The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament

Chapter 231: Who's acting is good?

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On the grassland, Xiao Nanfeng was dragged by Mrs. Rouge and kept teleporting, and in a blink of an eye, he got rid of the red-string evil creatures chasing behind him.

On the way, Xiao Nanfeng saw a huge whale corpse. Soon, he saw another crab carcass. There are even octopus carcasses.

"This prairie is very strange, how can fish and shrimp be imprisoned?" Xiao Nanfeng said with a strange expression.

"The Dragon Clan has always used this mirror as a prison, where all kinds of prisoners captured by the Dragon Clan are held here, and the Kraken is only a part of it. It's just that these prisoners' souls have been eaten by the red rope evil spirits for more than two hundred years, and only the The corpse is down." Madam Rouge said condensedly.

It quickly took Xiao Nanfeng to the foot of a mountain on the grassland. The whole body of the mountain was red crystal, crystal clear and red.

"Why are you looking for this thing?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

Mrs. Rouge ignored Xiao Nanfeng, she studied the red crystal mountain for a while, and then her body exuded black energy, which seemed extremely annoyed.

"There, I saw them." A voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Mrs. Rouge, they are chasing." Xiao Nanfeng said.

Mrs. Rouge pulled Xiao Nanfeng to teleport again, and with a hoot, they disappeared in place.

When they settled down, Xiao Nanfeng also showed a look of surprise, because he suddenly appeared in a desert.

"Mrs. Rouge, in this world in the mirror, your teleportation speed is terrifying. Is this a thousand miles in a blink of an eye? It's all in a desert?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"It was the first mirror world just now, and the crystal mountain there turned red. Obviously, the first mirror world has been refined by the Red String Evil King. No wonder it was reluctant to let you enter the mirror before." Rouge Madam condensed.

"Oh?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

He followed Mrs. Rouge and saw some monster corpses again along the way.

"These monster corpses are bigger than the monsters in the world in the first-layer mirror just now? They are also more powerful?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"Of course, in the world of the eighteenth-layer mirror, the imprisoned monsters will become stronger and stronger." Madam Rouge said condensedly.

"There are eighteen such small worlds?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

Mrs. Rouge was very familiar with this place. It teleported quickly with Xiao Nanfeng, and soon encountered a red crystal mountain again.

"Damn Red String Evil King, the world in the second mirror has also been refined by it?" Madam Rouge said angrily.

It took Xiao Nanfeng to teleport again and appeared in a huge Gobi.

"Needless to say, this must be the third-layer mirror world." Xiao Nanfeng looked around curiously.

In this third-layer mirror world, not only those monsters, but also the corpses of some monks.

"That group of red ropes, who have been imprisoned for more than two hundred years, have so many souls to replenish and consume, I am afraid they are relatively strong." Xiao Nanfeng worried.

"They are several times stronger than those red rope evil spirits in Zulong Palace." Madam Rouge said condensedly.

Here, they found a red crystal mountain again, and Mrs. Rouge was resentful.

It teleported constantly with Xiao Nanfeng, teleporting from one place to another, from one mirror world to the next mirror world, along the way, it encountered more and more strong corpses, even Xiao Nanfeng also saw their last words engraved on some mountain walls, but he didn't have time to investigate. He was dragged by Mrs. Rouge and kept looking for Crystal Mountain.

Xiao Nanfeng counted it, and it was not until the eighteenth layer of the mirror world that he noticed the difference.

But I saw that the crystal mountain in front of me was no longer a red color, but a pink crystal mountain.

Seeing this mountain, Mrs. Rouge suddenly rushed over with great excitement. It touched the pink crystal mountain and seemed extremely excited.

"What's so special about the pink crystal mountain? What's the use of it?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"Time is running out, the evil king of red rope has mastered the world in the seventeenth-layer mirror, and it can come after him at any time. You protect the law for me and protect this crystal mountain with all your strength." Madam Rouge said condensedly.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Rouge waved her hand, and a pink light gushed out from the crystal mountain, straight towards Xiao Nanfeng's body, Xiao Nanfeng's whole body suddenly burst into pink light, looking extremely dazzling.

"It's okay to help you protect the law, but why are you making me glow with the light of a pink girl? It would be very motherly!" Xiao Nanfeng said with a strange expression.

However, Mrs. Rouge seemed to feel that the time was extremely urgent. She didn't have time to say more. She stepped into the interior of the crystal mountain. With a loud bang, the crystal mountain was strangely shrinking. At the same time, the crystal mountain was blooming. , illuminated the whole world into pink, and for a while, this small world seemed to be shaking constantly.

"Is this crystal mountain related to this small world?" Xiao Nanfeng said with a change of expression.

"The Mirror Master is back?" An old voice suddenly came from behind.

Xiao Nanfeng's face sank, and when he turned his head suddenly, he saw a huge crocodile demon walking slowly.

"Who are you?" Xiao Nanfeng asked cautiously.

The crocodile demon looked at Xiao Nanfeng and said with a smile: "My name is Crocodile Emperor, little guy, you have a good relationship with the mirror master?"

"You said Mrs. Rouge is the master of the mirror?" Xiao Nanfeng asked curiously.

"That's right, it's the owner of this mirror, don't you know?" The Crocodile Emperor asked curiously.

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head: "I didn't know before, I only knew that we entered the inner world of a mirror. Do you know the origin of this mirror?"

"This mirror is an evil object. To be precise, it is the evil body of an evil object." The Crocodile Emperor explained.

"It's an evil thing again? Don't the Dragon Clan know? How dare you use an evil thing as a prison?" Xiao Nanfeng said in surprise.

"After the Dragon Clan got this mirror, they knew that it was the evil body of an evil object, but no one knew where the evil soul of this evil body was," said Crocodile Emperor.

"Oh?" Xiao Nanfeng was slightly surprised, but he was extremely cautious, guarding against the Crocodile Emperor: "Senior, why are you here?"

"I was deceived by the old Dragon King. He invited me to the Dragon Palace for a banquet, but he detained me and the Evil King of the Red String together, saying that I would fight poison with poison and let me deal with the Evil King of the Red String in the mirror. It's a pity that I still treat the Dragon King as a friend, and he actually wants me to die." The Crocodile King suddenly became angry and said angrily.

Xiao Nanfeng looked strange for a while, and the character of the Dragon King in the mouth of the Crocodile Emperor was not very good.

"Senior must be extremely powerful, otherwise, after more than two hundred years, you will not be the only one who can survive." Xiao Nanfeng said immediately.

"Amazing? In front of the Evil King, what am I worth? I don't dare to confront the Evil King head-on. I have never met the Red Ropes at all. If I hadn't exhausted all my strength and covered the eighteenth mirror The world, keep avoiding it, I'm already finished." Crocodile Emperor said angrily.


"The Evil King Red String has never been here, and I can't find it here. The only person who can find this place is the owner of this mirror. So, as soon as you come in, I know that the owner of the mirror is back. It's called Mrs. Rouge. As long as it masters this mirror again, we can be saved." The Crocodile said happily.

"Then wait a moment." Xiao Nanfeng said.

Crocodile Emperor shook his head: "I'm afraid not, Mrs. Rouge and Crystal Mountain will merge, which will inevitably cause this small world to tremble. This tremor will make me cover the power of this small world and become scattered and unstable. Once the breath leaks, it will lead to red rope Evil King, we are all finished."

"Oh? What should I do then?" Xiao Nanfeng frowned.

"Well, you give my inner pill to Madam Rouge, and let it stabilize the power I spread around this small world." The Crocodile Emperor spat out a golden inner pill. There seem to be countless runes on the inner core, which are extremely mysterious.

"Senior's inner alchemy is so precious, I can't handle it. Senior should give it to Mrs. Rouge." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"This crystal mountain is sturdy and unusual. It is a special evil body. Only evil souls can enter. I can't get in. Madam Rouge just caused a pink light to cover your body. It trusts you very much. It's all about your safety. Now, only with the pink light on your body can you ignore the defense of Crystal Mountain and send things in." Crocodile Emperor said.

Xiao Nanfeng's expression changed slightly and he nodded. He took the Queen Crocodile's Inner Pill and walked towards Crystal Mountain.

"Mrs. Rouge, did you hear what Senior Crocodile Emperor said?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

However, the crystal mountain was only shrinking, and there was no response from Mrs. Rouge at all.

"Just send it in. I'm afraid you won't be able to hear your voice when it merges with Crystal Mountain," said Crocodile King.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded and was about to send the Crocodile Emperor's inner alchemy in, but the next moment, he stopped again.

"What's wrong?" Crocodile Emperor immediately asked.

"I just happen to have a little treasure, and I'm going to send it to Mrs. Rouge, please wait a moment." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Treasure? What treasure can you have? It will be faced in a while, but the Red Rope Evil King, ordinary magic weapons are useless at all." Crocodile Emperor frowned and said disdainfully.

But he saw that Xiao Nanfeng turned his hand and took out a yellow package.

Seeing the package, the Crocodile Emperor frowned and said in surprise, "Your package is the Heaven's Path Ranking?"

"Yeah! It's quite useful as a package for this Tiandao list." Xiao Nanfeng nodded.

Crocodile Emperor stared at Xiao Nanfeng in Is he showing off his wealth for me?

However, he saw that Xiao Nanfeng took out a storage ring from the package, and then drew it slightly.

With a bang, a purple divine stone appeared in front of Xiao Nanfeng.

The Crocodile Emperor suddenly shrank his pupils: "This is the purple divine stone of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea? How is this possible? How can you hold it?"

"What is this? It's just the purple **** stone, why can't I hold it? There are so many treasures of this level in my family." Xiao Nanfeng said.

Crocodile Emperor looked at Xiao Nanfeng in astonishment, is he bragging about me?

The crystal mountain has been getting smaller, and now it is only 30 feet high. Xiao Nanfeng folded his hands and tried to hold the crystal mountain. There was a loud rumbling sound, it seemed that the pink light on his body had played a role. , Crystal Mountain did not reject him, and was actually picked up by him.

"What are you holding Crystal Mountain for?" Crocodile Emperor frowned.

Xiao Nanfeng flicked it gently, and the Crystal Mountain suddenly disappeared.

The crocodile emperor suddenly changed his face, rushed up and said angrily: "What did you do?"

With a snort, Xiao Nanfeng threw Crocodile Emperor's inner core back. The inner alchemy suddenly turned into a red rope phantom in mid-air, and slaughtered Xiao Nanfeng together with the Crocodile Emperor. However, Xiao Nanfeng disappeared with everything, and only a huge purple **** stone fell. On the spot, let the Crocodile King rush up, and with a bang, a storm broke out, and the purple **** stone did not move at all.

The Crocodile Emperor and the red rope phantom instantly merged into one, and it screamed: "Boy? You lied to me again? Where are you? Get out of here!"

In the inner space of the purple boulder, Xiao Nanfeng showed a hint of disdain: "This red rope evil king is really not a thing, but he turned into a crocodile to fool me? Its smile is the same as when it imitated me before, so exaggerated. , this acting is so bad, you still want to lie to me? Bah!"