The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 555: The hunt begins [two more]

"Is this the ruins? I didn't expect it to be quite spectacular! Right! Fifth sister!" When Ye Chen realized that his vision was restored, a large desert was reflected in front of him, which made Ye Chen's expression a little shocked. NS.

This ruin is still very good. Maybe, I can really find a way to advance in this ruin, so as to reach the same height as my fourth sister.

When I think of this, my face has to be excited, and I can't wait to find the baby here now!

"Five..." He didn't hear any response, which made Ye Chen look to the side, his face a little surprised.

Own, obviously came in with his fifth sister. And now, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that the figure of his fifth sister was not in this place at all!

"It seems that it should have been separated. I didn't expect that this ruin is still quite individual." He shook his head helplessly and sighed softly.

I thought I could join hands with my fifth sister to explore this ruin. Unfortunately, there is no possibility at all. Now, my fifth sister is not here!

"Is this difficult achievement is the end, good things, is it possible to achieve this place?" At this time, his mind was dizzy, and then a picture appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

In the endless desert, a palace stood quietly. Although they are all palaces made of sand, there are no traces of time. It seems, I don't know how spectacular it is.

This is simply the perspective of God!

"Is this red dot my position?" When he saw the picture in his mind, Ye Chen nodded as if he understood something.

In the picture, there are a total of eight red dots distributed in all directions. Needless to say, these red dots must represent the eight of them.

As for the flashing red dot, of course it represents your own position.

It seems that they are all divided into eight directions! And the only possibility is to rush towards the palace,

"This is not a very simple thing, the sword comes!" Finally, with a slight smile, without any hesitation, a long sword appeared in the void, and Ye Chen's figure instantly stepped on it.

"Go!" With a wave of his right hand, a powerful force suddenly crushed it. This caused Ye Chen, who had originally planned to turn into a streamer sword to fly, to slam into the desert with a bang. It can be said that he was caught off guard!

"Is it possible that this place is forbidden?" I tried again several times, but what made Ye Chen's face solemn was that every time he wanted to fly out, in the void, there would be a sky above the nine heavens. The huge force crushed down fiercely, which made Ye Chen not know how angry.

"This broken place, it seems that the only possibility is really walking." Finally, he shook his head helplessly.

Flying is impossible, the only possibility is to walk quickly toward the center. There, since it is the end, there must be many precious things.


But when Ye Chen walked toward the front step by step, there was a burst of Sasasa's voice, which made Ye Chen look around instantly, but there was no abnormality.

"Is it possible that I am too sensitive?" Ye Chen's face became a little serious when he saw there was no movement next to him, and he shook his head.

"It's possible!"


When Ye Chen walked in front of him, in the dust and sand behind him, there was a huge yellow snake suddenly rushing out, and opened his mouth to Ye Chen.


However, before the giant snake approached Ye Chen, a white sword light flashed away. As for the giant snake's figure, it was torn apart with a bang, turned into countless fragments, and finally turned into countless pieces. light spot.

"What is this? What a pure energy!" Ye Chen's face was a bit surprised when he looked at the white light spots the size of a thumb floating in the void in front of him, as if he had thought of something, his face was excited. .

With such a pure ability, if you get enough of it, doesn't it mean that you have enough capital to attack the emperor realm? When he thought of this, Ye Chen's expression became even more excited, and there were gleaming stars in his eyes, and his eyes became greedy.

This place is simply a treasure! There is gold everywhere, which makes people have to be excited.

Now, maybe he really has enough possibility to hit the emperor realm. At that time, the mystery of his nine sisters should almost be solved.


And when Ye Chen killed a giant snake, the surrounding movement became bigger and bigger, and finally countless dust flew up, and the figures sprang out from the sand and opened to Ye Chen. The blood basin was mouthful, and it looked strangely terrifying.

"Do you want to fight the number? You are still tender. But, I like it!" Looking at the dozens of figures in front of him, Ye Chen's face was excited, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and with a wave of his right hand, countless long swords appeared.

Puff puff

Suddenly, countless light spots fell from the void, and finally came to Ye Chen's hands.

"I like this place!" Without any hesitation, he walked forward.

As long as it gets in the way, it gets in the way, one word, death!

"It seems that everyone is separated! This is a bit troublesome." In another place, when Princess Sakura appeared in the ruins, she saw the map in her mind and her face appeared. With a faint smile, the corners of his mouth slightly aroused.

"How many energy groups did you get? If so, let's give it a try!" Seeing the hint in his mind, he smiled slightly, licked his lips, didn't say much, and waved his right hand.


In the blink of an eye, a giant snake penetrated through the body of Princess Sakura, but the princess Sakura in front of him collapsed in a blink of an eye and turned into a petal.

It seems that I don't know how weird it is.

"Big stupid snake, this princess is here!" At this moment, a faint pink afterimage flashed away. As for the giant snake in front of him, it suddenly split into two, turning into countless spots of light. In the end, only one energy group was left suspended in front of Princess Sakura.

"This is the so-called energy group, so pure energy, not bad! Not bad! Now, things are getting more and more interesting." Looking at the energy group in the void in front of him, he didn't say much, and with a wave of his right hand, he put it away. .

This time, let yourself see what is terrifying in this ruin!

In addition, it is best to meet that kid, so that his secrets will be known to himself. Licking his lips, beautiful eyes blinked, and the hunt began!