The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases

Chapter 26: Ferry is missing

Fei Li left home and headed towards the north of the village.

The north is a densely populated place of tribal residents, and there are many residents here.

Thinking of the duplicity of Lausanne, he felt warm in his heart and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, his eyes went black, and he completely lost consciousness.

Waking up again, he looked at everything strange in front of him, and felt a chill in his heart.

Is it Wude's revenge again?

Subconsciously looked down at his body, there were no scars on his body, and he could move freely.

Standing up and looking at the surrounding environment, this place seems to be a cave.

The surroundings are quiet, did you bring yourself here?

"anyone there?"

Except for the response from the depths of the cave, there was no sound.

He was just about to walk out of the cave when a hurried figure came to him.

"Soma? Why are you!"

Soma held a pile of hay in her hand, and when she saw him wake up, she immediately had a flattering smile on her face.

"Master, you're awake, are you hungry? I'll find you something to eat."

Soma went into the cave, spread hay on the ground, and made him a bed like a nest.

"We'll stay here tonight, and we'll continue our journey tomorrow."

Li Suo made the "bed", Soma turned to look at the silent Fei Li.

Staring at Soma puzzled, Fei Li felt that he could not accept what Soma said, "Hurry up? Where are we going?"

"You knocked me out and brought me here?"

Soma showed her white teeth, smiled and nodded at him with a proud look on her face.

Approaching him, Soma explained: "Orcs are not good things, they even want to kill you, master, you are not safe in the wolf tribe, I will take you out of here."


Fei Li was completely incompetent.

"I..." With a heavy sigh, he found that Soma was a little careless, as if he didn't understand the correct meaning he wanted to express.

Seeing his sad face, the smile on Soma's face suddenly disappeared, "Master, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

He sat down on the "bed" made by Soma, "Do you think I can still be happy?"

He stayed in the tribe well, had no worries about food and clothing, and was protected by Luosang.

He was brought here by this Soma, and he didn't know how far he was from the wolf tribe, and whether he could go back.

There are orcs everywhere, but they are two ordinary humans.

It is estimated that it has not gone far, and it has become food in the mouth of the beasts.

Thinking of this, he sighed again, and gave Soma a blank look.

"Gulu—" His stomach growled uncontrollably at this moment.

"Master, I'm going to get you something to eat, you wait for me."

Looking at Soma's back, he fell into deep thought again.

In all fairness, he didn't want to leave Soma.

But he is not familiar with this place, how should he return to the wolf tribe?

He could only think about how to persuade Soma to take him back.

For a moment, Soma happily came back with a hare and some wild fruits.

Soma took out the stone knife she carried with her, cleaned up the hare, and handed him a plump thigh.

"You tribe also eat raw?"

He pushed away the **** hare's leg, and a smell of earth spread from the tip of his nose, almost vomited it out.

Soma nodded suspiciously, "We've always eaten this way, don't you like it?"

Primitives without knowledge!

Instructing Soma to find some dry branches, he lit the fire with the fire knife and flint he carried, and began to roast rabbit meat.

After it was baked, he handed Soma a piece.

Soma tasted it, and her bright eyes were full of smiles, "It's delicious, master, you are amazing."

Harvest a little fan!

After the two were full, the sky gradually darkened.

Fei Li was lying on the "bed", all he could think about was Lausanne.

I have been away for a day, I wonder if Lausanne misses himself?

Will you look for yourself everywhere?

Thinking of Luosang's occasional care, the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched.

At this time, the wolf tribe, Luosang rushed to Wu De's house like crazy.

Anger raised Wu De, his scarlet eyes seemed to burst into sparks.

On the side, Buff knelt at the feet of Luosang, begging for mercy, "Master Luosang, what are you doing? Wu De has been injured, so you can go around us!"

Wu De has been injured by Fei Li, and he is already a waste beast. He has no fear of Lausanne, and his face is full of indifference.

"Where's Ferry?"

Hearing the name of the enemy, Wu De's face was rarely sullen.

But Buff immediately explained, "We haven't seen Fei Li all day today, what happened to Fei Li?"

When he was in the original tribe, Fei Li was constantly in trouble.

Unexpectedly, Fei Li was still like this when he came here, and a dissatisfaction gradually grew in Buffalo's heart.

Luosang looked down at Buffalo on the ground coldly, "Have you really never seen Fei Li?"

"Really, I stayed at home to take care of the injured Wu De all day today. We didn't go out. If you don't believe me, Lord Lausanne, you can ask other people around. Everyone can prove that we didn't go out."

Slowly letting go of Wude, Luosang immediately thought of Silver Wolf.

Could it be him?

A gust of wind left Wude's house, and Luosang went straight to Yinlang's house.

Wu De smiled, and ordered: "Hurry up and find out, what's wrong with Fei Li?"

As the night grew darker, Lausanne searched the entire tribe, but there was no trace of Fei Li.

How could a living person suddenly disappear?

Luosang clenched his hands and roared angrily in the darkness.

At this time, the humans watching Lausanne not far away were talking in low voices.

"I heard that Fei Li disappeared, Lord Lausanne has been looking for him for a long time."

"Why is it missing?"

"Probably because he was afraid of being retaliated by Wu De, so he ran away from the tribe?"

"With Lord Lausanne's protection, why would he run away?"


The moderate voice just fell into Luosang's ears.

The anger that he had finally suppressed was blazing again.

Fei Li, did you really run away?

Thinking of this possibility, Luosang felt a pang of sadness in his chest.

The sky gradually revealed a white belly, and there were subtle footsteps near the cave.

Fei Li, who hadn't slept all night, opened his sleepy eyes, sat up, and looked vigilantly at the entrance of the cave.

someone is coming!

He quickly kicked the sleeping Soma, and the two found a hidden place to hide.

Seeing a group of people enter the cave, Fei Li poked his head out to have a look.

It turned out to be a lion clan orc!

Qianshi sniffed the smell in the cave, "Someone has been here before."

"Master Qianshi, I smell that there seems to be a human smell here." The orc who followed behind Qianshi also sniffed.


The rest of the orcs looked around to see if there were any humans in the cave.

Since the last fight with Lausanne, everyone in the Lion Clan is still immersed in the shadow of the Wolf Clan torches.

Qianshi frowned, "No, the smell of humans is very strong here, they should still be in the cave."