The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 521: Look down on someone! 【One more】

"You..." Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Chang Tan's face became even more gloomy, and his brow furrowed.

In this way, it looks a bit wrong, as if being interrogated. This made Chang Tan very uncomfortable. And, at this time, she could not wait to punch the guy in front of her.

"That, sorry! We just follow our process. Today is the big day of the young master. There can be no trace of mistakes." Looking at Chang Tan in front of him, the middle-aged man just smiled slightly. There is no way of apologizing.

"Forget it!" Looking at Chang Tan, who had a gloomy expression in front of him, Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, not much, "Chang Tan, Ye Chen!"

"That's it! Young Master's junior high school classmates list, there is indeed such a person." And the middle-aged man next to him heard it, looked at the list in his hand, and finally nodded and handed it to Ye Chen and Chang Tan. Two cards.

"This is the number of your table!" It can be said that they really don't understand it. Like such a poor ghost, why does his master invite them to come to the wedding.

Even if invited, some celebrities, there are already enough people. And now, even some poor ghosts are invited over, isn't this a hindrance?

"Wait, your little motorcycle, just put it there!" When they saw Ye Chen and the others trying to bring their little motorcycle in, the two spoke up, blocking Ye Chen and the others, shook their heads, and pointed to the side. In a place, said.

"Why?" Chang Tan, who was next to him, heard it, his face was puzzled, "It's impossible for you to have no parking lot."

It can be said that such a villa is basically the size of a manor. It's vacant, parking lot or something, it's impossible to not have it!

But now, this guy is telling them to park their car outside, who looks down upon him!

"Because we don't have enough space inside. Later, I don't know how many such luxury cars will come back. Therefore, I can only wrong you, I hope I won't mind." The middle-aged man smiled and explained.

"Furthermore, our young master has also notified that only cars can come in. As for motorcycles, this is no good." After speaking, he waved his hand.

"You..." Chang Tan's expression became more gloomy when he heard it, and frowned when he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

This guy, isn't it obvious to look down on them? I have to be angry about this!

"Let's go! I didn't expect that when I was in junior high school, I was so helpless and so annoying. Now, it's still so annoying!" When Chang Tan was angry, Ye Chen had already stopped the car. Looking at Chang Tan in front of him, he shook his head and said something.

It can be said that he knows a little bit about the character of this man in Wuhan University. That guy, this kind of thing is absolutely nothing more than a trivial thing for him who is so careful.

"Okay!" Chang Tan heard it, and could only nod his head, parked the car in a corner next to him, and sighed softly.

"Don't worry! Your car, we will help you look forward to it. What's more, such a junk car, it is impossible for anyone to take the risk to steal, and the gain is not worth the loss!" When seeing Chang Tan's angry and cold face, one of them added One sentence.

"You..." Hearing the words of the middle-aged man in front of him, Chang Tan's face became more gloomy. What is this all about, it is too much to make people feel helpless!

"Let's go! It's not worth it to be angry with such a person. Is it possible that a mad dog bit you, and you still have to bite it back?" Ye Chen patted Chang Tan with a gloomy face in front of him and frowning. He sighed softly on his shoulder, shook his head, and said something.

It can be said that being angry with such a person is indeed very unworthy, but it is bad for the body.

"What's more, what kind of master you have, what kind of subordinates and what kind of dogs will you have. You girl doesn't know this!"

"That's right! Brother Ye Chen, let's go!" Chang Tan, who was next to him, nodded and said seriously when he heard it.

It can be said that just like what Ye Chen said, these people will have what kind of dog they have with what kind of owner. There is a saying that is very correct, things are gathered together, and people are divided into groups!

"These guys..." And the middle-aged man next to him heard it, and when he saw Ye Chen and Chang Tan walking into the villa, his face became more gloomy and his brow frowned.

"Master, Ye Chen, the person you made us pay attention to, has already come." In the end, one of them took out a cell phone and made a call.

"I see!" On the other side of the phone, a young man's voice came, and then he hung up the phone.

"Table 48, it should be there." In a large garden, there were dozens of tables at this time. Looking at the number in his hand, Chang Tan pointed to a table in the corner not far away and said something.

"There are actually signs on the table. Is this because we are afraid that we don't know each other?" When Ye Chen and Chang Tan came to the 48th table, they looked at the signs on each position in front of them, and there was a smile on their faces.

Don't leave it alone, it's still very caring. However, it is not clear whether it is caring or not. The only thing that is clear is that it looks like this now.

"Who knows this! Even a doorman treats us like this. Maybe this time there will be three or sixty-nine banquets!" Chang Tan, who was next to him, looked a little helpless when he heard it. Pouting.

It can be said that this time, originally came to the banquet happily. But now, it has become such a look. This made Chang Tan very unhappy, very unhappy.

Now, whether these brands have other meanings, I don't know.

"However, according to the virtues of that guy from Wuhan University, there is a 90% chance that this will happen." Obviously, Chang Tan doesn't have a slight impression of him.

"You girl, maybe you really don't mean anything else. I just want to let us know each other! After all, we haven't seen each other for a few years. Otherwise, I really don't know who is who!" Look Ye Chen shook his head with Chang Tan's appearance in front of him and explained.

"That's right! After all, we can't just talk about other people. Not to mention, today is still that guy's day of rejoicing." Chang Tan could only nod when he heard it.

"Brother Ye Chen, I didn't expect that you would come so soon!" At this moment, a figure came from the side, and when he saw Ye Chen, his face was excited.

"You are..." Looking at the young man in front of him, Ye Chen's face was puzzled, and his brows frowned slightly.