The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 852: History of Comprehension World [Two more

"If that's the case, then I don't need to scribble around." When Ye Chen looked over, Emperor Xuanyuan nodded, his face suddenly became serious, and he tasted the wine in his hand with a serious voice.

"I think, Ye Chen, you should know that our Huaxia used to be a very prosperous world of cultivation!"

"Yeah! I think it should be like this." Ye Chen nodded without saying much when he heard it.

Although he was a little skeptical about this, Ye Chen didn't have much doubt since he came into contact with the cultivation.

Huaxia used to be a very powerful cultivation world, and even in the world at that time, it should be the most prosperous cultivation world.

"Since you believe this, then I don't have to work so hard, it can be a lot easier." Xuanyuan Huangdi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Chen nod his head, his face couldn't be more serious.

"In China, there are three cultivation periods. The first is the ancient period. And this one is the matter of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and the first is the Conferred God period, and the third, of course, is the Age of Domination."

"As for the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, I still know better. It can be said that I understand all the history of the world of cultivation. At that time, Gonggong, Nuwa, Pangu, etc., all kinds of powerful people basically emerged in endlessly. However, in the end, they did not leave it on the earth, but went to a farther world. It can be said that it is a world that is more powerful than the earth’s cultivation world. Generally speaking, it should be our last one. Layered world. If the earth is only an inferior plane, then they can be said to have gone to a medium plane. As for what is going on now, no one can know." Seeing Ye Chen's shocked face At that time, the Jiutian Profound Girl next to her looked serious, waved her hand, and said something.

"Medium level!" Ye Chen had to be surprised when he heard it, his eyes looked at the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. I don't know what happened. Suddenly, Ye Chen felt that he still knew too little about the world of cultivation, not enough!

I originally thought that even if there was a world of cultivation, the people of that era should have fallen, and thus submerged in the long river of history. And now, what Ye Chen didn't think of was actually going to another world.

This is a bit confusing!

"Yes! It's the medium plane, this is there. However, it is not so easy to get in touch with the medium plane." Wu Ying, who was next to her, heard her face serious and said something.

"At least, according to our current strength, it is basically impossible to reach that. Unless..."

"Unless something..." Looking at Wu Ying in front of him, Ye Chen's face was puzzled and curious.

According to Wu Yingde, it is not that they have no way to reach the mid-level plane, but that they have a way. It's just that it's very difficult to arrive!

"Wait a minute, you will know it naturally. Take your time!" To Ye Chen's anxiety, Wu Ying did not immediately give any answer, but waved her hand and said something.

"Hmm! Wait a minute, you will indeed know. Now that you know how the mighty people in the ancient cultivation world disappeared. Now, I can tell you the world of Conferred Gods." Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Xuanyuan next to him The emperor's expression was serious, and he said quickly.

"In the ancient times, the most famous is the Conferred God Era. It can be said that the ancient times were basically personal shows. In the Conferred God era, it was a dance of heroes."

"Yeah! In the Conferred God Era, it should be Jiang Ziya!" Ye Chen nodded as he heard the words of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi in front of him, his face was a bit shocked and excited.

The so-called Conferred God Era, if I remember correctly, this should be Jiang Ziya's history at that time. At that time, it should be the peak of the cultivation era.

It can be said that the flurry of demons dance, the time when countless princes of heaven spring out! Ye Chen is still very yearning for this era.

"Yes! Speaking of the Conferred God Era, the most impressive one is Jiang Ziya’s Conferred God List. In the Conferred God Era, it can be said that countless people want titles on the Golden List! Unfortunately, the number is limited. Among them, there are still There are countless treasures of heaven who were not nominated on the list, and thus were buried. Some of the proud of heaven found their way and went to another era. And it is precisely because of this, from that time on, The world of comprehension began to decline step by step, and in the end, it came to the Age of Doom." Huangdi Xuanyuan didn't say much. He tasted the wine in his hand and looked at Li Bai next to him.

"In that case, let me explain this era of the end of the law!" When he saw Huangdi Xuanyuan look over, Lao Bai didn't say much, took a sip of the red wine in his hand and nodded.

"In the era of the end of the world of cultivation, that era is no longer the world of cultivators. Although the cultivators are very powerful, but in the era of the end of the dharma, the true energy is constantly exhausted, and it is constantly exhausted. In the end, the powerful cultivator, There are basically not many. But some more powerful cultivators are constantly looking for a way for themselves, starting to open up their own caves, and then practicing in retreat, striving to wake up the next time the true qi recovers. Of course there are also many. Those who did not last until that time, some 1 woke up early. This left a very strong mark in the history of the time. It can be said that a slightly more famous figure in history, Wolong and Phoenix, Yuan Tiangang Wait, it's all because I woke up early and didn't have the opportunity to go out and retreat, so I went missing." Looking at Ye Chen in front of him, Lao Bai didn't say much, and explained.

"I don't know what to say, isn't it already..." Ye Chen's face was puzzled after listening to Lao Bai's words.

what happened? The history I learned, the facts I know, those people, are already...

"Hmm! How do you say it! History, sometimes...and, let's put it this way! Who can be sure that they have passed away at that time, and guarantee that it was them who died at that time!" Lao Ying next to him heard, Shaking his head, said something.

"I, once wrote a lot of history! And, at that time, I, in the eyes of everyone, also died. However, now, they have turned into dust, and I exist by myself!"

"..." Listening to the people in front of him, Ye Chen suddenly didn't know how to refute it.

This is a bit unexpected!