The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 423: One trick to kill [one more, please subs


Before the middle-aged man was proud of it for a few seconds, a huge crash sounded, but the middle-aged man in front of him received a huge pulling force, retreated with a loud bang, and finally slammed heavily. On the wall next to it. "

"How is it possible! This brat's power is impossible!" When he felt that his ribs had broken in two, the middle-aged man's face was shocked and his face was inconceivable.

He was originally a young man who was just an ant in his eyes, but he didn't expect that this time he could not only be equal to himself, but now he was hurt even more. This is too unbelievable, too terrifying!

"This..." And next to me, I was going to desperately let Ye Chen take her sister away from Davies* Yawei, seeing that it was only a moment, and actually hit Ye Chen, the middle-aged man, with a shocked expression on her face.

Originally thought that the two of them together, should be able to barely win the middle-aged man. But now, what Weis Yawei didn't expect was that he didn't need to do anything at all, but Ye Chen alone could injure this guy.

This is too terrifying!

"Sister, I just said, Ye Chen is very good. Now, how about it, didn't you lie to you?" When Vis Yana next to her sister saw her sister's face in shock, she smiled and said In a word, his face was grinning.

Just before going to bed, she had already told her sister that Ye Chen must be able to do it, Ye Chen is very powerful.

And now, my sister should finally believe it!

"Yeah! Indeed, very powerful!" Looking at his sister, Weiss Yawei had to admit that Ye Chen was indeed very powerful, too terrifying!

"Smelly boy, I didn't expect you to have practiced. It seems that this time, I was careless." And the middle-aged man who was inlaid into the wall in front of him looked at Ye Chen in front of him, his expression a little gloomy. , Frowned.

This time, I miscalculated. This brat has two tricks. However, it is just two strokes, and it is not to be feared at all.

"You were careless, not just this one. I guess you never thought that you would die here!" Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Ye Chen waved his hand, his expression a little helpless.

If possible, I really don't want to shoot. After all, this guy is too low-level, he can't get into his own eyes at all!

"Really? The brazen guy, if that's the case, die for me!" When the middle man in front of him heard it, he suddenly roared and rushed towards Ye Chen.

The clothes were torn, the body suddenly became huge, and the hair on the whole body was as sharp as a sword, and he rushed towards Ye Chen.

"Wolf!" And Vis Yana, who was next to him, saw the middle-aged man who suddenly became huge in front of him, her face was shocked, and her eyes shrank sharply.

She never thought that this guy was actually a wolf. A wolf is too incredible!

"Boy, give me a death test! You are the first one to push me to this point!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, the middle-aged man's face sneered, and his sharp fangs seemed to be able to control Ye at any time. Chen Ji tore to pieces, and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

The sharp claws were ten centimeters long, reflecting the cold light, and slapped Ye Chen fiercely.

This stinky boy actually dared to injure him severely. This time, he must make this stinky boy pay a heavy price.

"Die me!" The speed suddenly accelerated, and the Tianling Gai facing Ye Chen was crushed down.

Under his own blow, the middle-aged man believed that he would be able to take this stinky boy into pieces and tear it apart completely.

"Ye Chen, be careful!" Vis Yana next to them saw the sharp claws slapped against Ye Chen, and their expressions were anxious.

This is absolutely horrible!

Suddenly, he became worried about Ye Chen. There must not be anything, otherwise, they will be ravaged by this middle-aged man, and it is better to live than to die.

The current situation is not something they can intervene at all. The only thing that can be counted on is Ye Chen, who must resist it!


A huge sound sounded, and the ground beside Ye Chen suddenly sank, and countless dust flew up. It looks so terrifying.

"Hahaha! Brat, this is the end of the fight against me. Hahaha!" While the dust was rolling, the middle-aged man's face was laughing, looking at the dust in front of him.

A stinky boy, under his slap so powerfully, he must have become a meat sauce! This time, I was finally able to take revenge, and I dared to hurt him.

And this is the consequence of angering him. Only death can fill his anger.

"Ye Chen!" When Vis Yawei next to him saw the middle-aged man laughing in front of him, his face became pale, his body trembled, and his lips trembled.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen actually failed and died in the hands of this guy.

"I said, are you too happy too early? I originally thought you would be so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be such a rubbish! It seems, I admit, I overestimate you." And in Weiss* When Yawei and the others were desperate, a voice came from the dust, and what followed was a figure looming, amidst the billowing dust, like an Optimus pillar, standing on top of the sky.

"How is it possible!" When all the dust dissipated, the middle-aged man looked shocked when he saw Ye Chen who had a hand in front of him and easily resisted his attack.

He never thought that when he thought Ye Chen was going to die, Ye Chen in front of him was not torn into pieces as he imagined. Instead, he easily resisted his attack. It was incredible!

"You disappointed me too much." However, when Ye Chen saw it, he shook his head and sighed softly, and his figure disappeared in a flash.


A series of black shadows passed through the void, and when Ye Chen stopped, they had already come behind the middle-aged man.

Puff puff

After that, blood spewed out from the middle-aged man's whole body, looking terrifying.

"How is it possible! I would die in the hands of a stinky boy! How could it be!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, the middle-aged man's face was incredibly full, and his eyes were even more round.


In the next moment, the figure slammed on the ground with a bang, and changed back to its original state. The blood was gushing and he didn't move, but his eyes looked at Ye Chen, his face was inconceivable.

"Now, you can tell me! Have you ever seen this person, and what exactly are you werewolves planning?"