The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 48: Brother, I am optimistic about you [one

"Extremely exhausted! I didn't expect to be so exhausted from shopping this time!"

In a villa, there are two women lying on the leather sofa at this time.

One is reserved, the other has no trace of image.

How comfortable, how come!

"Sister Ye Zhen, pay attention to your image!"

Wang Xia, who was next to her, looked a little worried, and helped organize Ye Zhen's messy clothes.

"Sister Nine, Sister Wang Xia."

Ye Chen's figure walked past and passed a cup of tea.


Wang Xia saw it, didn't say much, took it, and took a bite slowly.

"Brother, come here! Help my sister press her shoulders."

Ye Zhen saw it and waved to Ye Chen.

"Yeah! That's right, it's here, harder, too tired!"

"By the way, silly brother, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

As if thinking of something, he looked at Ye Chen, his face was puzzled, and his beautiful eyes blinked.

"Sister Nine, I haven't thought of it yet."

Ye Chen shook his head when he heard it.

"Not going to deliver food?"

"Maybe not! If I'm too idle, I might collect rent."

Ye Chen shook his head when he heard it.

"Rent collection, when did you buy a house? Why didn't Jiu Jie know?"

Ye Zhen's face was puzzled when he heard it.

"This is a secret, Ninth Sister!"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly.

Can you say that it was rewarded by the system?

Certainly not!

"If you go to collect the rent, by the way, I will also collect the rent in the Jiu Jie's room. I remember that I have dozens of buildings that have not been rented for half a year. How long has it been? I don't remember. Recently, I don't remember. too busy."

When Ye Zhen heard it, he said something as if he had remembered something.

"Dozens of buildings?"

Ye Chen's face was shocked when he heard it.


My Nine Sister is not only a real estate tycoon, but also a renter-in-law.

This is too incredible!

"Of course, brother, you don't think that your Ninth Sister is just a real estate president! Without any real estate, I am really embarrassed to say that I am a real estate tycoon."

Ye Zhen smiled slightly and looked at Ye Chen.

"Okay! I see, I'll talk about it when I have time."

The only thing Ye Chen could do for his Nine Sisters was to nod his head and had to give his Nine Sisters a thumbs up.

"Forget it! From now on, Sister Jiu will tell you slowly, how many assets Jiu Sister has!"

After drinking it, Ye Zhen walked towards his room.

"Sister Wang Xia, come here quickly, don't you want to change your clothes?"


When Wang Xia heard it, her face was a little blush, she didn't say much, and followed Ye Zhen's back.

"It seems that I should also think about it."

Seeing Ye Zhen walking towards the room, Ye Chen nodded.

For myself, it seems that I need to work harder.

Otherwise, I'm a little behind!


And when Ye Chen was thinking about the problem, there was a splash of water in the bathroom.

You can vaguely see two enchanting bodies through the window, with a trace of haziness, which is a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

"Sister Ye Zhen, don't... hey!"

"Sister Wang Xia, you just promised your sister, let her take a good look. The big deal, sister's will also show you!"

"Sister Ye Zhen!"



Listening to the sound in the bathroom, Ye Chen shook his head constantly.

In other words, this Wang Xia would not like her nine sisters, right?

Otherwise, when I look at my nine sisters, there is always an indescribable taste.

Otherwise, it's impossible!

He is bigger than himself, and he hasn't sprouted yet!


"Sister Ye Zhen, don't...itch!"

"Why the water is running, don't turn on the tap!"


"It's really a word of wolf and tiger!"

Ye Chen shook his head when he heard it.

Without saying much, walked outside.

If you don't leave, you may not be able to help it, and just jump in.


"Sister Wang Xia, I don't know how you think about the overseas market?"

And an hour later, in the living room, two girls in white short skirts were sitting on the sofa, and a teenager helped to pour tea.

"What's the matter? Is Ye Zhen trying to attack overseas markets? However, in China, the real estate industry is indeed very popular. However, in foreign countries, real estate is basically useless. Sister Ye Zhen, I think you are not attacking overseas markets. It would be too ideal."

When Wang Xia heard it, she shook her head, her face serious.

Overseas, this is very difficult, the land is sparsely populated, and there are a variety of different policies that basically killed Sister Ye Zhen's plan in the cradle.

"Of course I know this. I don't need to remind you. When did I say that I want to attack overseas in the real estate industry. I'm talking about clothing. I plan to make a luxury clothing item to attack overseas markets."

Ye Zhen looked helpless when he heard it.

It is impossible to attack overseas markets in the real estate industry. The only possibility is death.

"Luxury clothing!"

When Wang Xia heard what Ye Zhen said, her face was puzzled and surprised.

"Sister Ye Zhen, when did you actually open up the clothing market and let our Qingyuan clothing company drink soup?"

"You girl, didn't I want to bring you? What do you think, if you want to join, we can get a score of five to five. After all, who asked you to call me sister!"

Seeing Wang Xia pouting in front of him, Ye Zhen smiled and asked.

"Well! I'm afraid I have to ask my father about this. After all, I haven't come back for two years, and I don't know if he will agree with him. After all, the risk is still very high. There are so many overseas. It’s very difficult for us to have a place for the luxury goods."

When Wang Xia heard it, she didn't immediately agree, her face became serious.

"Whatever you want! Sister Wang Xia, I will wait for your good news. I have contacted several companies before, and I don’t know if they have agreed. If I don’t agree, I will invest tens of billions of dollars again, myself Just come."

Ye Zhen nodded when he heard it.

Of course she knew that Wang Xia could not agree immediately, after all, it was Wang Xia's father who was in charge of the Wang family.

"You came to my sister right after you came back. Daddy won't be anxious, right?"

It can be said that Wang Xia's father loved this girl very much, after all, he was the only child.

"I just said hello to Daddy, I said I won't go back this time, I slept with Sister Ye Zhen with you. Daddy has already agreed."

Wang Xia smiled when she heard it.

"Sister Ye Zhen, I'm going to rest first. I've been on the road for a day, so sleepy."

After speaking, he walked towards Ye Zhen's room.

Regarding the layout of this villa, it can be said that Wang Xia is already too familiar with it.

"Brother, come on! I've taken a good look at it for you, sister Wang Xia is absolutely fresh and pollution-free!"

Ye Zhen saw it, smiled slightly, glanced at Ye Chen, and walked toward his room as well.

"I should rest!"

When Ye Chen saw it, he smiled helplessly.

My Ninth Sister, really messed up!