The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament

Chapter 2: soul power

"Sir, I don't want to die. My grandson has just been born. For the sake of serving you all these years, I will spare your life!" The old man in azure begged Xiao Nanfeng in horror.

The drug attack was quick, his breathing became more and more rapid, and he couldn't even make a loud voice, he could only beg weakly.

Xiao Nanfeng sat on the chair and looked coldly at the old man in azure clothes lying on the ground.

"Uncle Qing, the chief executive has a lot of power. Although many people have forgotten about this, I don't blame them. But you are different. You have received the great grace of my Xiao family. During the ten years of my suffering, you can ignore it. , I won't blame you, but, you shouldn't help the chief executive. In order to curry favor with the chief executive, you are willing to betray your old master, and always monitor my every move. Every time the chief executive controls me, you are always there. Help him to persuade me to compromise, every time I try to find a way to practice exercises, you quietly destroy the obstacles. Oh, you really have the face to let me spare you?" Xiao Nanfeng looked coldly at the old man in Tsing Yi.

The old man's expression changed wildly: "You, your closeness to me these past few years is all fake? You wanted to harm me for a long time? How is it possible that you are kept in captivity in the mansion every day, and you have no access to the intrigues and tricks outside. How can there be such a deep city, how can you plan for so long? This is impossible!"

Xiao Nanfeng looked at the old man in Tsing Yi with cold eyes. If other six-year-old children were imprisoned like this for ten years, naturally they would not have any social experience to resist. However, he is different. All your life, how can you be trapped as a fool?

"Uncle Qing, it's been ten years, and it's time for me to go!" Xiao Nanfeng sighed suddenly.

The expression of the old man in green clothes changed, and he seemed to see that Xiao Nanfeng could not let him go.

"Go? How do you go? You can't leave at all. Outside Xiao's house, there are soldiers sent by the chief general. You can't leave under the siege. Moreover, not only inside and outside Xiao's house, but the entire fief at this moment is huge. Commander's soldier, you can't escape. Shizi, I advise you not to resist. For the sake of our harmonious relationship over the years, give me the antidote. I'll take it as if nothing happened, otherwise, you will know the fate of offending the commander. ." The old man in Tsing Yi threatened.

"Heh, Uncle Qing, you also know that we have gotten along well over the years? But, do you know why I have only been close to you these years, why I have only gotten along well with you, and why I can't listen to other people's words, but only listen to them. Enter your words?" Xiao Nanfeng smiled calmly.

"Why?" The expression of the old man in Tsing Yi changed, and he faintly felt a trace of ill will from Xiao Nanfeng's words.

"Because you are often hunched over your waist, your body is thin, you have hidden illnesses and you need to cough often. The most important thing is that your body shape will be like me today." Xiao Nanfeng said calmly.

"You, you, don't you..." The old man in Tsing Yi suddenly thought of a possibility, and his face was terrified.

But he saw Xiao Nanfeng stepped forward and started to take off the old man's clothes: "That's right, I'm going to wear your clothes, pretend to be you, and walk out struttingly. I've almost obeyed your words all these years, Let you earn enough capital, and let you become a celebrity who is specially monitored by the chief executive, those soldiers will not dare to offend you."

The old man in Tsing Yi felt a fright in his heart. Xiao Nanfeng's closeness to him all these years was originally planned here? He, is he really only sixteen years old? No, he planned this before he was ten years old? how can that be!

"You can't go out, you can't go, ahem, you can't go!" The old man in blue robe cried out in horror.

"Why can't I go? My own home, I can go if I want." Xiao Nanfeng checked the clothes he just took off in a calm voice.

"Cough, poison is just a trail, what can you do when you go out? You have no experience of walking outside at all. You have been in the house for 16 years. You have no idea of ​​the dangers outside. Books, useless, you'll die out there soon."

Xiao Nanfeng turned to look at the old man in Tsing Yi: "Uncle Qing, are you delaying time?"

Just as Xiao Nanfeng finished speaking, a dark shadow jumped into the study instantly.


The black shadow let out a fierce roar, and a huge fishy wind rushed towards Xiao Nanfeng.

Xiao Nanfeng's robe swayed with the wind blowing, but Xiao Nanfeng did not take a step back, but looked coldly at the black wolf dog like a ferocious tiger who suddenly rushed into the study.

"Hei'er, throw him down!" The old man in Tsing Yi exclaimed in surprise.

But it was the black giant wolf dog that followed the old man in Tsing Yi.

The wolf dog listened to the old man in Tsing Yi very much, and walked towards Xiao Nanfeng with grinning teeth. For a while, the wolf dog's eyes flashed red, his face was fierce, his fangs were ferocious, and he seemed to be able to tear Xiao Nanfeng to pieces at any time.

Just as the giant wolf dog pounced on Xiao Nanfeng, a strange blue light suddenly appeared in Xiao Nanfeng's eyes.


The black wolf dog suddenly trembled when he saw Xiao Nanfeng's eyes, as if he saw something terrifying in his eyes, and suddenly his body trembled.

"Hei'er! Hei'er? What are you still doing?" The old man in Tsing Yi exclaimed in disbelief.

"woo woo woo woo!"

While the black wolf dog was trembling, he slowly retreated, as if he could not hear the order of the old man in blue, and looked at Xiao Nanfeng with great fear.

The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the vicious dog he raised in disbelief, and followed its frightening gaze to Xiao Nanfeng, is it afraid of Xiao Nanfeng?

"Your physical cultivation is only at the fifth level of the Houtian realm, and that bit of infuriating energy is not as much as that of Hei'er. Hei'er now has the ninth level of the Houtian realm in his body. How did you scare it?" The old man in blue clothes said incredulously.

Suddenly, the old man in Tsing Yi saw a faint blue light in Xiao Nanfeng's eyes.

" this soul power?!" The old man in Tsing Yi exclaimed in disbelief.

"That's right!" Xiao Nanfeng said calmly.

"Impossible, how can you cultivate soul power? Your practice is the worst, it is a third-rate practice! You are an acquired realm, how can you cultivate soul power? Even the chief executive has reached the innate realm. The peak, that monstrous strength, has just cultivated soul power!" The old man in Tsing Yi exclaimed in disbelief.

"People's cultivation is divided into physical body and soul. The physical body cultivates the true energy of the dantian aperture, and the soul cultivates the soul power of the eyebrows! I just cultivate the physical body in the acquired realm, and it has nothing to do with the soul. Why can't I have soul power? "Xiao Nanfeng said coldly.

"However, only when the physical body is strong enough to sense the existence of soul power, can you cultivate soul power! We have been checking your physical body cultivation level, and only at the fifth level of the acquired realm, it is impossible for you to cultivate the soul. Powerful. Unless..." The old man in Tsing Yi was still in disbelief.

"Unless what?" Xiao Nanfeng looked at the old man in Tsing Yi coldly.

"Unless those large immortal sects have a special technique for cultivating the soul, they can cultivate their soul power in advance. That kind of technique is all the treasures of the major immortal sects. Where did you get the soul training technique?" The old man in Tsing Yi said in horror.

Xiao Nanfeng showed a sneer: "Then I would like to thank you all for finding so many books for me. Haven't you checked these books carefully?"

"Your Soul Cultivation Technique comes from those books we found for you? Impossible, absolutely impossible! In order to make you a crippled person, the chief executive deliberately found useless books for you, at most some medical questions, There are also Taoist scriptures, which are all obscure and useless scriptures, and there is no way to have a practice method. Every book you read has been reviewed by a special person, and there is no practice method at all. It's impossible to even have a method for refining the physical body." The old man in Tsing Yi exclaimed in disbelief.

"Are you sure, you have checked all these Taoist scriptures carefully? You have studied them thoroughly before giving them to me?" Xiao Nanfeng showed a sneer.

The expression of the old man in Tsing Yi changed wildly. The Taoist scriptures were all written by some masters of Taoism in the past. Because masters of Taoism stood at different heights, they were generally written in obscure and difficult to understand. The same as the book of heaven. So, who would study such obscure scriptures word for word? As long as it is determined that it is not a practice method, it can be used to fool Xiao Nanfeng, but who would have thought that these useless scriptures are actually mixed with a soul training method, how could this be?

"Useless scriptures? You abandoned them like sandals, but I picked them up like treasures!"

The old man in Tsing Yi showed despair, Xiao Nanfeng's plans and the city's government were completely beyond his control, this, is this still the only son in his memory? Even the wolf dog Hei'er was suppressed by his soul power so he couldn't move?

The giant wolf dog looked at Xiao Nanfeng's blue glow, and seemed to see a great horror, and kept shaking with horror, even if Xiao Nanfeng came closer with a dagger, the black wolf dog curled up and did not dare to move.

"Hei'er? Oh, you are the little monster that my father took out of the demon cave. Dad originally wanted you to accompany me to grow up, become my pet beast, and **** my cultivation. Uncle Qing is just a dog breeder. You are the one who feeds you instead of me. I am your master! You are a monster, and you already know human nature. If you are a dog, are you going to eat the master? Since you have chosen to eat the master, there is no need to exist." Xiao Nanfeng's eyes turned cold.


The dagger in Xiao Nanfeng's hand stabbed into the back of the black wolf dog's head.

The black wolf dog let out a whimper and soon lost his breath.

At this moment, the blue light in Xiao Nanfeng's eyes narrowed, and his face turned pale. Obviously, the suppression of the black wolf dog's soul just now consumed a lot of soul power, so that Xiao Nanfeng was also a little lethargic at the moment.

Xiao Nanfeng ignored the azure-clothed old man whose breath was getting weaker and weaker, but slowly changed into his clothes, loosened his hair, and styled the azure-clothed old man's hairstyle again. Then Xiao Nanfeng hunched his back, picked up his handkerchief from the ground and covered his mouth, followed his movements and coughed in a low voice.

The handkerchief covered most of his face, in this dark situation, he couldn't tell that the person in front of him was pretending to be Xiao Nanfeng.

"Cough, cough, what do you think of this? Am I like you now? Is there anything else to add?" Xiao Nanfeng looked at the old man in Tsing Yi coldly, even imitating his voice vividly.

The old man in Tsing Yi felt a chill in his heart. Xiao Nanfeng must always observe his every move. Every detail of his movements is exactly the same as his own. Even his hoarse voice is lowered, and UU reading looks like himself.

"No, you can't go!" The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the other self in disbelief and said in horror.

"By the way, the poison you just took won't kill you, it will only paralyze your body for a few days at most." Xiao Nanfeng looked at him calmly.

"Not lethal?" The old man in Tsing Yi suddenly showed ecstasy.

"After all, you have served me for a few years, no, you have spied on and deceived me for a few years, how could I let you die like this? I think it would be better to leave you to the chief executive, and I don't know because of you. , let me escape from his control, what will he do to you? You betray your old master and ungrateful to please the chief executive, the chief executive will definitely not embarrass you?" Xiao Nanfeng smiled calmly.

After the old man in blue clothes heard Xiao Nanfeng's words, the joy just now disappeared, leaving only boundless horror. Because he understands the importance of Xiao Nanfeng to the chief executive, if he loses it, with the brutal character of the chief executive, he will definitely be slashed by a thousand swords, what value does he have? Even Hei'er, whom the chief executive cared about, is dead. The chief executive's ruthless character may not only attack him, but also his family may suffer.

"No! Kill me, prince, please, kill me!"

If he died at the hands of Xiao Nanfeng at this moment, the chief executive might not be angry with his family, right?

However, Xiao Nanfeng just glanced at the old man in Tsing Yi coldly: "Uncle Qing, since you choose the seller to please the chief executive, you must trust the chief executive. All this is your own choice, isn't it?"

After speaking, Xiao Nanfeng slowly opened the door of the study and walked out to the outside world in the dark of night.

The voice of the old man in Tsing Yi has become extremely weak, and his voice cannot be conveyed at all. Only deep despair and boundless regret accompany him in his last days. ?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!