The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 602: Happy to accompany [two more]

Ah Sie

"Who is thinking of me!" On the other hand, in a palace on an island, a figure of a young man is now on the corridor, looking at the night with a bright moon, and suddenly a sneeze comes out, which makes Shao's face didn't know how helpless it was.

"Chuck! Xiaochen, save it! Who would miss you." At this moment, a girl's voice came from the side, followed by the figure of a woman wearing a black skirt Stepped into Ye Chen's field of vision.

A long black hair slowly stirred with the breeze, and under the moonlight, the beautiful face had a hazy beauty. It seems that people can't wait to pounce on it.

The enchanting body is an endless body of fascination, and the light fragrance comes from it, which makes people's heartstrings move even more.

"Sister Si, are you finished talking?" Looking at Ye Xuan who was walking in front of him, Ye Chen's face was puzzled, his brows frowned slightly, and he said something.

Just now, from the beginning of the meal, my fourth sister and fifth sister had already grabbed Princess Sakura and asked about this and that. And now, my fourth sister has come out, they should have finished the conversation!

Otherwise, there can be no time to come out!

"Yeah! It's almost done! Xiaochen, you can do it! You can actually make Princess Sakura so miserable! It's awesome! Great!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, a faint smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face. Don't like it anymore.

It can be said that they have been checked by the Sakura Princess just now. When they saw the scene of Princess Sakura, they were all shocked.

Xiaochen, I don't know how to Lianxiangxiyu! It's so scary! With such hard work, I am not afraid of being completely penetrated, and I am not afraid of being broken by playing.

However, Ye Xuan also had to admire the combat effectiveness of Princess Sakura, it can be said that it was too terrifying. This fighting power, even she had to admire it.

After all, in any case, the scene of Princess Sakura just now is even more terrifying than when she was in the Northwest! Without a good rest period, the beautiful and charming scenery will never be restored.

"Isn't this a normal operation?" Looking at his fourth sister, Ye Chen smiled slightly, and a touch of pride appeared on his face.

It can be said that breaking the limit once a day is not just talking about it. Now, Ye Chen already feels the horror of this good buff, it's just like hanging up!

"That's right. Fourth sister, you said that I have been in for almost three months. In these three months, nothing major has happened!" Looking at his fourth sister, Ye Chen's face was a little puzzled. , Inquired.

I was in the ruins, but it was more than three days. On the outside, more than three months have passed. At this point, others sigh a little!

"Don't worry! There are no important things. However, I heard that your sister's girl is very popular at school! It can be said that it is very hot, and I don't know how many boys are pursuing it! You brother, but he is under pressure!" When Ye Xuan heard it, she smiled, as if thinking of something, blinked, looked at Ye Chen, and said something.

"It's a good thing to be pursued by someone, which proves that the beauty of my Ling'er girl is still okay. If no one pursues it, it would be a bit helpless. However, during college, it was not when I was in love, I wanted to get my sister. My consent must be obtained." Ye Chen's expression was a little surprised when he heard it.

Unexpectedly, my sister can still do it! However, if you want to soak up your own sister, it is estimated that they will have to go through five stages and kill six generals. With the Eight Sisters, they would not agree so easily.

"Chuck! As expected, Xiaochen, you are a sister-in-law!" Ye Xuan heard that, when she saw Ye Chen's serious face, she pursed her lips and smiled instead.

"Uh!" Ye Chen heard a cold sweat on his face.

That girl, Ling'er, how can she say that she is just for her consideration, this is a strong concern about the love of her brother to her sister!

If you were deceived by that stinky boy, wouldn't it be regrettable?

"Right, one more thing, Northwest is not very quiet now. And your fourth sister has been impeached. From now on, it can be said to be a vagrant." Ye Xuan saw it, smiled and said.

"Sister Si, I am a vagrant, don't fight with me. You have several big companies! You are still a Fortune 500 company." Ye Chen didn't agree with the identity of the vagrant as his fourth sister.

My fourth sister, if you want to make money, you can earn more! And now, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that his fourth sister actually said that he was a vagrant, so don't rob him, okay.

"Hey! You are a vagrant, when did you buy the shops in the entertainment street and the food street in the magic city? It seems, Xiaochen, you want to collect rent in the future and become the landlord!"

"Hey! Sure enough, I still can't hide anything from the Fourth Sister. That's right! I don't want to fight anymore." Ye Chen heard it and said with a slight smile.

"Sister Si, you said that the northwest side is not very quiet, what's the matter?" Ye Chen's face was puzzled when she looked at her Si Sister. Northwest, isn’t this place where werewolves used to fight before?

And now, the leaders of the werewolves have been wiped out by them. My fourth sister actually said that the Northwest is not very quiet, which is a bit surprised!

"What is the specific reason? I haven't seriously investigated. After all, after we eliminated the werewolf leader, the royal family of Emperor Jing wanted to pick the fruit. The lady was impeached, and I did everything possible to give me a holiday. After that, I didn’t investigate what happened. However, I think their Wang family must have suffered a heavy loss now! Even, they have hurt their skin.” Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and didn’t care at all. .

"This is because they take the blame. If they dare to pick the fruits of my fourth sister, they should know that the consequences are very serious. It's best to make them hurt." Ye Chen's face was also cold when he heard it.

"No! I think that person will come out soon." However, when Ye Xuan heard it, she shook her head, her face serious and solemn.

"With that person, he will not allow anyone to shake the foundation of their royal family, shake their hegemony."

"Four sisters!" Ye Chen's face became a little serious when she saw his fourth sister's appearance.

The enemy of his nine sisters is the Wang family. And the Wang family, what is that person's strength? Actually make his nine sisters so jealous?

"Alright! Not much to say. Xiaochen, I'm hungry." When Ye Xuan saw in front of him, she smiled, licked her lips, looked at Ye Chen with beautiful eyes, "Let me see what your fighting power is. It's not as scary as Princess Sakura said."

"Happy to accompany you!"