The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 707: Can I do it, you know best [two more]

"Wake up!" On the next day, on a soft sheet, two figures slowly opened their eyes, looking at the princess Sakura in front of him, Ye Chen's face showed a faint smile, and said One sentence.

"Yeah!" When the princess Sakura in front of her heard it, she nodded, and looked at Ye Chen in front of her. Her beautiful eyes became even more shy, and her face became even more ruddy.

Unexpectedly, they were so crazy last night. What's more, Sakura Princess didn't expect that she didn't know how long she had been bullied last night, and she almost died overnight.

Regarding this, Princess Sakura wanted to ask for mercy, but it also had no effect. If begging for mercy is useful, what kind of attack is needed, really!

"Since you are sleepy, take a good rest! Anyway, there will be no important things today." Looking at the princess Sakura in front of him, Ye Chen looked serious and said.

It now seems that I was a bit too much last night. However, I can't help it!

Finally came over, and Ye Chen was very excited about Princess Sakura's budding. Not to mention, Princess Sakura is still so enchanting, so beautiful, and so fit for herself.

Otherwise, didn't he waste this opportunity in vain. Now that we cooperate, we should stick to it to the end. Otherwise, Princess Sakura will really doubt his ability.

And a man, if he is suspected of his ability, wouldn't it be a very helpless existence? I am not so vulnerable.

"No. Today, there is still something, and no one knows if that guy will attack him today." Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, listening to Ye Chen's words, Princess Sakura suddenly became serious. , The tone became extremely serious.

For me, the most important thing for me is to protect this Dongying. All other things are secondary.

Moreover, if Dong Ying falls into Yuan Mou's hands, what will become of Dong Ying can be imagined. According to Yuan Mou's character, Dongying has a 90% chance of becoming a country where the weak can eat the strong.

At that time, every day may be a **** scene. As for the common people, it may be a devastating blow.

Therefore, at this time, no matter what, he must defeat Yuan Mou and regain his vitality.

Princess Sakura doesn't want to turn her country into a hellish existence because of her incompetence. You can't do such a thing by yourself.

"Don't worry! Even if that guy comes, I won't let his conspiracy succeed. If he dares to come, then it will be the result of death." Looking at the front is so beautiful that it has a perfect collarbone, and the scale is very large. Ye Chen hugged the proud Princess Sakura in his arms and comforted.

Your own women, no matter who they are, can't hurt them. Unless, stepped on his own body.

"Ye Chen, you..." And the princess Sakura in front of her felt as if she had felt something, her brows furrowed slightly, her face even more ruddy, and her beautiful eyes became shy.

Ye Chen, who was very serious just now, suddenly became like this, dare to provoke her.

"Can you?" Looking at Princess Sakura in front of him, Ye Chen didn't attack immediately but asked.

It can be said that Ye Chen is really a bit afraid that Princess Sakura is overloaded. After all, last night, it was very intense.

"I really don't know how Alice endured it." When Princess Sakura heard it, when she saw Ye Chen's face, her face became a little helpless, and she pouted and sighed softly.

How long is this! Now, it's all severe pain! Unexpectedly, Ye Chen would still come.

"Forget it! It's up to you!" Finally, he sighed softly.

"Hey!" Ye Chen only smiled when he saw it, which made Princess Sakura's face slowly become distorted, her brows frowned, and a painful expression on her face, gritted her teeth.

"You...gentle...point!" Finally, his face became a little pale, and he said.

"I see!" Ye Chen nodded when he heard it, like a kid who was rewarded, struggling to get more rewards.

"These guys, is it really time to come!" The next moment, when Ye Chen was about to work hard, he suddenly felt something, his face became a little gloomy, and his brows frowned slightly.

It can be said that Ye Chen is the most angry about being interrupted by such a thing. Because it was so hard for me to reward myself well!

At this time, no matter who was interrupted, they would wait to get rid of the milk tea guy. After all, it's too disgusting!

"Chuck! It seems that you now can't continue to bully me for the time being!" As she looked at Ye Chen's helpless face in front of him, Princess Sakura showed a faint smile on her face, pursing her lips and grinning.

The enchanting body was gently wrapped in a thin sheet. It seems that a perfect curve appears in front of everyone, and I can't wait for the rhythm to jump on it!

It can be said that if it is possible, the current Ye Chen can't wait to pounce on it. Hold and rub!

"Let's deal with today's affairs first! As long as you solve Dongying's affairs. I have time in the future, and I am not just giving you the rhythm of bullying." Seeing Ye Chen's unhappy look, Princess Sakura smiled.

Without any hesitation, I got up, came to my closet, and finally took out a pink skirt and changed clothes quickly.

"That's right! If that's the case, today, we will get rid of these obnoxious people. Dare to disturb me, it's just a deadbeat rhythm." Ye Chen had to nod and agree with him.

If the matter here is resolved, then Princess Sakura's matter will be much less. And the trouble, of course, will be much less. At that time, it wasn't the rhythm that he bullied casually.

When thinking of this, looking at the enchanting body in front of him, and thinking of the scene where Princess Sakura catered to him last night, Ye Chen's face was fiery.

That's right! First of all, deal with things here. In the future, let's talk about it!

"Chuck! The things here are not as simple as you think, can you do it?" Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Princess Sakura pursed her lips and smiled, and said, her beautiful eyes blinked. Looking at Ye Chen.

It seems to be naughty with a trace.

"Can I do it, didn't you know very well last night? I don't know, who is begging for mercy!" Looking at the princess Sakura in front of him, Ye Chen smiled and said.

"You..." Princess Sakura heard her, her beautiful eyes became a bit cold, and she pouted.

"Let's go! It's time to solve the trouble."
