The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 523: It’s impossible, you can eat me [one m

"Who is this guy!" Ye Chen's brow wrinkled slightly as he watched the young man walking in front of him and wearing a set of brand-name clothes. This guy didn't even remember at all.

However, according to this guy, he must have come to find fault. Ye Chen knew this very well. And as for coming to find fault, how can people not be happy!

"Brother Ye Chen, this is Tang Tao." When Chang Tan, who was next to him, saw that he didn't have any doubts, he didn't say much, and quickly explained.

Obviously, Chang Tan is also very unwelcome to Tang Tao. Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

"It turned out to be that guy. As expected, the dog can't spit out ivory!" Listening to Chang Tan's explanation, Ye Chen finally knew what was going on.

Who originally thought it was, but didn't expect that it was another disgusting guy. For such a guy, it can be said that Ye Chen doesn't have the slightest affection for him!

"Ye Chen, I didn't expect to really come to the wedding banquet of Big Brother Wu." Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Tang Tao didn't hesitate to sit down in the opposite position, with a bright smile on his face, with a sneer. .

Originally thought Ye Chen would not dare to come to the wedding banquet of Big Brother Wu. However, what he didn't expect was that Ye Chen had come to attend the wedding banquet of Big Brother Wu.

At this point, I was a little surprised!

"Of course, why didn't I dare to come to participate? Is it possible that you can still eat me?" Looking at Tang Tao in front of him, Ye Chen smiled slightly and explained.

It’s just a wedding banquet. Even if he wants to eat it, he has to see if his portion is enough! What's more, there are basically no people in this world who can eat themselves!

"You... I heard that you deliver food in the magic city? Since you are in the magic city, you might as well come back and find a factory to work. It is better than you in the magic city! After all, the living standard of the magic city is so high, it’s you. This kind of food delivery can persist. It really is..." Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Tang Tao shook his head, with a sneer on his face.

It's impossible for a food delivery company in Modu to be so powerful.

"I did deliver food in the magic city, but now I am experiencing life. Unlike some people, who can only be experienced by life. Of course, the person I am talking about is not everyone present, just you!" Ye Chen Hearing it, he smiled slightly, and didn't care at all.

"You..." Sure enough, when Tang Tao in front of him heard it, his face became more gloomy, his brows furrowed, and a pair of Feng's eyes looked at Ye Chen with an expression of indescribable resentment.

This stinky boy followed himself against him when he was in junior high school. But now, what Tang Tao didn't expect was that he had already come out of society and became a social man.

This Ye Chen is still following him, still has the same temper as he did in junior high school, **** it!

"What are you, you have nothing to say!" Ye Chen didn't pay any attention when he saw it, and waved his hand.

Such a child actually wants to make trouble for himself. is it possible?

This is simply impossible.

"Ye Chen, Chang Tan, Tang Tao, Yi Qiang, it's been a long time." At the back, people at a table came one after another, and finally said hello to each other.

Ye Chen also responded very politely to them.

"Unexpectedly, we were actually treated differently." Looking at the good wine and food on some tables next to him, Chang Tan sighed slightly.

Others have seafood or something, and what they have here is just a variety of home-cooked dishes. It can be said that one heaven and one underground are not comparable at all.

This made Chang Tan's face a little gloomy, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

"If you come, you will be safe!" Ye Chen heard it, looked at Chang Tan next to him, and shook his head.

Ye Chen was also very upset about this arrangement of Wuhan University.

"Tang Tao, if I remember correctly, didn't you have a very good relationship with your Big Brother Wu? Now, why didn't he arrange it for you?" Ye Chen's face looked at Tang Tao, who looked a little gloomy next to him. A faint smile appeared and said something.

You were so screaming just now, but now, it depends on how you screamed.

"Yeah! Tang Tao, don't you have a very good relationship with Wuhan University? Every day is like licking a dog, I can't wait to shake my head and tail. Now, why are you so downhearted like us?" Yi Qiang next to him heard Ye Chen A faint smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Tang Tao in front of him.

This guy was arrogant in front of Big Brother Ye Chen just now! And now, when he has the opportunity to get angry with this guy, Yi Qiang won't let it go!

What's more, this Tang Tao, his Yi Qiang is also very displeased. It's just a brat, a follower who is shaking his head and tails, why is it so arrogant in front of them!

"You..." When Tang Tao, who was in front of him, heard it, his expression turned gloomy for a moment, and he looked at Yi Qiang, but he didn't know what to say for a long time.

This stinky boy is absolutely horrible.

However, the current self is indeed treated differently by Wuhan University. This is for sure.

Everyone else has a good wine and a good food. On their side, it's just rough tea and light rice, and it's incomparable at all.

"Eat! Drink! We eat ours, they eat theirs. Wait a minute, I have to go back!" Ye Chen saw it and shook his head.

Instead of wasting time here, I might as well go back and waste time on my eight sisters. After all, every day a set of different underwear, such a colorful life, such a happy thing, it must be better to go back.

"Yes, yes, right! After eating, I'll leave immediately, and I'm going back to prepare for the wedding too! Three days later, I hope everyone can come to attend." Yi Qiang nodded when he heard it, and said something.

"The one who came to participate is just to give me face, you have a million!" Don't hear it, and didn't say much, adding one sentence.

"One million, huh! I think, is it Tiandi Bank?" Tang Tao sneered when he heard it, and did not give Ye Chen any face.

"You don't need to come, and I hope that if you don't come, I will pay one million less. Although, one million is not a big deal!" Ye Chen said without paying attention to it.

"You..." Tang Tao's face turned flush when he heard it. A pair of eyes stared at Ye Chen tightly, wishing to eat Ye Chen's meat and drink Ye Chen's blood.

This stinky boy is too damnable!

"Today, thank you for coming. I am at Wuhan University. It is a great honor for all of you present to be able to attend my wedding this time. In the future, I hope you can take care of it." At this time, one group was wearing a suit and pulling a The bride's youth appeared in the manor and began to toast.

"It should be! It should be! Earn money together!" Everyone nodded when they heard it.

"True hypocrisy!" However, Ye Chen shook his head helplessly and sighed softly.

"Oh! Isn't this my good friend Ye Chen? Why are you sitting here?" In a quarter of an hour, the young man came to Ye Chen and the others, with a smile on his face and a little surprised expression.