The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 49: Nine Sister’s God Assists [Second upda

"Sister Ye Zhen, early!"

And in the next morning, a figure came out of the room, and when he saw Ye Zhen preparing dinner in the living room, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah! Sister Wang Xia, early!"

Ye Zhen smiled slightly and nodded when he heard it.

"Sister Nine, the cake is already..."

Ye Chen who came out of the kitchen wanted to say something. When he saw Wang Xia in front of him, he was stunned for a while.

At this time, Wang Xia had just changed a set of underwear. She could see some whiteness in her thin underwear.

His hair was messy, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Brother Ye Chen, early! What's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

Wang Xia, who came out of the room, saw Ye Chen's stunned face. For a while, her face was puzzled.

"No! No! It's Sister Wang Xia, are you sure you don't change a suit?"

Ye Chen shook his head when he heard it.

"Although it's so cute."

"What's wrong with me?"

Wang Xia saw and looked at her beautiful body.

Suddenly, his face was instantly like a ripe apple, and he ran towards the room.

When I slept last night, I obviously wore a short skirt!

Now, when I woke up, I found that I only had one set of underwear. How could it be possible!

"How is it? Jiu Jie's assist is very good, right? Do you feel it?"

Seeing Wang Xia who ran toward the room like flying, Ye Zhen looked at Ye Chen with a pair of beautiful eyes, a faint smile appeared on her face, her mouth pursed and smiled.


Ye Chen heard that, for a while, he didn't know what to say.

My Ninth Sister is really my younger brother!

It's too terrifying to actually cheat your girlfriend to this point!

"Hey! It seems that you are not interested. In that case, I will introduce other girlfriends to you later! At present, only sister Wang Xia is coming back."

When he saw Ye Chen's helpless face, he sighed softly.

"Or, let your second sister introduce some beauties to you. As a top-notch singer, the girlfriends you know are also very beautiful! And, those who can become your second sister's best friends must be **** Clean. Otherwise, impossible! Although the singer circle is somewhat helpless, it is not as smoky as the entertainment industry."

"Sister Nine, I will solve my problem, don't worry! I won't let you down."

Ye Chen heard a cold sweat on his face.

Ye Chen really didn't know how to evaluate his Ninth Sister.

In short, it just hurts myself very much.

Even girlfriends can betray, and what else can they say.

"Okay! However, if you see the right one, you will still introduce your brother to your acquaintance. As for whether you like it or not, it is your problem with your brother. Maybe one day, if you have too much hormone, you will like it. !"

Ye Zhen could only nod his head when he saw it.

"Yeah! I see."

Regarding his Ninth Sister, Ye Chen knew that if he didn't agree, it would be even more troublesome, and it would be better to agree.

"It's settled, I will let the other sisters pay attention."

Ye Zhen nodded when he heard it.

"Sister Nine, you have a group! Can you pull me in? How do you say, I am also a member of the family!"

Ye Chen had to be curious about his eight remaining sisters.

"No! We have agreed that we can't tell each other before we see you. In life, we must keep a sense of mystery and rest assured! There will always be a chance to see you in the future."

Ye Zhen shook his head when he heard it.

"And, this is also our agreed gift to you as a sister. Anyone who reveals other people's information will be attacked by eight people. I don't want to!"

"Okay! It seems that I can only look forward to it slowly."

Ye Chen heard what else could he say.

The only thing I can do is to smile and wait quietly.

"Don't worry! I won't let you down, have breakfast."

After Ye Zhen finished speaking, he walked towards the room.

"Sister Wang Xia, have breakfast."

"Sister Ye Zhen, where did you hide my clothes?"

"Isn't it right on the bed? Isn't it right here? Really!"

"Brother Ye Chen, you didn't see anything just now!"

While eating breakfast, Wang Xia looked at Ye Chen in front of her, her expression serious and serious.

"If you see it, forget it as soon as possible."

"Did I see anything? Nothing!"

Ye Chen shook his head when he heard it, and continued to eat his own breakfast.

"Sister Nine, do you have any arrangements later?"

Finally, he looked at Ye Zhen and asked.

"I plan to take my sister Wang Xia to my Zhenhao clothing company, so that she can learn the company's management skills from Xiaoxue. This was also the request of Uncle Wang to me last night."

Ye Zhen nodded when he heard it.

"You are planning to collect rent! In that case, please collect the rent of the corresponding rented house in the drawer of my room. There is a rent collection book in it, and I have written all the time when the last rent was collected. At that time, it was treated as a pocket money for your brother."

Ye Zhen looked at Ye Chen and said, pointing to his room.

"ok, I get it."

In fact, to Ye Chen, pocket money is not important at all.

Jiu Jie has already given her black gold card to herself, and she needs any pocket money.

However, going out to collect rent and experience life should also be a very good thing.

"By the way, brother, do you want to do a charity event? I have a charity event tomorrow, and I might want you to participate in it."

As if remembering something, Ye Zhen's expression turned helpless.

"Tomorrow Jiu Sister will have another meeting, but I don't have time to participate in charity activities. It shouldn't be a big deal if you help me do the work for me!"

It can be said that public welfare activities are what Ye Zhen has been doing.

She is not a businessman, she only knows the benefits.

Although she is pursuing benefits, when she gets benefits, Ye Zhen also uses her own abilities to repay the society.

"I see, I should have time, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Ye Chen nodded when he heard it.

It seems that his activities for tomorrow have been thoroughly arranged.

"Well! In that case, I beg you. Sister Wang Xia, let's go! Take you to sister's clothing company."

Ye Zhen nodded when he heard it, and left.

"It seems that I should also prepare and leave."

Ye Chen saw it, smiled, didn't say much, and walked towards Ye Zhen's room.

Today, let yourself experience the life of rent collection for a while!

Otherwise, it would be too boring.

In the same way, Ye Chen was a little looking forward to his Ninth Sister's room.

I haven't been to Jiu Jie's room yet!

This is the first time!