The Opening Sign To the Nine Sisters

Chapter 975: Step on the Clouds【中】【Second mor

Shoo! ! !

On the other hand, on the streets of Jiangling City, a luxury car was constantly driving at this time.

In luxury cars, there are two figures at this time.

A middle-aged man, a teenager with long black hair.

Ringing! ! !

But the phone next to him rang at this moment, which made Tang Shan's brows slightly frowned.

When you see the caller ID, answer it quickly.

"Where are you? Father is about to die, come back soon!"

And just after Tang Shan got on the phone, a figure of a woman came.

This made Tang Shan pale and worried.

Dad can be said to be the backbone of their Tang family.

And now, after lying in the hospital for more than a month, I can't even call me directly.

This point is too far-reaching!

"what did the doctor say?"

Hearing his wife's voice, Tang Shan asked quickly.

Although the doctor had already given notice before, he said that the situation is very unoptimistic.

However, suddenly the bad news came, and Tang Shan still felt that he had not been fully prepared yet, and his expression was a bit puzzled.

"The doctor said that the operation must be done immediately. I asked, even if the operation, even if it is a craniotomy, the probability of success is only 10%."

The woman answered quickly when she heard it.

"Ten percent, so low!"

When Tang Shan heard it, his face became paler.

With a 10% success rate, this chance is so small, it's too helpless!

"Yes! Only 10%, and it is still done by some of the best doctors in the hospital."

The woman nodded when she heard it, her face became serious.

"Now, do you? If you don't do it, the doctor said it won't last two hours."


When Tang Shan heard it, his face suddenly became embarrassed.

It was hard for me to invite the genius doctor Ye Wuchen Ye, and the critical illness notice had already been issued over there.

This is too helpless!

"Two hours, it should take half an hour to pass from here! Let them get three shots of a cardiotonic!"

Ye Wuchen frowned slightly when he heard it, his expression serious and serious.

I didn't expect the patients to have reached this situation.

It seems that the condition this time is not simple!

I'm in trouble!

"I see!"

When Tang Shan heard it, he nodded, his face serious.

"Don't have the operation yet, I'll come right away. Also, let the doctor get three shots of cardiotonic immediately!"

"Cardiotonic agent! The doctor said that even if it was beaten, it would be of no use!"

The woman heard it and replied after a while.

"I don't know if it's useful. But you just let him get a shot. I'll come right away. I'll be responsible for what's going on! I won't be responsible for them. I will settle the medical expenses. Hurry up and let them get three shots. cardiac!"

Tang Shan looked serious when he heard it.

"I see! I will let them fight right away!"

The woman nodded when she heard it.

"Okay! That's it, I'll come over right away!"

After Tang Shan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and looked at Ye Wuchen.

"Doctor Ye, if you do it. How likely is it to bring my father back?"

"I’m not sure, but it’s just a draw of success or failure. I have to see the specific conditions of the patient to know. Otherwise, there is no basis for judgment."

Ye Wuchen shook his head when he heard it, and said seriously.

I don't know what the patient's condition is like.

And now, I actually asked him how much probability he had.

Ye Wuchen is totally unsure of this!

Let him heal the disease, but there are only two situations, either success or failure, it's that simple.

As for success or failure, it is like drawing lots.

However, his chances of success are very high.

"That's right! I only know it after reading it. How can I know if I haven't seen the specific situation!"

Tang Shan nodded when he heard it, his face a little helpless.

My father has always supported their Tang family.

And now, during the time his father was hospitalized, their Tang family's net worth has been declining.

If his father had passed away this time, their Tang family might have fallen into disrepair!

And such a situation is the worst, and it is also a situation that he does not want to see.

"Don't worry! Since I have promised you to help your father treat the illness, then I will do my best, and I won't have any hands-on."

Looking at Tang Shan next to him, Ye Wuchen comforted and said.

Every time I treat a disease, I am selfless and do my best.

In front of the patient, Ye Wuchen had only one role, the doctor.

That's right!

It's a doctor.

"In that case, thank you so much, Dr. Ye. After this incident, I will do what I promised Dr. Ye."

When Tang Shan heard it, he nodded, his face serious.

What he promised was nothing compared to Ye Shen's healing.

The big deal, I owe it to someone.

And if God Doctor Ye can make his father better, even if it's a hundred affections, it won't be a problem!


After a quarter of an hour, a luxury car made a turn from the outside and drove into the hospital.

"lead the way!"

Seeing Tang Shan who had parked the car, Ye Wuchen's expression became serious, and he said something.

"Yes! Please here!"

But Tang Shan in front of him heard it, nodded, and made a please gesture to Ye Wuchen.

Not much to say, leading the way.

"Ms. Ye, this is it!"

When I took the elevator to the 18th floor, walked through several corridors, and came to an intensive care room, Tang Shan walked in with a faint smile on his face.

"Why are you coming back now, father is going to die!"

In the ward, there are several doctors who are checking continuously at this time, and each of them sighs softly.

Intubation, intravenous drip, etc., almost covered the whole body of the old man lying in the hospital bed.

It looks very scary.

"Didn't I come back? And, I also invited a genius doctor to come over."

Tang Shan looked serious when he heard it, and looked at Ye Wuchen next to him.

"Doctor Ye, please! Please!"

Now, I don’t know if God Doctor Ye has anything to do?

If God Doctor Ye can't do anything, he doesn't know what to do, he can only do craniotomy.

"Yeah! I know! Don't worry!"

Ye Wuchen nodded when he heard it, looked at the old man lying on the hospital bed in front of him, did not say much, pulled a chair from the side and sat down, and then began to get the pulse.

"what do you mean?"

When Ye Wuchen started to get his pulse, a doctor next to Tang Shan looked at Tang Shan and said in a cold voice.

Actually let a brat to help see a doctor, but refused to let them help.

Doesn't it look down on them?

Who is the doctor?

Damn it!