The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 520: Who are you [two more]

In a large villa in a village, the lanterns and red couplets are already hanging up high.

In front of the villa, there were vehicles at this time, basically all of BMW, hundreds of thousands of vehicles, slowly coming in. At the door, there were two middle-aged men. When they saw the invitation letter from the driver, they checked each other.

It can be said that it is very rigorous and also very style.

After all, it must be a local tyrant to have such a luxurious villa in the countryside. Otherwise, it's impossible!

"Please, please!" After checking, the middle-aged man had a faint smile on his face and made a please gesture to everyone. It can be said that it is very polite.

At this moment, a small motorcycle drove from the side, and finally stopped next to the villa in front of him.

"It should be this place, right?" Looking at the villa in front of him, Ye Chen looked at the location in the phone, checked it again, and finally nodded.

Originally, I didn't plan to come. However, since it has been exposed at home, then I have to come. Although, this guy is very annoying. However, others have already invited, if you can't come, then it's your fault.

Therefore, this time, I came by myself.

"Brother Ye Chen!" When Ye Chen was about to walk in, a woman's voice came from the side, followed by a small motorcycle appeared in Ye Chen's field of vision, wearing a pair of white In the short skirt, there was a first-class face, long hair wafting in the wind, and a faint smile on his face. He waved his hand to Ye Chen and said hello.

"You're...Chang Tan, I didn't expect that I haven't seen you in a few years, and I've become more and more beautiful." Ye Chen's face was a little surprised when she looked at the woman wearing a white short skirt in front of her.

Chang Tan, a friend he met when he was in junior high school, can be said to be his closest friend when he was in junior high school. When I was in junior high school, I treated this girl like my sister!

And now, I didn't expect that I hadn't seen each other for a few years now. If this girl hadn't called herself Ye Chen's brother, Ye Chen would really not recognize it.

The eighteenth female change, this is really not just a talk. In particular, some places are too large!

"Brother Ye Chen, you still recognize me!" When Chang Tan in front of him heard Ye Chen's words, his face was surprised, followed by a faint blush.

Unexpectedly, it has been eight or nine years, Ye Chen's brother can actually recognize himself at a glance. This made Chang Tan's heart warmer, and his beautiful eyes blinked at Ye Chen.

"Of course! How could I not recognize it. Among the girls who call me this way, there is no one else except you." Looking at Chang Tan in front of him, Ye Chen smiled and explained.

It can be said that among the girls, this girl is the only one who calls herself Ye Chen's brother. Except for this girl, Ye Chen couldn't think of who else.

"What! I thought you recognized me! I didn't expect it to be this way. If I knew it, I shouldn't have called you!" When Chang Tan, who was next to him, heard it, his face was a little helpless, toot. mouth.

"Right. How did you girl recognize me?" Ye Chen's face was puzzled when he looked at Chang Tan in front of him.

It can be said that I didn't notify Chang Tan in advance when I came here!

But just now, Chang Tan called out his name all at once. This is too shocking! That's incredible!

"How to recognize you, this naturally has my way. Hehe! Brother Ye Chen, don't you admire me very much?" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Chang Tan smiled and said.

"Indeed, I really admire you." Ye Chen saw it, smiled helplessly, and shook his head.

"Let's go!" Finally, looking at Chang Tan in front of him, he said something.

"Yeah!" Chang Tan heard it and didn't say much. He nodded, followed behind Ye Chen, and drove slowly towards the villa in front of him.

"Wait!" However, when Ye Chen and the others came to the gate, the two middle-aged men who opened the door next to them appeared in front of Ye Chen and the others, blocking their way, their faces were cold, and their voices were even worse. There is no slightest politeness.

"You two! If you eat and drink, please go back! Today, we don't give alms here!" Looking at Ye Chen and the others in front of them, the two were not at all polite.

Obviously, in their eyes, Ye Chen at this time is a bit like the kind of people who just seal a few yuan or dozens of yuan, and then come in to eat and drink.

This time, their young master got married, but it was a big scene and a big lineup. For such people, it is not welcome!

Therefore, this time, these people must not be allowed in. Otherwise, they will be punished next, but they!

"Eat, eat, and drink!" Ye Chen, who was in front of him, heard it, and when he saw the slightest polite expression of the two of them, his face suddenly became gloomy and his brows frowned.

I hate it the most because I'm said to be eating and drinking. For such a person, it can be said that it is simply a shame.

"Isn't it? Today is the day of our young master's great rejoicing, come back another day!" When the two heard that, without the slightest politeness, they waved their hands at Ye Chen and their expressions became a little impatient.

It can be said that such a person can be sent casually, and must not be able to image the people behind. Otherwise, they would be a tragedy!


Sure enough, at this moment, a Mercedes Benz stopped behind Chang Tan and the others. Looking at Chang Tan and the others in front of him, his expression became a bit impatient, and he pressed his horn.

"Go go! Go! Didn't you see anyone behind? No invitation, you can't come in!" When the two saw the Mercedes behind them, they became a little impatient and waved to Ye Chen.

"You..." And Chang Tan, who was next to him, heard it and looked at the expressions of the two in front of him. All of a sudden, his expression became gloomy and his brows frowned.

"We are your young master's junior high school classmates. Are you entertaining guests like this?" It can be said that he originally thought he would come to the banquet happily.

Unexpectedly, now he was not only blocked by a guard, but also driven away by others. This, Chang Tan couldn't stand it at all!

"Our young master's junior high school classmate?" When someone next to him heard it, as if thinking of something, he nodded and took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

My young master must be a junior high school classmate. Needless to say, this kind of dressing is definitely a poor man.