The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 781: God's Secret Room [One more]

"Sister Ye Xuan, here it is!" After not knowing how far she had sunk again, Ye Zi's face was excited when she looked at the faint light below.

Just now, it has been sinking continuously, sinking continuously, and the temperature is also falling continuously, falling continuously, I don't know how depressed it is.

And now, I can finally see a ray of light. It can be said that I don’t know how excited it is!

"Yeah! Almost to the end. Now, get ready to fight." Looking at the light below, Ye Xuan's face became serious, nodded, looked at Ye Zi in her arms, and said.

"Fighting?" Ye Zi heard, although I don't know why, but when she saw Ye Xuan's ready-made sickle, she could only nod her head, wave her right hand, and a dagger appeared in her hand, sharp and cold, beautiful The goal also became serious.

Although I don't understand why sister Ye Xuan is so nervous, since sister Ye Xuan is so nervous, she has to be more serious.

Otherwise, the ship might be capsized in the gutter! Ye Zi didn't do anything that affected Ye Xuan's sister.


But under the dignified face of the two people, the light below is getting brighter and brighter. Finally, when the two of them can see the situation underneath clearly, their faces are puzzled.

"This is a cave mansion?" Looking at the situation below, Ye Xuan's face was surprised. Unexpectedly, in such a deep underground, there will be a cave, it is simply incredible!

Is it possible that the former cultivators like to cultivate in the ground? If this is the case, then Xuan Ye really doesn't know what to say!

Shouldn't a cultivator cultivate on the ground, or even fly into the sky and escape, and be omnipotent? But now, why is the cultivator’s cave house in such a deep underground, is it possible that the civilization of the cultivation world is underground cultivation?

If this is the case, what about the relics of cultivation on the ground? At this moment, Xuan Ye was a little confused!

"It's really a cultivator's cave mansion!" With a light leap, Ye Zi's figure has reached the ground, looking at the cave mansion in front of him, his face is surprised.

"Since all have come, let's see if there is anything nearby! Maybe, there are pills that can improve our realm. If we can really improve our strength, it will be worth the trip." Ye Xuan looked at it. When he said something, his face was serious.

"I see, Sister Ye Xuan!" Ye Zi heard it, did not say much, nodded, and the two of them walked towards a box next to them with vigilant faces.


As the box opened, there were some medicinal materials in the box. It's just a pity that Ye Zi just touched the medicinal materials at this time, and it turned into countless dust.

"It's too long, there's no way!" Ye Xuan saw it and shook her head, her expression a little helpless.

"There are some medicinal pills here, but they have not been able to go through the flushing of the years. It's useless!" Looking at some medicinal pills next to me, they were also just picked up, but they turned into countless dust, which made Ye Xuan's problem. His face became more helpless, and he shook his head.

"Sister Ye Xuan, there seems to be a spear over there!" Ye Zi's face was a little excited as she saw something, and she pointed to the black spear on the wall next to her and said.

"Come here!" The right hand shook towards the void in front of him, and the black long spear hanging on the wall beside Ye Zi came to Ye Zi's hand while holding Ye Zi's right hand.


Without saying more, after a few vigorous dances, there was a sound of horrible void tearing, and as for the void next to it, it was already riddled with holes at this time.

It looks like a terrifying existence!

"Sister Ye Xuan, this weapon is very good!" Looking at the weapon in her hand, Ye Zi's face was excited.

The pill, the medicinal material, has turned into dust. As for the weapons in his hands, they have not turned into dust. This time, it's worth the trip!

"Dragon Demon Spear, not bad! This name is quite domineering." Looking at the three words on the black spear, Ye Xuan nodded with a faint smile on her face.

"Look at what else, since it's already here. Then you can't miss it." Finally, a pair of eyes looked around, his face serious.

"Yeah! I see, Sister Ye Xuan, let's find them separately." Ye Zi nodded, without saying much, and walked towards the other side.

"Maybe Seven Sister likes these words, let Six Sisters study them carefully! Maybe, you can know some useful information." Looking at some of the words on the wall, Ye Xuan's face became solemn, and she didn't say much, she took out her own. The phone clicks, clicks, clicks, all of them are photographed.

My Seventh Sister is a paleographer! Those who like to study history can be said to be the second expert in the industry. My Seventh Sister dared to say second, no one dared to say first.

And these texts, give yourself a good look at Seven Sisters, and a good study, maybe you can give yourself some useful information. At that time, you might know what exactly is in this place.

"There is no internet, it's a tragedy! It seems that I can only save it first. After I go back, I will study it for Qimei." I want to send it out, but there is no signal at all. The only thing that can be. Only shook his head.

When my Seventh Sister has cracked it, if there is something in it, I will have to come again. Anyway, I already know this place. And, it's not very far, just a few seconds.

"There are also on the other side!" Ye Xuan's face became solemn as she looked at the words on the floor in front of her.

"Ye Zi, lift off!" When she saw Ye Zi next to her, her brows frowned slightly.


Ye Zi, who was next to her, heard that although she didn't know why, her figure flashed and she came into the void, her expression puzzled.

"Sister Ye Xuan, what's the matter?" Looking at Ye Xuan who was serious and serious, Ye Zi's face also became serious, and the dagger in her hand reflected a cold light.

"Wait a minute, you'll know." Ye Xuan frowned when she saw it. She looked around and waved her right hand, and the table underneath was completely suspended.

""This is a painting? "Looking at the picture on the ground, Ye Zi's face was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, it seems that this place still has another mystery.

"Yeah! And, it's weird!" Ye Xuan nodded when she saw it.

"Forget River, the other side of the Forget River, the flowers bloom without leaves, this is the other side flower!" Looking at the huge and enchanting flower in front of him, Ye Zi's face was surprised.

"Hurry up!" At this moment, a blood-red light burst out of Huaxin, covering the two of them all at once.

As for Ye Xuan and others, their figures disappeared in place, as if they had never appeared before.