The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 522: I don’t need to work hard anymore [two

"Big Brother Ye Chen, I haven't paid for it for several years. I guessed it was correct, you don't remember me." When the young man in front of him heard Ye Chen's words, he smiled slightly, waved his hand, and looked at Chang Tan next to him. .

"Chang Tan, this time, but I won!"

"If you win, it's okay!" Chang Tan smiled slightly and puffed his mouth when he heard it, obviously a little unconvinced.

"Brother Ye Chen, this is Yi Qiang, you won't forget it!" Finally, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Ye Chen, and his expression was somewhat helpless.

When Yi Qiang came just now, Chang Tan bet Yi Qiang, Ye Chen should recognize Yi Qiang. But now, I didn't expect that Ye Chen didn't recognize it at all, and he was a little helpless!

"Yi Qiang! Why are you stinky!" Ye Chen in front of him heard Chang Tan's introduction, his face was shocked, looking at the young man in front of him, his face was full of disbelief.

When he was in junior high school, Yi Qiang was as skinny as himself! And now, what is going on, how can it become like a little fat man.

Even if he is not fat, he is already a bit serious! It's a bit different from what I imagined!

"Haha! Brother Ye Chen, I told Chang Tan just now, you won't recognize me. Chang Tan didn't believe me, now believe it!" Yi Qiang smiled slightly, his own next to Ye Chen Sit down.

It can be said that they have not seen each other for eight years. Unexpectedly, everyone is still changing very much.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen to sit in his place, if it wasn't for Chang Tan, it could be said that he didn't recognize Ye Chen either.

This is understandable!

"You kid, it seems that these years are still very moisturizing? With such a body shape, I am a big boss." Looking at the Yi Qiang in front of him, Ye Chen had to be surprised.

It seems that this kid is pretty good. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to have such a figure.

It can be said that I feel a little relieved.

"Brother Ye Chen, Yi Qiang is the big boss now!" When Chang Tan heard it next to him, he smiled and explained, "Not only his own company, but now there is also a very beautiful wife. It can be said that both career and love have a good harvest!"

"This... I'm overwhelmed! I'm overwhelmed! What kind of big boss is there, that is, a small boss. They are all working for other people and just eat. Nothing!" Yi Qiang heard, waved his hand, and said. One sentence.

It can be said that although I am in business, it is just a small business. After all, it's not working for someone else.

"Hey! A few million dollars is called a small boss. Then, like us, isn't it nothing. That's right, I'm just a worker." Chang Tan pursed his lips and smiled when he heard it.

"Small business, small business. Haha!" Yi Qiang smiled awkwardly when he heard it.

"Yeah. Brother Ye Chen, are you delivering food in Modu now?" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Yi Qiang seemed to think of something, his face was puzzled, his brows frowned slightly, and he asked.

According to Ye Chen's achievements, there is also a clever mind, it is impossible to deliver food in the magic city! In other words, it is also a white-collar or above talent!

And in the group, what is going on with what those guys said about delivering food? It can be said that it is puzzling. If this is the case, I might be able to pull Ye Chen's brother.

"Yeah! Indeed, I was in the magic city before, so I should have delivered takeaway for a year! However, now I don’t need to work hard, and I don’t need to deliver food. Now, I’m experiencing life." Ye Chen heard it, too. Without any hesitation, nodded.

Before there was no system, he did deliver a year's takeaway in Modu. This is understandable.

And now, after having the system, I no longer need to deliver food.

After all, just a Ninth Sister, enough to eat for a lifetime. Not to mention, I don't even know how much money I have in my bank card now.

Anyway, I believe that buying a Ferrari for the benefit of every day is absolutely no problem.

"No way! Brother Ye Chen, you really deliver food!" When Yi Qiang in front of him saw Ye Chen nodding affirmatively, his face was shocked and his face was inconceivable.

Brother Ye Chen is actually delivering food. How is this possible! It's unlikely!

"Yeah! It's true!" Seeing Yi Qiang's shocked face in front of him, Ye Chen nodded again without hesitation.

"Brother Ye Chen, you are back now. Or else, don't go to the magic capital! In our hometown, we two work together, we work together, we have the blessings and the difficulties!" Yi Qiang heard, there was nothing Hesitated, looked at Ye Chen, and said something.

"Come to my company! Let's work hard together, and pay as much as you want, as long as it doesn't exceed my tolerance."

"How about me!" Chang Tan, who was next to him, heard it and smiled, "Brother Yi Qiang, give me a monthly salary of 10,000, and I will be at home."

"Chang Tan, if you come, I will definitely give it! I'm afraid you are used to seeing the city lights and feasts, and don't want to come back to places like ours." Yi Qiang smiled slightly when he heard it.

"Okay! If that's the case, then it's better for me to respect my fate."


"No need. I'm not going to work." Ye Chen waved his hand, shook his head, and refused.

"It's not a part-time job, let's work together..." Yi Qiang looked anxious when he heard it, and quickly explained.

However, Ye Chen shook his head.

"I came back this time mainly to host a college banquet for my sister. As for money, it has no effect at all. I don't need to make money anymore. It is too hard to think about how to make money all day long. If you have time, it's better to have a good time."

To make money or something, just leave it to the president and chairman of your company and so on. As for myself, of course, it was hard work behind the scenes, and I didn't even notice things outside the window.

Otherwise, it does not conform to your own style. Hard work for more than a year, tired!

"But, Brother Ye Chen, if you don't make money, what kind of money is there to experience life!" Yi Qiang looked confused and worried when he heard it.

Ye Chen, myself, doesn't have a problem with his thoughts! If this is the case, then things will be difficult.

"Yeah! Brother Ye Chen, if you don't work hard to make money, can you still fall from the sky if you make money?" Chang Tan's expression was also puzzled when he heard it.

Brother Ye Chen, himself, will not be irritated, he has already entered a dead end!

"Perhaps, Ye Chen's money fell from the sky! Right! Ye Chen!" At this time, a strange sound came from Ye Chen, which made Ye Chen's brows slightly frowned.