The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 843: Screw things up

The customer is obviously not a small one, and the bodyguards that he brought with him, plus the airport, have sent dozens of them.

When I was sitting there, the squad was very big.

"Under the trouble, I was sent by Mr. Leng Qihan!" Fang Chixia stood outside the VIP and tried to explain with the bodyguard.

"Miss, please show proof of identity!" The bodyguard squinted and repeated again.

"...I forgot to bring it."

"See my family must have proof of identity!"

"I have a work permit!" Fang Chixia took his work permit from the bag.

Who knows that the bodyguard at the door did not look at it, and his gaze was removed.

Fang Chi Xia Jin did not go, there was some impatience at the door.

I called the cold and prayed a few times, but I was not answered at all.

The customer inside seems to be a little impatient, sitting inside for twenty minutes, stood up and walked out of the lounge directly, "arranging a special plane back to France!"

"Sir, wait! Please don't leave!" Fang Chixia heard his words, his face changed slightly.

Keep up with a few steps and want to stop him.

However, it was not close, but was stopped by several bodyguards.

"I want to say a few words to the gentleman, can you?" Fang Chixia tried the request.

"Sorry, unidentified people can't get close to my owner!" The bodyguard refused very directly.

Fang Chi Xia brow wrinkled.

Unidentified people?

The man in front is getting farther and farther.

Fang Chi Xia was stopped by the bodyguards here, and there was no way to say anything.

Just watching the person disappear into the field of vision, Fang Chi Xia has nothing to do.

The list of billions of people who have been crying cold has been messed up by her!

People did not receive it, but also directly looked at the other side to return to the country, Fang Chixia went back to this road, the mood is somewhat complicated.

When she arrived at the company, she said the situation directly to the cold and cold, "The customer left, my documents did not bring, did not receive."

Cold and cold brows wrinkled, but quickly loosened again.

"It doesn't matter." His voice was very light, understatement, and even a little bit of connivance.

Fang Chi Xia's light eyes slowly lifted up, quietly looking at his face, slightly wrong.

"Go back and continue to work!" Cold and cold did not even ask for more details, and faintly pointed to the direction of the door.

Fang Chixia took back the line of sight and opened the door and went out.

After spending an afternoon at the company, she went back a little late at night.

When I arrived, Luo Yibei had already arrived, sitting at the table and enjoying the dinner casually.

The dinner prepared by Lan sister is very rich, even if there are only two people to eat, it is like preparing a feast.

Fang Chi went a few steps in the summer and opened the chair opposite him. He asked with a blank expression. "The documents are returned to me!"

Luo Yibei held a knife in one hand and a fork in one hand, still eating his own carelessly, and she ignored her.

"Certificate for me!" Fang Chixia asked again.

"Miss Fang did not learn the most basic etiquette?" Luo Yibei's action on the hand, his face slowly raised, a word added a sentence, "Do not disturb the person who eats, understand?"

Fang Chi Xia did not pay attention to his words, his eyes glanced at him coolly, and she said with no expression to him today, "The cold home lost a billion business today because of your actions!"

Luo Yibei had a slight glimpse, but it took only a second or two, and his face returned to nature.

"Thousands of billions?" murmured to repeat her words.
