The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 926: Lord of Tianyuan City【One more】

"You can help my father treat the stroke right away!"

When Tang Shan next to him heard Ye Wuchen's words, his face was excited.

Unexpectedly, Director Lin just said that he would treat the stroke conservatively, and wait until the recovery is almost complete.

But now the genius doctor Ye Wuchen Ye is straight to the point, wanting to help his father treat the stroke, how could he not be excited.

"Yeah! Of course!"

Ye Wuchen nodded when he heard it, his face serious.

"A very simple thing. Don't worry!"

Tang Shan's father just had a sign of a stroke, that is, he just had a stroke.

For Ye Wuchen, it is not too simple and easy to treat.

"In that case, Genius Doctor Ye, please please!"

When Tang Shan next to him heard Ye Wuchen's words, he quickly made a please gesture.

It can be said that he can solve all his father's problems at once.

Tang Shan never thought of this.

At this time, he didn't know how excited he was, and he couldn't calm down at all.

Ye Wuchen is too powerful.


Ye Wuchen, who was next to him, nodded when he heard it.

"Lead the way!"

"Please, please! Here! Genius Doctor Ye!"

When Tang Shan heard it, he didn't know how respectful he was, leading the way.

"Don't be dissatisfied, Ye Wuchen's medical skills, I think when you had the operation just now, you already had a deep understanding. Such a person, if he is a doctor, must be a generation of famous doctors. There is no doubt about this. It's just that, The only thing that makes me wonder is, where is such a powerful medical skill?"

It can be said that at such a young age, he already has such great medical skills.

This is too shocking.

What a terrifying existence this young master will be!

"I agree, originally we thought there was nothing we could do. The probability was very small. We didn't expect that Ye Wuchen's acupuncture and moxibustion this time would be so terrifying, too powerful."

When the people nearby heard it, they nodded one by one.

I have to say that this time anyone who is not blind can know how powerful Ye Wuchen's help is.

As a result, their operation becomes very easy, and it doesn't need much to be successful.

This probability of success is too terrifying, it is really terrifying!

"Yeah! Indeed! This cannot be denied. Director Xia, acknowledging the strengths of others is also a good character!"

When the people next to him heard it, they nodded one by one, and said seriously.

"I know!"

Summer heard it and nodded.

Indeed, it is impossible to deny it, it is too powerful.

"Let's go! Go and see, Ye Wuchen has any way to treat stroke. I am very interested in this point."

When the director Lin next to him saw it, he exclaimed, his expression serious.

He was still very curious about how Ye Wuchen would treat the patient's stroke this time.

After all, maybe you can learn something and have a long experience!

"Let's go! Otherwise, I will miss it later, I will be very sorry."

Everyone nodded one by one when they heard it.

Without saying much, he quickly walked towards the ward where the patient was.

"Doctor Ye, please, please, that's it."

In the corridor, under the gaze of everyone, Tang Shan didn't care at all.

Constantly politely gestured to a young man with long black hair and a handsome face.

The smile on his face was unusually bright.


Ye Wuchen nodded when he heard it, and walked towards the ward.

At this time, an old man's face was a little pale, lying on the hospital bed.

His eyes hadn't opened yet, and bottles of drips were constantly being poured into his body, making him weaker a lot.

"hurry up!"

At the door, what shocked the patient was that several doctors who were very powerful in their eyes suddenly crowded into the door of the ward at this time, looking excited and smiling at the teenager in the ward.

"Brother Ye Wuchen, if we observe and observe, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Director Lin smiled when he saw it, and said very respectfully and modestly.

Doctors like Ye Wuchen, many of them have medical skills that are not taught.

Many of these medical techniques are forbidden to watch.

But now, it's better to say hello in advance.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to wait a while.

"It's okay! However, even if you read it, it is impossible to understand it. Because my medical skills are magic, and it is impossible for people without magic talent to understand."

Ye Wuchen didn't have any objection when he heard it.

With these mortal eyes, it is impossible to understand his own medical skills.

Able to understand, it is definitely a genius among geniuses, a monster among geniuses.

"In that case, please!"

Director Lin didn't say much when he heard it, and made a please gesture to Ye Wuchen.

But Ye Wuchen nodded and came to the patient's side.

"My silver needle, it seems that you haven't moved with curiosity. Otherwise, I can't cure this stroke!"

Looking at the two silver needles on the soles of the feet in front of him, Ye Wuchen nodded.

Ye Wuchen is very clear whether he has ever moved.

And now, I haven't moved.

"it has started!"

Although Director Lin next to him didn't understand why Ye Wuchen said this.

However, when he saw Ye Wuchen start to move, his face was agitated.

Now, it's started!

And under everyone's gaze, Ye Wuchen's hands in front of him came to Yinzhen, and a burst of true energy emerged.

And the only thing everyone can feel is a tiny air current emerging.

Touching the silver needle with both hands, like ordinary acupuncture and moxibustion, constantly rotating the silver needle in front of him.

It can be seen that the soles of the patient's feet suddenly swelled up slowly, and then a red color appeared, and a rush of heat flowed out.

"What's going on? Internal strength?"

Looking at Ye Wuchen in front of him, Director Lin's expression was puzzled.

What happened to this boy, this airflow, and the soles of his feet that suddenly swelled up and became hot?

It's puzzling!

"I don't know! It might be Qigong! Although it is folklore, some folklore is not groundless."

When the director next to him saw it, he nodded and his expression was also puzzled.

As Ye Wuchen said, they couldn't understand, very much.

It can be said that I am completely puzzled.

What is going on?

Look confused!

"It should be Qigong, it's really hard to understand!"

"Yes, yes! I don't understand! It's a bit embarrassing, it's beyond our understanding."


"All right!"

After three minutes, the soles of the feet that were swollen in front of him suddenly recovered, and the heat continued to dissipate.

As for the silver needle, it was pulled out by Ye Wuchen.

"Open your eyes! You have no auditory hallucinations. This is not hell, you are still alive."

Looking at the old man in front of him, Ye Wuchen said.