The Pengele Family In the World of American Comics

Chapter 123: Red Hood and Man Bat

This airflow, or what should be called a chopping wave, slashed at Grandi's neck at an extremely fast speed.


The outer skin that even the Blade of Lanying couldn't cut was easily torn by the chopper of the snake's eyes.

It wasn't until halfway through that the chopper used up its remaining energy and completely dissipated into nothingness.

Grundy's neck was chopped in half, and filthy, sticky dark mucus flowed from the half-severed neck.

It slumped to the ground completely, its eyes wide and motionless.

Grandi isn't dead, it doesn't mean it will move again, but Solomon Grandi, who doesn't know whether to call it a creature or not, is not dead at all.

After seven days, it will be reborn in the Slaughter Swamp.

Snake Eyes gasped silently, and the uniform behind him was soaked with sweat.

The sword just now seemed to be just a simple swing, but it was actually far from that simple.

He slashed hundreds of thousands of times in an instant, creating a strong air pressure, and the air pressure moved the air horizontally to form a wind with super cutting power, which is called the wind blade.

However, it was not the so-called wind blade that really hurt Grandi, but the various molecules in the air.

Rainfire is known to have calming properties that slow the movement of substances.

Then he can force the molecules that should be moving irregularly together from the microscopic level to form a "molecular knife" to cut objects at the molecular level.

The molecular knife formed in this way is not stable. With the decay of the rain flame, the aggregated molecules will be released from the stagnant state, and will re-run irregular movements in the air.

Therefore, Grandi's head will only be cut in half, which is the most powerful sword move of Snake Eye.

Because of the sound like an eagle chirping when swinging the sword at high speed, it was named Eagle Wave by the snake eye.

As for the breath of rain, it is a breathing method created by snake eyes.

Breathing is not a magical thing. Ancient martial arts schools in East Asia have their own set of breathing methods. (It exists in reality, it is not the same as a certain extinction)

Whether it is boxing or swordsmanship, breathing is the most important part of the practice.

It's just that the vast majority of breathing methods are simply to adjust breathing, and only a few mysterious forces have mastered breathing methods with special effects.

The Lanying Clan is naturally one of them. Snake Eyes used to practice the Lanying Breathing Technique.

But after getting the talent of Chaoli Yuyue, Snake Eyes gradually discovered many flaws in Lanying's breathing method.

So he decided to create a new breathing method by himself, and based on this breathing method, he created a new sword technique.

Yingbo is the first sword type of Breath of Rain, and will create the second and third types later...

Since the Snake Eye came to these realizations after becoming the Guardian of Rain, he named this breathing method "Rain".

Suddenly, Grandi's corpse dissolved eerily, and penetrated into the ground visibly to the naked eye.

"Is it dead?"

Wanda slowly landed beside Snake Eyes, suppressing Grandi all the time. She was not too tired, and there were dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

Snake Eye shook his head, judging from this situation, I am afraid that Grandi will be resurrected in a week.

"Wow, you guys got this big guy, nice job!"

At this moment, a red figure ran over at a speed of about fifteen meters per second and stopped in front of the two of them. It was Pietro.

"Where's the killer crocodile?"

The snake eyes didn't speak, and it was naturally Wanda who spoke.

"The Crocodile is trying to compete with me for endurance, and he wants to fight me when I'm exhausted."

Pietro smiled slightly, "But what he doesn't know is that I have been running continuously since I was ten years old, and I never miss any opportunity to exercise myself..."

On the other side, in the production area of ​​the industrial park.

The killer crocodile was dying, tied to a rigid post by chains.

He looked rather miserable, his entire back slammed into Pietro's human tornado, and the scales were as fragile as white paper, completely destroyed.

The back of the killer crocodile was a lake of flesh and blood, and many bones were exposed in many places. If it weren't for his super vitality, he would have died long ago.

"It was so close that I thought I would be the first to fall, but it turned out that I won."

Pietro wrapped his arms around him and made a conclusion.

The long chase with the killer crocodile consumed a lot of his physical strength, and now he can only run 30% of the speed of his heyday.

Rumble Rumble Rumble!

At this moment, a heavy mechanical sound came.

I saw ten huge tanks drove into the edge of the industrial park and surrounded the Pengali coalition and the black mask army in the melee.

The muzzles were aimed at the center of the crowd.

Not long ago, high in the sky.

Jason attracted the bat and two helicopters to an altitude of more than 1,000 meters.

I saw that Jason continued to output the flame of death with his left gun, which was used as a propeller to allow him to control the direction of flight.

The gun in the other hand kept firing at the enemy.

The air is the main battlefield of the bat. He can move flexibly, and it is not difficult to avoid Jason's attack.

And the human bat's attack on Jason mostly uses ultrasonic waves, or he suddenly rushed over to grab it and flew away, never fighting.

As for the other two helicopters, they deliberately kept a distance from Jason and did not approach the red hood.

They always engage Jason using the cannon's highest range, at which distance Jason can easily dodge attacks even if he is aiming at them.

The Red Hood easily destroying a helicopter was so vivid they didn't want to die.

Whenever Jason tried to get close to the helicopter, the bat would rush over to fight him, and it was annoying.

"Curt Longstone, I remember you've reformed, why help Black Mask?"

Jason stared at the bat and asked, he had no ill feelings for the doctor.

"You're not a bad person, you shouldn't be here now! It's too late to get out of here now!"

Hearing this, the figure of the human bat was obviously stagnant, and there was a strong sense of intolerance and helplessness in his eyes.

The emotion was captured keenly by Jason.

"What are you waiting for, Renbat? Kill him! Your wife and children are in the hands of the boss. We can rule the boss at any time. You are ineffective, and your family..."

Suddenly, the communicator in the bat's ear rang the voice of the helicopter pilot.

These two helicopters are not only helping the bat to deal with Jason, but also a means for the black mask to monitor the bat.

Once there is any sign of collusion between the bat and the enemy, the helicopter pilot will press the emergency button as soon as possible to let the accomplices guarding the Longstone family tear up the ticket.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this, but the black mask got my family."

The bat said to Jason with an apology, and then rushed over with open teeth and claws. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!