The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 677: Wash my neck and wait [three shifts]

"Sister, I thought you could settle it all by yourself." And in the crater next to it, a young man's helpless voice came, with a trace of laziness, and said.


A gust of wind blows, and the sky is full of dust. And under the shock of everyone, a figure of a pale youth walked over step by step. At this moment, behind the youth was a golden figure, exuding a golden breath all over the body, and even more powerful strength. You can squeeze the void at will.

It seems that I don't know how terrifying.

"Supreme Faxiang, Xiao Chen..." And when Ye Gong next to Ye Gong saw Ye Chen stepping up in front of him, his face was shocked and his face was inconceivable.

Supreme Dharma, how is this possible! Ye Chen actually also has a supreme form. This, she never thought of it!

It seems that I can see the future, and it is quietly changing. For this, Ye Gong was excited. Because she sees the future, not the future she wants!

"Is this kid finally getting serious?" When Ye Xuan, who was next to her, saw Ye Chen stepping up in front of her, a faint smile appeared on her face and nodded.

At the beginning, when he was in the northwest, when he was fighting against the werewolf, Ye Chen was able to escape from the werewolf leader or even destroy the werewolf leader because of the supreme law!

But now, there is no such thing as Ye Chen who can control the Supreme Dharma at will. Progress is still very big. After all, when Xiao Chen wanted to use this powerful force, he needed the help of the relic!

Now, there is no need for the help of the relics. This shows that Ye Chen can control such a force at will. For this, I have to be excited!

"How is it possible! How can you, a stinky boy who has just entered the realm of an emperor, have a supreme dignity!" When Wang Xiaotian saw the golden figure behind Ye Chen, his face was shocked and his face was inconceivable.

One mouth is wide enough to swallow a duck egg. The eyes were round, as if they were about to fall off.

It has been hundreds of years since I entered the realm of the emperor level, and only then did I study the Supreme Dharma Form. As for Ye Xin, being able to have the supreme form of the law is still within the range that Wang Xiaotian can accept.

After all, Ye Xin has always been regarded by him as the most powerful enemy by Wang Xiaotian, and he needs to be eliminated most.

However, Ye Chen, a stinky boy who emerged in the last half month, has just begun, in his eyes, it is nothing but an ant.

But now! Now he actually has the supreme form of Dharma. This is too incredible, too ridiculous! Tease me!

"How can it be impossible!" Seeing Wang Xiaotian's shocked face in front of him, as if he was going to be mad, Ye Chen smiled slightly, not caring at all, and said something.

But it was only the Supreme Faxiang. Six months ago, when I was helping my fourth sister in the Northwest, I already had such a golden giant.

The only thing is that Ye Chen didn't care at all at the time, and didn't ask his sister how to do it. After all, Ye Chen at the time believed that this golden thing was just one of his own skills.

And after entering the emperor realm, Ye Chen knew what this thing was, the Supreme Dharma!

And now, Ye Chen knew that something like the Supreme Faxiang was something that could only be cultivated in the emperor-level pinnacle realm.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to cultivate.

Moreover, such a thing as the Supreme Dharma-image is also linked to the next realm, the Supreme Realm. As for how to hook up, Ye Chen was a little confused.

After all, Ye Chen couldn't see through or touch the Supreme Faxiang. As for the next realm, the current Ye Chen is only the middle stage of the emperor-level realm, and there is still a long way to go to the peak of the emperor-level!

It will take a long time to touch the next level. Let alone other things.

As for why, when he was at the peak of the imperial realm, he could already awaken his supreme form. Is Ye Chen completely unclear about this? Anyway, it came out for no reason.

At that time, if it weren't for the supreme Dharma, if he still had a fourth sister, he would have to explain to him in the northwest. It can be said that the Supreme Dharma has saved himself several times!

"It's impossible!" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Wang Xiaotian basically roared, "Supreme Dharma Form, at least it needs the peak of the Emperor Rank to be able to cultivate it. You are in the mid-Emperor Rank realm, how can you cultivate the Supreme Dharma Form. "

Wang Xiaotian was also considered a genius. When he reached the peak of the emperor rank, he was stuck for hundreds of years. And now, with great difficulty, I have reached the peak of the emperor rank and touched the supreme realm.

Unexpectedly, a stinky stinky kid who was in the middle emperor-level realm would have already touched the supreme Dharma image that he had spent hundreds of years on before he could study it.

At this time, Wang Xiao's inner feelings may be only he can understand it. That is the rhythm of vomiting blood! Depressed rhythm!

"How impossible! Impossible, this is just your problem. The old immortal, let me remember, in my Ye Chen, there is no such thing as impossible. Because there is a miracle! "Looking at Wang Xiaotian, who was frantic in front of him, Ye Chen sneered, shook his head, and said in a serious tone.

What you can't do does not mean that Ye Chen can't do it. After all, people are different!

"This brat!" Looking at the arrogant face in front of him, Ye Chen walked towards him step by step, Wang Xiaotian's face was pulled down, and his brows frowned.

If you know this is the result, you should have slapped this stinky boy to death just now. And now, it's a little helpless!

"Wang Xiaotian, now, do you think you still have an advantage!" When Ye Xin, who was in the void, saw Wang Xiaotian in front of him, a faint smile appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly and said something.

"Huh! This time, I will definitely make you pay the price you deserve!" Wang Xiaotian frowned when he saw Ye Xin and Ye Chen walking towards him, his face was extremely solemn, and he snorted softly. , The figure disappeared in place.

At this time, Ye Xin and the others had two supreme forms. Even if you work hard by yourself, it is impossible to get any benefits. Moreover, if he fights with them and hurts both sides, this is what Ye Xin wants most.

Because, then, their Wang family might be provoked by some other families.

At present, the only strong man in the imperial realm of the Wang family is himself!

At this time, it wasn't the time when it was impulsive, when it was time when Ye Xin and the others died.

"Smelly boy, wash my neck and wait!"