The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 836: The battle of the two supreme [two more]

"Little brother, little sister, your supreme realm is not only this level! If only this level, I am really too disappointed." A huge crash sounded, watching it fly out. A faint smile appeared on the face of the girl in red, pursing her lips and smiling.

It can be said that I originally thought that after reaching the supreme realm, I could move around well. After all, before, I couldn't even warm up at all, it was too helpless.

The gap in realm cannot be made up casually. And now, they have reached the realm of supremacy. If this is the case, it will inevitably be very disappointed.

"Don't worry! I promise you won't be disappointed." As the girl in red had just finished speaking, a breeze blew and all the dust dissipated. Looking at the girl in red in front of him, a faint smile appeared on Ye Chen's face and said something.

Just now, the reason why he was crushed was entirely because he was in the realm of the emperor rank. And now, he is not the emperor realm, he is already the supreme realm.

When he reached the supreme realm, he still wanted to crush Ye Chen, it was impossible. It was basically because of him crushing others. "Really? If that's the case, then you let me see where your confidence comes from!" The red-clothed girl saw that, without the slightest anxiety, her right hand pointed towards the void in front of her.

Bang bang bang

A blood-red beam of light crossed the void and crushed it against Ye Chen. The void collapsed, the world collapsed, and it looked like hell, making the goose bumps all over the body.

"Sister Nine, take a good rest!" Looking at Ye Zhen, who was wearing a red short skirt in his arms, a faint smile appeared on his face when there was some moisture on his thigh, and he gently placed it next to him. As for Ye Chen, he took a step forward.

"If that's the case, then I will let you see where my confidence comes from!" It can be said that this time, my Ninth Sister is almost going to waste.

And now, he finally reached the realm of supreme. In any case, it can be described as twists and turns. However, it has survived.

"Xiao Chen, be careful!" Ye Zhen, who was sitting quietly beside him in the void and constantly adjusting his body, looked serious and anxious when he saw Ye Chen who was taking a step in front of him. Screamed.

Xiaochen has just entered the Supreme Realm, but as for the other party, it has been a long time since he has entered the Supreme Realm. At this time, above the realm, it was still the result of crushing.

The only thing is that the crushing is not so serious, not so weak. And now, there is initially the capital to contend with. As for before, it didn't.

After all, the emperor-level realm and the supreme realm are basically a sky and a land, which is completely incomparable!

"Don't worry! Sister Nine, for this kind of rubbish, it is impossible for me to be my opponent. For my strength, you are not clear about it." Ye Chen looked at the beautiful eyes in front of him and looked at himself. Ye Zhen, Ye Chen A faint smile appeared on his face, waved his hand, and said something.

"Give it to me!" With a wave of his right hand, and in the void in front of him, suddenly a huge golden sword of hundreds of feet was torn apart against the blood-colored beam of light rushing in front of him.


There was a huge collision sound, and in the void in front of him, countless spots of light shattered, falling into the radiant Cong void, and finally disappeared.


When the light spot disappeared, Ye Chende's figure also disappeared, as if he had never appeared. It seems that it is terrifying.

"This stinky boy!" And when the red-clothed girl in the void saw that her blood-colored beam of light was easily resolved by Ye Chen, her face became more solemn, her brows wrinkled slightly, and she flew towards Ye Chen in an instant. Come here.

Bang bang bang

A sound of collision sounded, and in the void, the two people could not be seen clearly. The only thing that could be seen clearly was that the place of collision became nothingness.

As for the others, it is not clear at all.

"Is this the collision of the supreme realm?" And in the void below, Ye Zhen, who was sitting cross-breathing his body, looked shocked when he saw Ye Chen and the girl in red colliding in the void. It's pale.

The collision of the supreme realm is so terrifying, it is too incredible! Such a terrifying collision, even if it is of the emperor level, if it is affected, it may be wiped out!

Is this the horror of the Supreme Realm? It's really amazing! It's incredible!

Originally thought that reaching the realm of the emperor, he was considered a strong man. However, what made Ye Zhen's expression helpless was that the emperor, in the hands of the Supreme Realm, was simply an ant, crushed to death at will!

Now, Ye Zhen can be regarded as understanding, before Ye Chen wanted to escape from the hands of this girl in red, how desperate it took.


When the two continued to collide, there was a wave of breaking winds at this time, and then the figures of two women came to Ye Zhen.

"Sister Nine, are you okay!" When looking at Ye Zhen, who was pale in front of him and had a languid aura, Ye Qi's expression was puzzled, and she was anxious, and asked quickly.

"It's okay! It just consumes too much!" Ye Zhen shook his head when he heard it, his face a little ruddy. When I think of the previous scene, the scene is shy, which makes Ye Zhen's face even hotter, and beautiful eyes even more shy.

It can be said that Xiao Chen was so terrifying unexpectedly. And myself, such a tragedy, I really don't know how my Fourth Sister and Eight Sisters survived. It's too painful!

"This is the pill I got, Jiumei, you take it, take a good rest!" Looking at Ye Zhen in front of him, Ye Lin's face was serious, and he took out a green pill and said One sentence.

"No. Just rest and rest." Ye Zhen heard it, shook his head, looked at his second sister and third sister, his face was surprised.

"Second sister, third sister, you..." It can be said how long it has been since then. When I was breaking through the imperial realm, my second and third sisters actually broke through to the emperor realm as well.

This is too helpless!

"Got some opportunities, it's quite okay at the imperial realm. Now, I can finally raise my eyebrows well" Ye Lin heard it, smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! A lifelong pursuit. This time, I finally succeeded." Ye Qi sighed when she heard it.

Bang bang bang

"This is Xiaochen!" In the next moment, when they saw the two figures in the constant fighting between the heaven and the earth, their expressions were shocked, and their faces were all inconceivable.

how is this possible! This power is terrifying!