I ignored him. And now, I didn't expect that even after graduation, I would meet here, but I would ignore him. Is this trying to give him a chance?

Damn this guy!

"Oh! I remember, it turned out to be you!" Ye Chen in front of him heard it and looked at Zou Cai in front of him, finally remembering who this person was.

When he was in junior high school, this person always wanted to be better than himself, so as to be a good performer. It's a pity that his popularity and achievements are not better than himself, and the number of times to find trouble in the end, Ye Chen naturally ignored it directly.

Unexpectedly, this is subconsciously ignored for a lifetime? If this Zou Cai didn't introduce himself, even if he wanted to break his head, he might not be able to figure it out.

When I was in junior high school, I was next to me, and my hometown was in the village next to me, Huangcun.

"Ye Chen, where do you live?" Looking at Ye Chen who patted his head in front of him, Zou Cai asked with a faint smile on his face.

However, there was a bit of contempt on his face. About Ye Chen, Zou Cai still knows that when he was in high school, because of a girl, he offended the son of the jC bureau in the county seat, and even almost killed someone. In the end, he was sued to the school and he didn’t know how it was settled. Down.

In short, after that, in the county seat, Ye Chen was no longer visible. However, the R high in the county seat is the legend of Ye Chen of grapefruit.

It's really okay to be angry as a beauty! However, the price is very tragic.

Similarly, a person who went out without graduating from high school, Zou Cai didn't believe how powerful he could be. Now, it may be running around for life!

Yes, it's pretty hard work.

Even after graduating from high school, if you go out to work, you are just on the assembly line. As for one step closer, it is basically impossible. After all, in this era, a certificate has already determined the height of your development.

"It's not where you are, just a vagrant!" Ye Chen smiled helplessly as he looked at Zou Cai with a scornful smile in front of him, and shook his head.

I didn't expect that the system had just given me a task, and now, my dream has come true. At this point, happiness comes too suddenly! It can be said that it is simply a question of giving points!

"It's not possible! Ye Chen, according to your knowledge, you should be a scientist! I remember, when you were young, your dream was to become a scientist after you grew up!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Zou Cai was full of disbelief.

"No! No! That's all from my childhood. If I can come back, I hope to be a star. According to my handsomeness, the fans are soaring. In contrast, the star makes money But hundreds of times or even tens of thousands of times and hundreds of thousands of times that of scientists. It doesn’t require any technology, just a handsome face. If you can’t remember the lines, you can cycle slowly with 123456789! Anyway, with The post-processing. It's so simple, so high salary, who wouldn't want it!" Ye Chen shook his head when he heard it.

"I think if I go for an interview, I just need to show off my beauty and sacrifice my brother. It's okay."

"Hahaha! That's right! Otherwise, it would be a pity for this little white face." Zou nodded when he heard it.

"This guy!" Looking at Zou Cai in front of him, Ye Chen's face became gloomy.

This guy, is there something wrong with his head? Didn't you hear that what you said was ironic? Still, this guy did it on purpose.

"That's right. I opened a company in Nanning. Would you like to come over to help and manage it for me? I can give you a good salary. In any case, life still needs to be better." As I thought of it. What? Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Zou Cai's expression was agitated, and he suggested something.

If Ye Chen could come to his company to help him work, wouldn't he be a victory. When I thought of this, my face was so excited.

I had never been able to win Ye Chen before, but now I finally have a chance, how could I not be excited.

"This is unnecessary!" However, what Zou Cai didn't expect was that Ye Chen didn't give a slight promise. Instead, he waved his hand and looked at Zou Cai in front of him, "I think I still prefer the vagrant. a little."

"You..." Zou Cai heard, his face a little angry, gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Chen in front of him, "Ye Chen, you are still not a human being. Now, it is the time to work hard to create miracles and work hard. This If you don’t work hard, do you want to wait until you are old to work hard?"

Zou Cai didn't expect Ye Chen to answer like this. Damn it!

"No. I don't want to fight anymore." Ye Chen waved his hand when he heard it, and didn't care at all.

Do you still need to work hard now? unnecessary! That's enough! Want nothing!

However, saying that I don't want to fight, this is just an angry word, I am still working hard, working hard to become more powerful! It's just that there is a gap between his own hard work and the hard work that Zou Cai thinks.

Even if Zou Cai struggled all his life, he couldn't have his current height of one percent. And if you want to fight with him, isn't this lowering your status? Really!

"Ye Chen, you are completely abolished!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Zou Cai's face became angry and shook his head.

Originally wanted to crush Ye Chen in this regard, who knew that Ye Chen didn't want to fight hard anymore. Tragedy!

And now, I don't know how helpless it is. What Zou Cai did not expect was that he would be so angry, with a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"Ah Cai, what do you think of this suit?" At this moment, a figure of a woman came from the side, which made Zou Cai think of something, his face was excited, and his eyes became brighter.