The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 708: Battle against Nanyang Wudi [One more]

"This time, with your help from the Emperor Wu, I believe I can clean up the arrogant stinky girl Sakura Princess." On the other hand, in a void, two men stood facing the wind at this time.

And one of them said, looking at the middle-aged man who was covered in black mist in front of him, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Princess Sakura is just a stinky girl. It is not a matter of minutes to clean up her. And now, it is really enough to have the courage to fight against oneself.

"Don't worry! It's just a yellow-haired girl. It's easy to take care of him. With my help, is it possible that you are still worried about overturning in the gutter?" Looking at Yuan Mou in front of him, Nanyang Wudi showed a faint smile on his face and said. One sentence.

It can be said that with his two shadows, two imperial realms, plus two of them, then they are equivalent to the four powerhouses of the emperor realm.

And the other party is nothing more than two powerhouses in the emperor realm. Even if that stinky boy can come to support him, he is just three powerhouses in the emperor realm, who are fearless at all!

"Hahaha! That's right! That's right! After all, she's just a stinky girl, and it's impossible to be our opponent." Yuan Mou heard it and saw the people fighting together below, a faint expression appeared on his face. Smile, nodded, and agreed.

Their most powerful assassin, Yuan Mou knows very well that they are the shadows of the two imperial realms next to the Nanyang Wudi. It can save half of the damage!

"According to what we said last night, the girl Sakura Princess gave it to you. However, Ye Xuan must give it to me!" Looking at Yuan Mou in front of him, the Nanyang wizard's face became serious.

"Yes! Don't worry! Since Emperor Wu you want that girl to have a good refreshment, how could I disagree. What's more, it is enough to have the smelly girl of Princess Sakura." Yuan Mou heard it, his face appeared faint. Smile, nodded, agreed.

Two of them, and each other is also two stunning beauties. It can be said that it is just right. In that case, why not do it!

"That's good!" Nanyang Wudi nodded when he heard it.

"Come!" The two of them blurted out at the same time as if they felt something, looking at the void in front of them.

"Why are you!" When the two of them saw that it was not Princess Sakura and Princess Sakura that came out of the void, but Ye Chen and Princess Sakura, each of them looked surprised and frowned slightly.

It can be said that they originally thought it was Princess Sakura and Ye Xuan, no matter what, there would not be one missing, only one more Ye Chen would come out.

But now, I didn't expect that Ye Xuan was missing, and it was Princess Sakura and Ye Chen that appeared in front of them. These two people, don't think they can beat them!

One-on-one, even his own shadow can't beat it! Not to mention, defeating them is really ridiculous.

"Why can't it be me! The woman who bullied me, do you think it is funny?" Ye Chen in front of him heard it, and when he saw the shocked faces of the two in front of him, his face suddenly pulled down, and there was a deep voice in his voice. The cold.

These two guys are really shameless!

"Who is your woman! Humph!" When Princess Sakura heard Ye Chen's words next to her, a faint blush appeared on her face, her beautiful eyes became ashamed, and she pouted while looking at Ye Chen in front of her. .

"I'm not your woman! Don't talk nonsense!" Although you said that, no matter who it is, you can see Princess Sakura's triumphant smile and the slightly raised corners of her mouth.

"Your woman!" When Yuan Mou heard Ye Chen's words and saw the appearance of the princess Sakura next to him, his face suddenly fell, and his brows frowned slightly.

It can be said that this princess Sakura, it seems that Ye Chen has already been given the first step! Damn it!

"Of course! You have an opinion!" Ye Chen didn't care at all when he heard it. Instead, he said in a cold voice, "The old cow can't get up after eating tender grass, so he still wants it! Really! Do you have that kind of ability? You never die!"

"You..." Yuan Mou was even more angry when he heard Ye Chen's disapproving face. He didn't know how angry his face was.

It's really enough for a brat to be so arrogant.

"The Emperor Wu, I want you to kill this stinky boy!" Finally, a pair of eyes looked at the Emperor Wu and his expression serious.

A stinky boy, actually so awkward. Seeing Ye Chen's face, Yuan Mou's face was completely angry, and it was really enough.

"Don't worry! You must be killed! This stinky boy, I can't stand it anymore, it's too arrogant, this emperor is not so arrogant. You are a stinky boy, why!" Nanyang Wudi heard, little bit Head, his face said seriously.

A stinky boy who had just entered the emperor realm not long ago, dare to be so arrogant in front of his emperor realm, he is really lunatic. It can be said that it is absolutely impossible.

"Give it to me!" With a wave of his right hand, without any hesitation, the two dark shadows next to him had disappeared into the void next to him.

"Ye Chen, be careful!" When the princess Sakura next to her saw the two dark shadows rushing towards Ye Chen and disappearing into the void, her expression became anxious.

It can be said that opponents who can be immune to half of the lethality, so hard work, will definitely not be any good way.

"Don't worry! Two black shadows, just squeeze them to death." Ye Chen saw it, shook his head, smiled, and didn't care. With a wave of his right hand, countless golden long swords appeared in the void.

"Give it to me!" The right hand gently tapped towards the void in front of him, and as for the golden long sword in the void in front of him, it had disappeared.

Puff puff

When the golden long sword appeared again, the two black shadows in front of him also appeared in the void. The golden long sword pierced through their bodies, but what is strange is that they condense again in an instant, like a black smoke that never dissipates, making people feel incredible.

"It seems that you can really be immune to half of the damage!" Ye Chen nodded as he looked at the two dark shadows condensing again in front of him, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Unexpectedly, this Nanyang Wudi was quite okay. He actually created a powerhouse of the Emperor-level realm who is immune to more than half of the damage.

"Smelly boy, you are not my opponent, surrender obediently! In this way, maybe I can spare you not to die!" The Nanyang Wudi said in a cold voice when he saw Ye Chen with a surprised expression.

It is impossible to deal with his masterpiece!